German's Log


Trusted Member
Dec 17, 2018
This is more for me, than you, but y'all can join the ride if you'd like.

This is to keep me active here and, maybe help some ladies along the way.

A little about me:
I am about to be 30.  I've been using AAS on and off since I was about 22.  I moved to the USA when I was 24, got married, had a child. Breast feed. until I was 26. Hormone free for about two, maybe three years.  I got back on and back to the gym and have been going strong since December 2016. 

I have used, dbol, androl, var, winny, primo, bold cyp, superdrol, TNE, Tren base, tbol, NPP, um... i've tried cialis but, that was more for BP purposes. I think thats it? I can't think of anything else. 

I've been through a lot of ups and downs the past year. I recently escaped a very abusive relationship. which, changed my entire cycle/plan for 2018.  Ultimately, I ended up just riding a bulk out longer than I intended.  Which, is okay, maybe that's what I really needed to do.  This past summer i did 8 weeks of bold cyp and damn, let me tell you, i fuckin loved bold cyp.  I just wish I would've saved it for the winter and ran NPP in the summer.  It's okay, it was a learning lesson. In September 2018 I decided that I was going to maintain most of my gains by running a low dose of var.  So, I've been running var at 10mg a day since, still am and, I've added NPP at 100mg/wk since the beginning of December. I'll wrap this up here by the end of this month and slowly phase into a cut... post cut. that's when I would like to try tren.    

I know, I know. you guys are thinking. girl and tren? what the fuck... Trust me, I wouldn't be the first, nor the last.  I planned on running tren at 30mg/wk.  And just see where it takes my physique. and where it takes my strength.  I would love to try some slin as well and Gh but, I can't afford GH at the moment so, that will have to wait for a bit. 

Current Stats:
170 to 175 lbs
I'm guessing I'm at like 20% bodyfat. 

Yes, I am thicc. I do love my thickness and, kinda don't want to lose much of it. 

I try and hit roughly 2000 calories but, i've been having a hard time getting that in (Wish i brought my bold cyp over).. I just checked my macros and I was only at 1800 cals so, I gotta eat one more time.  I do try and keep my split, 45% Protein. 30% Fats and 25% Carbs. but, since I've been having a hard time eating sometimes, the fats and, carbs don't stay where I'd like them to stay. At that point it's just hitting calories. I stick to IIFYM type of dieting. it's what works best for me.

Pictures.  I'll post some up.  Feel free to ask anything just, keep it respectful.

Oh, my goal. my overall goal, look good and be strong.  I combine both powerlifting and bodybuilding together. I consider myself a hybrid lifter. I love my squats, love deadlifts.. I stay away from benching because of a shoulder injury but... then, i love the fucking pump I get when bodybuilding.  I typically post my workouts but, lately it's been hard for me to log them.  since, I don't really carry my phone around at this gym, wifi only hits so far. 

Alright, I think that's it? lol.  I'll dig a couple pictures up to get this thread rolling. 

New Years Eve


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Nice work!! Glad we’ve got more experienced women on here that can help out others.  Looking great keep up the awesome work!

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Thanks guys.. it's been a work in progress. 

I'll post my macros up in a bit. Just a busy day today. 

Welcome to the board. Glad to see more experienced ladies who break the aas bs spewed up by people. Will be following 

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