Bcmass trading/drug log during rehab

Ever had appetite loss from the drol before? Couple buddies of mine love it but have to force feed themselves because it destroys their appetite.
I agree with this. Adds weight to my lifts like crazy. But I can't eat and my bp is through the roof. I've done it where I split it into two doses before training with success

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As of late I have had to force in the food, it is quite hard to get in what I need. But anyway, training aside, which you are probably sick as fuck hearing about, my uh... hormones are getting the better of my judgement. There is a female in our training circle who I would love to watch squat naked. Anyway, the impulses, while controlled, are beginning to get very hard to control.  Pretty sure it is the ment. 

Other than that, training is as one would expect while running gear. 

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I’ll look into them. I have been relying a little more on protein supplements as of late. 

My old man that used to be a power lifter used to use dedicated liver pills to help him out I don’t know they still exist

1 Cup Pasturized Liquid Egg Whites

1 Cup Almond Milk 

1 Scoop Protein Powder

1/4 Cup Peanut Butter

1 Banana

3 x Day

The iron guru Vince Gironda swore by desiccated liver pills. And ya you can still get them
They’re great just make sure you take fiber of some kind if you’re taking a bunch. I remember making that mistake when I was young first lifting

That sounds like something to trttry
I do this but I use coconut milk and no banana, it is delicious. If you get coconut milk get the concentrate powder it tastes better and is more consistent than the canned kind.

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So I haven’t been on a few days, busy as work. But, last I hit the 300 pound mark, thanks to all for the suggestions. They helped. I feel very strong, but I am holding water (good ole anadrol lol). 

The ment is good for sure. I ALWAYS feel full and vascular (not bad for a waterlogged mf’er like myself right now). 

Back to happy again

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Still around 300 pounds. 405 barbell rows flew up with ease tonight. Was going to go to 455, but GoodLife bars have no bloody knurling on them and even with wrist straps my grip was giving. Good workout tonight, can’t say enough good stuff about the bodytech gear im running. 

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Awesome! I'd say you're carrying your weight well being on those dosages. 

Still around 300 pounds. 405 barbell rows flew up with ease tonight. Was going to go to 455, but GoodLife bars have no bloody knurling on them and even with wrist straps my grip was giving. Good workout tonight, can’t say enough good stuff about the bodytech gear im running. 
I agree bodytech gear rocks i love it too...wow 300lbs damn your a big guy and damn strong thats awesome....

Just a quick discussion about the test base. Ok, so yeah, I really like this stuff at 2ml per day. Like really like it. Pumps are ridiculous and my intensity is really high on this. 

How is your cycle coming around bro? 
I have been very happy with the results. I don’t usually gain a lot of weight on cycle anymore, but I went up fast. That dbol is some of the beat ugl dbol I’ve tried. I’ve kept the test c and deca steady. Although I’m thinking of upping it a bit pretty soon. The test base should be in everyone’s aresenal. I need more of that and will be ordering as soon as I can. I want to try your halo. And if that halo/madol mix comes out, seriously just send it to me, I’ll pay when I get it. My weight is a steady 296-300 all the time.  Was going to get some eq for appetite, but think I changed my mind. Also want to try the igf. 

Very happy with the results so far. 

Okay fellow lifters. I have ordered more test base, some Halo and igf des. I have never tried any form of igf before and am pumped to see this in action. A friend of mine loves the LR3 version. I will be logging the effects. So far my impression

test cyp: good

deca: good

test base: good, love this stuff, I hope it comes NOT CRASHED this time.

madol. Gave me more endurance than sheer mad strength. Will try again

Ment. Will order again, infact should have put some on this order. 

Dbol: good. Will order again. Some of the best ugl dbol ive tried, and I have tried almost all of them. Rapid weight and strength gain for me. 

Drol: I preferred the dbol, 

some of this stuff you don’t realize what it’s doing until you are off. This is true for the ment and test base for me. 

Keep on cranking good stuff guys, the real test will be the tren come comp prep. Tren ace makes me strong as fuck and just as mean. I’ll know in 2 weeks if it’s good. 

Any advice on igf des dosing? I’ve read all sorts of stuff. Ranges from 50-150 mcg per shot. Shots multiple times per day? Shots right pre workout. Bi lateral to it doesn’t matter it’s systemic. Im

leaning towards 100-150 mcg into the muscle being worked immediately preworkout?? Thoughts?