Bcmass trading/drug log during rehab

New goodies came. Ment, madol, drol, test base, and test cyp 400. 

Pre workout cocktail for the day:

1 ml ment

1ml test base

2 dbol (last half of dose for day)

2 drol

4 madol

i train in two hours. Let the games begin

Results: I don’t know if it was the new stuff, but holy friggin killer pump today. As expected, strength is still climbing. Felt really good heading to the gym tonight. Head is still swimming with endorphins. 

Will keep you all posted on the addition of the ment into my protocol. 

Results: I don’t know if it was the new stuff, but holy friggin killer pump today. As expected, strength is still climbing. Felt really good heading to the gym tonight. Head is still swimming with endorphins. 

Will keep you all posted on the addition of the ment into my protocol. 
Thats friggin awesome nothing is better than extreme pumps...sounds like you got a good solid cycle down now.. 

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Imagine you did some injectable anabol 

Oddly, I didn’t grab any. But I did take a combo of dbol and anadrol. So essentially I did. 

Oddly, I didn’t grab any. But I did take a combo of dbol and anadrol. So essentially I did. 
I did a lot of reading on inj dbol and many top level people say they would never do a cycle without it. They feel as if the effects of injecting dbol out do taking the oral. Same way some people prefer injectable Winny 

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I remember reforvit b from back in the day, and I think I still have some OLD bodytech inj dbol somewhere in my stash (the old smelly guiocol stuff). But I wouldn’t mind trying the new mix you guys have. Also the igf is on the list of “to try”

I did a lot of reading on inj dbol and many top level people say they would never do a cycle without it. They feel as if the effects of injecting dbol out do taking the oral. Same way some people prefer injectable Winny 
Ya man, for me the inject stuff works better, I never do the oral anymore.

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Ment review. So far, my weight has stabilized at about 295, thank God. The ment leaves me so far feeling fuller all day, especially on waking. It is a daily shot, but who cares. That is all I can say for now. This stuff usually hits me well at week 2. 

Weight was 298 today. Holding water like a mofo. My strength and intensity were very high today, I think I strained my tricep doing back today. Luckily the strain feels like it is just the muscle not the tendons. So the cycle im on is

1 gram test c

600 mg deca

100 mg dbol

100 mg drol

1 ml ment/ day

1ml test base on training days.

40 mg madol on training days 

this is working very well. I’m gaining strength rapidly. I can’t keep the weight off ( yes I’m eating clean). Pretty happy with BT at this time

‘‘Twas leg day today. Nothing great to report, my weight was not impressive, but afterwords, felt like I squatted thousands of pounds. Lots of volume ( due to my damn non healing knee) we went up only 180 kg for box squats, but my training partner had his “ don’t give a fuck face” and made me rep out until I thought I was going to drop due to lack of oxygen. Then on to belt squats, then stiff leg deadlifts, and the glute- ham raise to finish off. And frig I was done. I was done at belt squats, could barely fire my legs to finish the sets. All I know at the moment is: I’m glad I’m sitting and I’ll be sore for the next 4-5 days. 

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‘‘Twas leg day today. Nothing great to report, my weight was not impressive, but afterwords, felt like I squatted thousands of pounds. Lots of volume ( due to my damn non healing knee) we went up only 180 kg for box squats, but my training partner had his “ don’t give a fuck face” and made me rep out until I thought I was going to drop due to lack of oxygen. Then on to belt squats, then stiff leg deadlifts, and the glute- ham raise to finish off. And frig I was done. I was done at belt squats, could barely fire my legs to finish the sets. All I know at the moment is: I’m glad I’m sitting and I’ll be sore for the next 4-5 days.

question. What is the best way to restore crashed gear? I’ve tried the old microwave and shake the fuck out of it routine. Doesn’t seem to do the trick. Ideas, wanna get back to using my test base

‘‘Twas leg day today. Nothing great to report, my weight was not impressive, but afterwords, felt like I squatted thousands of pounds. Lots of volume ( due to my damn non healing knee) we went up only 180 kg for box squats, but my training partner had his “ don’t give a fuck face” and made me rep out until I thought I was going to drop due to lack of oxygen. Then on to belt squats, then stiff leg deadlifts, and the glute- ham raise to finish off. And frig I was done. I was done at belt squats, could barely fire my legs to finish the sets. All I know at the moment is: I’m glad I’m sitting and I’ll be sore for the next 4-5 days.

question. What is the best way to restore crashed gear? I’ve tried the old microwave and shake the fuck out of it routine. Doesn’t seem to do the trick. Ideas, wanna get back to using my test base
One time I had crashed gear I brought a pot of water Right to point of it boiling and placed vial with It submersed to 3/4 before the top and let it sit for roughly 10 min the removed and shook the piss out of it. Worked well for me. 

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I have test base that crashes and I just heat it under the tap with hot water...works for me.

Body weight is DOWN 7pounds to 291. Haven’t much of an appetite lately and can’t even stomach chicken at all. Don’t know what the hell is happening but have felt weaker than usual this whole week. Quite pissed at the results this week

Ever had appetite loss from the drol before? Couple buddies of mine love it but have to force feed themselves because it destroys their appetite.