Bcmass trading/drug log during rehab


Trusted Member
Aug 23, 2018
Alrighty. Now to start, I’m recovering from a torn tricep. Tore it at the Canadian open powerlifting meet WITH MY FUCKIN OPENER!!!  Anyway, I ordered my first cycle since the meet. Cycle will look like this

1 gram test c

600 mg deca

75-100 mg dbol

this is low dose for me, I’m not afraid to Boston Loyd this shit. But I’ll be telling you how it goes. I’m not training at 100 % yet, but I am training well enough to

push for results.  Never ran a cycle using only one lab. No holds barred review

I will follow your log. So are these doses just a start and you will ramp them up as the cycle goes on? Do you cruise in between? CPF Nationals in Barrie? 

Alrighty. Now to start, I’m recovering from a torn tricep. Tore it at the Canadian open powerlifting meet WITH MY FUCKIN OPENER!!!  Anyway, I ordered my first cycle since the meet. Cycle will look like this

1 gram test c

600 mg deca

75-100 mg dbol

this is low dose for me, I’m not afraid to Boston Loyd this shit. But I’ll be telling you how it goes. I’m not training at 100 % yet, but I am training well enough to

push for results.  Never ran a cycle using only one lab. No holds barred review
Yea brother - can't wait to see how this goes for you

I will follow your log. So are these doses just a start and you will ramp them up as the cycle goes on? Do you cruise in between? CPF Nationals in Barrie? 
I will more likely ramp them

up a bit and add more compounds in. Still not ready to hit the platform. Still

working on getting my original

power back. Then improve of course from there. 

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Would you ever do madol or halo? Perfect for powerlifters like yourself 

i will absolutely be using those products in the near future. First to test out what dose I need, then during my next comp

prep. The bases will also be used as well as some of the tren (not sure if tnt, tri, ace, or enth) or a combo therof. 

My confidence in pushing exercises continues to grow as I did shoulders today. 3rd week back doing any pushing exercises at all, and I’m still

doing machines. Not for long though as I’m stacking the machines and repping  the shit out of them. Not surprising, but the tricep is holding well, which is the main thing at this time. I will have to remind myself to be careful as the dbol starts to play. I get strong fast on that stuff. Can’t wait. I’m excited to see what this cycle brings. I have not been off this long in, well, years. The TRT seems to have kept me from losing too much size (using bodytech sustanon for that). It maintained my body weight in the mid to high 280’s. 

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Anyone else contemplating an insulin shot before a massive turkey dinner tonight or is it just me

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Actually not a bad idea, I don’t know if I have any slin pins on hand lol
Wish I could do some graston on you hun! Some fascial stretch therapy. Love to come over one day and hit up XConditioning. I know I’m a BB so go easy on me lol! Love to come train with real equipment. I’ll bring my tools! Lol! Do you have any athletic therapist there?

Wish I could do some graston on you hun! Some fascial stretch therapy. Love to come over one day and hit up XConditioning. I know I’m a BB so go easy on me lol! Love to come train with real equipment. I’ll bring my tools! Lol! Do you have any athletic therapist there?
I’ll train with you any day. Im doing physio right now since I’m not training for a comp and have time. I don’t know if we even have an athletic therapist in town. My RMT is Tony Tomra, he digs right in. There are bodybuilders that train at X. There is a girl there trying to go from figure to physique. I also train at GoodLife. I’m rambling so im

going to end this post now. Lol

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Weighed in at gym today 292. Granted I feel like an overstuffed bean bag chair, but the weight is coming. That’s about 4 pounds in 4 days. Good ole dbol water weight. 

Great workout today. Chest day (obviously not heavy) but what a pump! Still at 292. I can feel my body wants to move more weight but the injury is holding me back. Like a race car stuck in 1st gear. So I did volume today. Had to add a 45 to the pec dec to get a challenge. Just waiting for the injectables to do their thing, 

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Small update. My blood pressure is higher since beginning the dbol. I may have to adjust the dose. Or the diet. We will see how I feel tomorrow

Alright. Feeling really agressive today so I aM happy it was back day. Weighed in at 294 tonight after a Saturday of hardly eating (my wife had a competition and I am a moron and did not bring food with me) and a lazy Sunday. Pretty impressed with the BT cycle I have just begun. 10 days in and have gained about 7 pounds.