Gyms reopening

I don't see it being a year, but July or August would not surprise me. A few won't open up at all, so make sure you check the local gyms for cheap equipment if they are closing for good.
For real.
Plus a lot those people looking to unload all/some the stuff they bought to tide them over. could be a lot of equipment for cheap soon enough if you’ve got the cash and the room. 

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Friend of mine tols me he heard some gyms may be reopening next week is this true

Government of Ontario just extended the emergency order until June 9. Don't think it's likely we'll hear any good news before then. It's really looking like July at the earliest and August as a more likely date.

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I got a message from GL that our gyms in BC and NB Might open June  22, however other gyms in NB May open June 5, however this was pushed back from May 29 now to June 5. 

“The first Club we have a tentative reopening date for is the Charlottetown Belvedere Plaza in PEI that is scheduled to open on Monday, June 15. The P.E.I. government communicated several weeks ago that restrictions for gyms will be lifted on Friday, June 12 the timeline for phased reopening has been increased and gyms are permitted to open on June 1. However, to ensure our Clubs meet The GoodLife Standard we will be sticking with our June 15 date and look forward to welcoming our PEI Members back on that day!,“


i saw a bunch of posts for fitness365 but I am not near that gym that they’re rebuilding the entire facility and will be reopening with a bunch of covid related rules and safeties etc but no exactdate

nothing from la fitness chain which is what I’m waiting on..

When you guys do get back into it, if they have mask rules in place, be careful. I have almost blacked out a few times now due to the air-restriction. 

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When you guys do get back into it, if they have mask rules in place, be careful. I have almost blacked out a few times now due to the air-restriction. 
Was wondering about this. Masks are a stupid idea for any sort of fitness related operation - just no.

Doesn't look like GoodLife is requiring masks on a corporate level which is good. That doesn't mean a provincial government can't force all gyms to do it regardless.

Gentlemen, based off of Goodlife's corporate communication, going to the gym is gonna suck... a lot. Have to book gym time with an app in advance. Can only work out for one hour max. One workout a day. Need to keep distance and follow the arrows. And every hour the gym shuts down for cleaning for 30 minutes. 

I wish I lived in a house with a garage or basement... then I could build a home gym.

Mask are only mandatory if 2m distance can’t be kept, I think it was a good idea for goodlife not make the mask mandatory, reason, too many people touch their god dam mask and touch everything else, making all surface highly contaminated. I get it, mask are uncomfortable, I used to wear one at work for couple years.  I agree the one hour appointment will suck. Do you know if must gyms are going be running at reduce hours?

Mask are only mandatory if 2m distance can’t be kept, I think it was a good idea for goodlife not make the mask mandatory, reason, too many people touch their god dam mask and touch everything else, making all surface highly contaminated. I get it, mask are uncomfortable, I used to wear one at work for couple years.  I agree the one hour appointment will suck. Do you know if must gyms are going be running at reduce hours?
Are you speaking of a province? In Canada masks are not mandatory under any circumstance.

I dread the opening weeks of big gyms. I am glad I invested in a home gym. Its going to be a messy time!

Are you speaking of a province? In Canada masks are not mandatory under any circumstance.
Sorry, this is up to each province , and if not stated by the province could be still recommended by the gym. So different rules apply to each province,. 2m rule may not apply to family and friends, each province different on group size and gatherings.  wait and see, 

Any updates on dates in ontario

Alberta gyms are allowed to open this Friday (12th). 2 m distance. But it’ll be up to each gym to decided if they’re gonna open on that date. Some here aren’t opening till next week. Heard good life is t gonna open till July 1st. 
haven’t heard anything from my gym. Hoping it’s at least next week...

The big ones may be as late as September opening. Or so some of the people I know who supply and sell equipment to them say. I sure hope not.

I know my friends who own PT gyms will be opening soon since they operate underthe 10 person limits, but ones like goodlife, la fitness, world gym and movati will have to wait for the next phase. 

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Any updates on dates in ontario
This is from Fit4Less in Ontario...

Group 1: Monday, June 29

Northern Ontario & Eastern Ontario (including Ottawa)

Group 2: Monday, July 6

Southwestern Ontario (excluding Windsor, Chatham and Sarnia) 

Group 3: Monday, July 13

Golden Horseshoe (including GTA) & Southern Ontario