Gyms reopening


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Oct 26, 2018
Hey fellas... when do you think we'll get em reopened... over two months of no gym for me has been hell 😞

Anyone hear anything? I know some businesses are about to reopen...

My take on it it probably not before June since it's not an essential business..

Lets be honest though, with the amount of fat people walking around gyms should be an essential business lol

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As far as BC goes, it will be in the third stage, between June and September. And only if the numbers don't climb.

Irks me when out of shape people tell me to "stay safe" or my ultimate piss off "stay healthy".

 Guess what fat fucks.... i was safe and way more healthy than you before this bs all started.  
Exactly!  And don't fucking tell me what's essential to me.   Garden centres more important than gyms?  Never ceases to amaze me how spectacularly stupid government is.

I'm in Ontario and it seems like we are being on the cautious side but I hope they view gyms for what they are both a mental and physical health facility. Looking around the world you see a couple different views on this, places like Georgia opening gyms in the first phase because of the positive effect on physical and mental health. Other places view gyms as a place with large groups and hard to keep clean thus high risk.

I'd love to see them open June 1. I have some stuff at home which is helping me maintain body fat and the size of my arms and shoulders but my legs are shriveling up and they don't have much size to spare.

Well my ass got fucking fat and it affects not just my physical health but my mental health. It's always been my spot to unleash and feel better. I could have the worst day at work and I would feel great after lifting weights.

Over two months of no exercise has me in a noodle. First month I wanted to punch people out. Seconds+ month now... I gave up and feel shit. No end in sight. I'm depressed about it man.

I legit got fat and obviously lost muscle mass... and strength. Not feeling good about it at all... I wish I had the space to build my own hoome gym but that will never happen.

All i've been doing is work, netflix and bad food (can't help it, dopamine addiction, at least before I'd smash heavy weights and eat just collecting it like a tire around the waist lol)

Gyms in my area may be open early in two weeks, depends on covid 19#s.  all gyms will require 2 m distance, up to business owners to Implement, everyone’s gym is different therefore no #s on capacity.  If an outbreak is found to come from a gym it will be bad news, but most gyms I go to the owners and Patrons keep them pretty clean that you could eat off the equipment. Keep to your bubble, wash your hands And everyone soon should be good to go soon. 

its hard to say, and it sounds like the larger chains may even postpone it longer, or so it would seem by the statements put out by goodlife and others. 

Even when they open it may be a nightmare, limited occupancy, having to book appointment times to workout, etc.. if we are lucky the average sheep and the usual space wasters that hang out in the gym will be too scared to come and those of us that actually workout and train hard will not suffer. 

I'm in Ontario and it seems like we are being on the cautious side but I hope they view gyms for what they are both a mental and physical health facility. Looking around the world you see a couple different views on this, places like Georgia opening gyms in the first phase because of the positive effect on physical and mental health. Other places view gyms as a place with large groups and hard to keep clean thus high risk.

I'd love to see them open June 1. I have some stuff at home which is helping me maintain body fat and the size of my arms and shoulders but my legs are shriveling up and they don't have much size to spare.
i believe its switzerland or sweden who kept everything open. They only urgen older people to stay home,kept schools open etc. 

its hard to say, and it sounds like the larger chains may even postpone it longer, or so it would seem by the statements put out by goodlife and others. 

Even when they open it may be a nightmare, limited occupancy, having to book appointment times to workout, etc.. if we are lucky the average sheep and the usual space wasters that hang out in the gym will be too scared to come and those of us that actually workout and train hard will not suffer. 
you will be working out in a cubicle that will reek of odor and be full of bacteria but the sheep will think thats the best way to do it

P.S no air filteration either so we can all breathe in all of that shit together like a chemical mix of death

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its hard to say, and it sounds like the larger chains may even postpone it longer, or so it would seem by the statements put out by goodlife and others. 

Even when they open it may be a nightmare, limited occupancy, having to book appointment times to workout, etc.. if we are lucky the average sheep and the usual space wasters that hang out in the gym will be too scared to come and those of us that actually workout and train hard will not suffer. 
If I'm still working from home when the gyms open I don't mind making an appointment but if not I'm sure the 6-9pm slots will be hard to come by.

If I'm still working from home when the gyms open I don't mind making an appointment but if not I'm sure the 6-9pm slots will be hard to come by.
Right before this whole thing went down our gym had a 50 person capacity in place and you just came and checked if you could get in, if not put your name down, and I never waited longer than 45 min in the peak hours. I mean an extra 45 is still shitty, but definitely could be worse given the circumstances.

I assume once they re open it’ll be much the same. 

if we are lucky the average sheep and the usual space wasters that hang out in the gym will be too scared to come and those of us that actually workout and train hard will not suffer. 
This is what it was like here. The gym was a ghost town for the first few weeks after it re-opened.

still no word of gyms in here or in the document or am I missing something.

If I work from home I may be able to book a specific time slot... and then return home to work. but i dont know i am going to be attending our company's conference call this friday to hear where our company is heading.

I go LA fitness btw so its a big chain, not sure how they'll pan out.. maybe some ppl wioll be too scared to go too lol so thatll be great less crowded gyms

friend of mine told me... gyms may not open until next year that's fucking depressing...

friend of mine told me... gyms may not open until next year that's fucking depressing...
There's no way Im waiting till next year lol, that's fucking depressing 😞 My motivation is going down everyday.. Tired of doing home workouts, I want to lift heavy shit

I don't see it being a year, but July or August would not surprise me. A few won't open up at all, so make sure you check the local gyms for cheap equipment if they are closing for good.

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