Keto while on cycle log


May 28, 2020

i posted in the AAS board about any interest in posting a cycle log while running the keto diet.  There’s not a whole lot of good info or real life experiences out there on the net.  Mostly bro science and the whole “you can’t gain muscle without carbs bro” bullshit.   I personally have utilized a no carb diet many times in my 15 years of lifting and have had impressive results while on gear, bulking and cutting.  Originally I was going to wait until my next cycle to start a detailed log of keto while on gear.  But after discussing it with my wife, who just had a baby back in March, she is wanting to go keto ASAP to lose the post baby weight.  Keto being the only diet she can stick to with success, and me being her partner in crime, am supportive and have started today.

i have about 3 weeks left of my deca, so about 5 more weeks of it being peaked in my system.   I am currently on 900mg test e, with 500mg deca. Once my body kicks into ketosis, I will be adding this oil based injectable dbol that keeps taunting me to aid on pumps and fullness while on no carbs.  I havnt fully put together my next cycle yet, but I may dabble in some SARMs since I’ve never tried them.

my wife is still breast feeding so her diet will be tuned more for that.

i plan on 3500-4K cals with 30% protein, 65% fat and 5% carbs, but that’s not religious depending on what my protein intake looks like on any given day.  I’m still in bulk mode.

fats will be from animal sources, MCT oil, olive oil, grass fed butters, and natural cheeses.

proteins will be from grass fed beef, pork, chicken, salmon, natural cheeses etc.

i will post full days of eating, training, supplements etc.

next post will be later tonight after training deltoids with a starting pic and eating.

Ok, day one.

i know my body well and the best way to get into ketosis as quick as possible as this is not my first rodeo.  I did fast until 4pm today, with my last meal yesterday being at midnight.  So I know my macros won’t hit the mark today, but that’s ok.

broke fast at 4pm with a shake with 1scoop whey, 2 raw eggs, and 2tbsp of MCT oil.  Brings it to 36g protein, 40g fat and 4g carbs.  Brings it to 500 cals.

meal 1.  6oz beef stew meat, 1 cup riced cauliflower, 2tbsp fresh salsa.  35g protein, 20g fat, 4 carbs.  I’m guessing right around the 500 cal mark


dumbell lateral raises






50x8 with a drop set of 35x10

wide grip cable high rows





180x8 with drop set 100x12

seated dumbell shoulder press




130x8 with drop set 90x8

bent over rear delt raises





60x4 full reps with partials til failure

did some range of motion work with some bands

last exercise was burn out on shoulder press machine

100lbs til failure

post workout nutrition was the same shake stated above.

scale said 240 this morning when I woke up.  I will probably have another big meal and a few snacks to hit at least 250 protein.  Not too worried about calories and fat intake today or tomorrow.   I’ll be able to fine tune all of that once my body goes into ketosis

Post workout pic, and starting pic of the diet change


Nice. This has me interested. Looking forward to see how you do on this. 

Day 2.   Definitely feeling the carb depletion, and lethargy today.  But that is to be expected.  I’m a little moody as my body is still addicted to carbs lol.  Hoping to be in ketosis by the weekend.

i ate pretty good so far today, it’s 7:30pm here and just wrapped up my dinner/post workout meal.   I havnt crunched my macros yet, but I would say I’m at around 3k cals and 230g protein so far.  Carbs are under 20.  I’ll have one more meal and snack before bed as well.

today was back day.  I decided to do volume over lifting heavy to really squeeze those carbs out.

atlantis plate loaded pull down machine

1plate x10 with all 3 grips (30 reps)

2 plates x10 with all 3 grips (30 reps)

3 plates x8 with all 3 grips (24 reps)

no resting between grip changes

chest supported t-bar plate loaded machine

1 plate x15 with all 3 grips (45 reps)

2 plates x15 with all 3 grips (45 reps)

3 plates x10 with all 3 grips (30 reps)

4 plates x7 with all 3 grips (21 reps)

no rest between grip changes

barbell rows wither supernated grip



315x10 with 225x10 drop set

finished up with wide neutral grip pull downs

150 to failure

decided to get a little bicep pump with a few sets of alternating dumbell curls with hammer curl supersets.

sweated like a pig, and was limping throw the bicep curls, but still got a good pump.

ill do another weigh in and pick tomorrow after chest.

Hit chest today.  Scale said 238 this morning before any meals, I can definitely tell I’ve lost some water.  It’s 3:15 pm right now and I’ve got about 2500 cals, 200 protein and <20 carbs in me so far.

it was hella nice this morning so I grilled a bunch of chicken and steak.

little recipe for you

3oz chicken breast sliced

3oz steak sliced

half avocado cubed 

2oz aged white cheddar cheese

2 tbsp fresh pico

half green pepper and half small yellow onion sautéed in 2tbsp olive oil

put a good bunch of fresh spinach on a plate, add peppers, onion, meat, cheese, and pico. Add 1tbsp of MCT oil  and boom, my low carb anabolic salad.  

I am not as lethargic today as I was yesterday, still a little moody.   Didn’t sleep the best last night.  I’ll pee on a keto stick in the morning and see where I’m at.   Felt strong in the gym and still got a good pump thanks to the anabolics in my system.  As stated before if I start losing fullness and pumps I’ll be adding oil based injectable dbol in at 50mg eod.

chest day

did some range of motion stuff with some bands to get the joints warmed up.

incline dumbell press





135x6 with 90x10 drop set

flat dumbell fly press 1/2 reps to keep tension and working on outer pec sweep




incline Atlantis plate loaded press machine at 37 degree angle 

1 plate x 20

2 plates x 15

3 plates x 12

4 plates to failure with drop sets taking a plate off each time til failure 

compound cable flys, cables at high position

80lbs for 4 sets

8 reps crab pose, 8 reps most muscular pose = one set

burned out doing ladder push ups working down the smith machine positions.

I’ve been thinking about my next cycle.  After this deca is out I will bring my test back down to maintenance for a few weeks, while keeping the keto diet (fullness comes back around 8 weeks of keto).  I think this log and progress can be a very good source of info for people who need a lower carb diet, or those who have become insulin resistant and need to reset their bodies.   I was thinking

10weeks of 400 tren e, 400 mast e, 600 equipoise.  Havnt decided on an oral yet, and would like to introduce a SARM for the first time.   Any thoughts?


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I ran LGD-4033 a year ago and I felt so fucking good on it, I only paired it with 500mg of Test E for 10 weeks and Ive made more gains than a cycle of Test and Deca.

For orals the one I like the most is winny, but yeah pretty harsh on the joints, I wouldnt pair it with tren tbh, maybe something else like anadrol? 

Def give a try to LGD-4033 I think you would be impressed

I can always get tren ace to throw in at the end of the cycle too.  I’ve heard some good things about LGD-4033.  I just don’t know any guys personally who have ran anything other than “poor mans hgh”.    I like me some winny, if I run it, I’ll run it at a lower dose behind something like dbol just for the synergy.    While I’m running this diet, I’m not super worried about the wet compounds as it won’t bloat me all too bad. 

for anyone who’s never ran a keto type diet with something like dbol, or anadrol, or even some of the bulking injectabls, I think you would be surprised with the results.

i did piss on a stick this morning and producing quite a bit of ketones, so I can safely say my body in transitioning quite quickly into ketosis.  Still feeling big and full today,  and I contribute that to the high test and deca.  A lot of guys will shy away from this diet because they are afraid they will get flat and performance will suffer.  Now that is definitely the case while off cycle for the first 6 weeks or so.  But the pumps and fullness come back after 8 weeks (for me anyway) and it’s just a completely different lean and full look than what you’re used to. 

ive got glutes, hams and will probably get some arms and trap work in this evening. (Dead shrugs for the win)   So far I’m not feeling any need for the dbol, but that could definitely change after the weekend doing larger muscle groups and really deplete more glycogen.  

feeling really good today.  Kind of bummed about not getting a cheat meal in this weekend, but I will incorporate 1 cheat meal a week after week2 of the diet change, will do cheat meal before my leg days.   I’ve got hams, glutes today, quads and calves tomorrow. And will throw in some other things depending on time and energy levels.   Quad days are super high volume for me.

ill post my work out and intake later this evening.  But I’ll definitely do some more research on that SARM and my next cycle will be through bodytech.  Will be my first time running their products and will be giving a detailed review when that time comes.

Glutes and hammies tonight. Knocked out some arms while I was at it.

still feeling good.  I’ve lost some water but still feel full and still getting a decent pump.

ate good today.  Took the family out for mexican food tonight,  I opted for the combo fajita salad. Steak, chicken, shrimp, chorizo, with vegis, cheese, pico, avocado, and salsa on a bed of lettuce.

finished out at right under 4K cals, 312 protein and 30 carbs.  I might have a midnight snack of some kick ass elk sausage my neighbor made from his hunt up north.

i realized I havnt put my injection schedule in, or my supplements.  I take 300 test, 250 deca wednesday, and Friday, then my last 300 test on Sunday. 900 test, 500 deca.  As far as supplements, I’m quite basic.  I take animal pak multi vitamins from animal nutrition (they are easy on my belly compared to other brands).  I take 3000mg fish oil, 20g of collagen protein, 2 scoops of cookie cutter super greens powder.  And that’s it.  Pretty simple.  I never really bought into the BCAA fad, as I think it’s a waste of money if you know anything about nutrition.  On occasion I’ll take a good stim free pre workout, right now I’m out, but I do like species nutrition stim free.


standing single leg curl machine




80x10 with drop set of 40x12

leg press with wide stance, heals as far up as I can

2 plates x20





12plates to failure.  No drop sets, started feeling too much quad.

Stiff leg dead lift, back at a slight forward angle with chest up at the top position with a shrug at the top. Not fully upright, the shrug hits the lower and mid trap




275x8. Was tired, these are killer for the hams, glutes, lower back and traps if you’ve never done them

reverse hyper extensions

45x10 for 5 sets

got a good arm pump, 3 bicep and 3 tricep exercises.  I’ll put a good detailed arm workout in on my next arm day.  

my ass and my lower back are on fire tonight.  Hams are still super pumped as well and got that weird walk going on lol

Alright guys.  I took sunday as a rest day.  Hit quads yesterday and delts today

feeling awesome.  Mental clarity and energy definitely came in.  Been hitting my calorie and protein marks with ease while staying under 50g carbs a day..

still feeling full, but definitely lost the water.  Pumps are still good, but I may be adding in that injectable dbol soon.  The scale said 235 today. Looking leaner, but lifts are still steadily going up.    I hit a bit of an old school style delt workout today.   

monday. Quads.

started off with hack squats with feet in a lower position on the platform.  As far down as I could go that my ankles could still be comfortable.

1 plate (each side) x20. Nice and slow to get everything warmed up and stretched

2 plates x10

3 plates x6

4 plates x6

5 plates x6

squats with safety bar (bar with pads around neck with handles in front). I like this bar for quad work because it’s a different feel than a regular bar and you can swing the weights more forward 





405x4 with drop set 225x8

leg extensions

150 to failure with drop set of 75 to failure

leg press with balls of feet at the very bottom of platform 

6 plates to failure, 3 minute rest, to failure again.

10 min rest,  legs are now useless.

went outside and did walking lunges from one end of parking lot back.  About 200 feet, then 200 feet back.

laid around for a minute.  Then very carefully lowered myself into my car lol.

delts.  Went old school.

did a rack run on lateral raises

25lb-50lb 6-8 reps each, and then back down. Havnt done that in a while and the pump was insane, you can see it in the pics lol

seated barbell military press




275x7 25 sec rest, 3 more reps.  25 sec rest, 2 more reps

took a yoga pad, bent over and rested my head against the pat against the wall.  Body is at 90* angle, back parallel to floor.  
barbell with 135lbs.  Towed to chest til failure for 3 sets.  Epic rear delt pump

last set I did a monster set.   40lb dumbells, and 60lb pre lodes ez bar.

seated lateral raises to failure, seated rear delt raises to failure with dumbells.  Stood up and did high rows with the pre loaded ez bar til failure.  No rest between sets.

shoulders were done after that.  So I went over to the preacher curl machine and got a nice bicep pump.

i havnt got a delt pump like that is quite a while.

can definitely tell I’ve dried out in the 7 days I’ve been on keto, but pumps are still there.


Ate good today.  Got up early and grilled up a bunch of chicken thighs while I let the dog run.  I love grilled thighs with buffalo sauce, tastes just like big meaty hot wings.  

appetite was a little off today, but I still finished above the 4K calorie Mark.  Had an extra shake with a few tablespoons of good grape seed oil to help hit the macros.  Still under 50cabs.  I have a pretty fast metabolism, and when I’ve been in ketosis for a while I can usually get away with close to 100g of carbs a day and still be in ketosis.  So I’ll definitely start incorporating more penutbutter and such in my diet in a few weeks.

i decided to do pizza for a cheat meal this weekend before legs.  That will put me at close to 2 weeks on the no carb diet.  I usually incorporate one good cheat meal a week on a keto diet, usually timed around leg day.  Gives me something to look forward to, and I can usually shift back into ketosis a day or 2 later.

did back today,  can definitely tell I’m carb depleted, no biggie, just took a little longer rest periods between sets.  Intensity and strength is still there.  Scale said 236 this morning before meals.  I’m liking what I see in the mirror though.

warmed the joints up with some range of motion stuff with bands

seated pulldowns with wide grips.  Was alternating pulling to chin and pulling to lower chest to get everything warmed up.





same exercise but with reverse grip, hands about shoulder with apart





chest supported t-bar plate loaded machine.  Using close grips,  really trying to build lat and mid back thickness lately.


2plate x 12

3plate x 12

4 plate x8 with double drop set 3plates to failure, 2 plates to failure

bent over dumbell rows




110x 8 with drop set of 80 to failure

dunbell pullovers 

60lbx12 did 4 sets with same weight.

last exercise was the plate loaded Atlantis pull down machine

2 plates on each side until failure.  Did 3 sets

nothing crazy today, but still pretty good workout!

Sorry about being a day off.  Been busy here, wife has been putting in a lot of hours, and with my schedule, I get a lot of time home.   Been thinking about the craziness of the last couple years.  How I wasn’t super consistent with diet and training last year.   Coming up on 10 months sober, which is an awesome accomplishment for me.  The wife said I could get a new motorcycle on my 1 year sober Mark, so super stoked for that.   I started hitting it hard again this past may.   Started this bulk cycle then.   Went from a chubby 260-265 before I started, and the scale is saying 237 this morning.   Most of that is just eating clean again.  I do have a great metabolism going for me, which also makes it difficult to add muscle.

I went from no abs and a fat ass to pretty lean, all while eating big and training like an animal.  I found myself getting aggravated on someone’s post and knew I needed to take a step back.  I reflected about it, and realize that I have made this progress due to my work ethic.  Sure I’m on cycle, which is definitely giving me an edge, but AAS make me want to work that much HARDER, it’s not magic, like some people seem to think.

rant over..  lol..  closing in on week 2 of the keto diet.  Energy is up, strength still up, still getting a good pump, but the pump fades pretty quick.   Noticing I’m getting a little more sore than normal after workouts.    Calories are still above the 4K mark.  Protein around 300g staying below 50g carbs.   I get pizza tomorrow for cheat, and I feel like a little kid about it lol

on to the good stuff

thursday was chest day.  Feeling strong and beastly.

warmed up and stretched the chest out with some bands.

incline dumbell press





135 (heaviest dumbells my gym has) got 10 reps, could have pinched out a couple more.

dumbell flys with a slight decline, 1/2 reps to keep more tension, working on outer chest sweep.  Elbows bent, almost like a fly press position



65x10. Really fealt it on this set and decided to not over do it, I’ve torn my left pec with these before.

incline barbell press

225 until right before failure. 30second rest, 6 more reps, 20sec rest 3 more hard reps.

flat bench plate loaded Atlantis machine

1 plate each side x 12

2 plates x 12

3 plates x 10

4 plates x 8

drop sets all the way back down taking a plate off each time and switching up the grips, went to failure until 1 plate left and did 12 reps.

chest was done after that but did a burnout with cable flys at the high position, crab most muscular pose holding for 3 secs at bottom of the rep, I think I got about 8 with 80lbs

today was arm day.  I did mostly dumbell work for biceps, triceps were still pretty sore from doing chest yesterday.

tricep pulldowns with V handle.

80x40. Warming up, walking in and back for different range of motion.

120x 15

160x 12

180x 12

220x 12 with drop set 160x12

rope over head tricep extensions

60x 20



120x10. Shoulder was giving me trouble on last set 

dumbell alternating curls




55x 10

no rest after last set and went directly into hammer curls

25x12.   Burning

35x10. Really burning

45x10 had to cheat last 2 reps

55x 6. Had a bit of a swing going on.

concentration curls, I don’t support my elbow on these but lean over and grab the top row of dumbells giving my arm a bit of swing room.  (Arnold style from pumping iron)

decided to go lower weights with slow and controlled reps, with a good 1.5 sec squeeze at the top



45x10, had to swing out the last 2 reps.

last exercises I super settled between the plate loaded preacher curl machine, and the seated dips machine, alternating my hand placement with each set on both

dip machine

4plates x12

6 plates x 12

8plates x 12. Drop sets back down

plate loaded preacher curl machine

1plate x 12

2plates x 12

3 plates x 12

4 plates x 12 with about 6 partials and then drop set back down.

last 2 exercises I went from dips, to curls, back and forth with no rest between.  

was over all a good workout.  

I took the day off.  Scale still the same this morning but really starting to dry out.  At this point seems to be more of a “gaintain” than a bulk anymore lol.   That’s ok.  Definitely exceeded my expectations from where I started at.  Still going to keep on this diet with my wife, she’s seeing some good results, and still producing more than enough milk.  And as a benefit, baby hasn’t had a diaper rash since she started!!  Could be a fluke, or could be contributed to the diet, but that’s all the more motivation for my wife, it’s definitely a win, win in her eyes.     

looks like I’ve got 250mg left of the deca which will be my dose next week.  The week following I will start to taper down my test to about 150 a week for a while before putting together my next cycle.   Still have quite a way to go if I plan on stepping on the stage in the spring,  I definitely need more thickness in my arms and lats, chest is looking to be lacking too.  

I did get my pizza this evening.  It was soooo amazing, and I’ve been sweating every since lol. I’ve got legs in the morning, then will be mowing my lawn after, supposed to be hot and humid as balls tomorrow so I’ll be sweating all those carbs out lol.   

I did take a side profile pic last night I forgot to add with my post,  I definitely got a hell of a lot more lean than I expected with this cycle while adding on a good amount of lean tissue.  I’m pretty happy.


Laying awake in bed, been talking to my bro about our next cycle.  We usually run about the same things, almost like a friendly competition, as well as suggestions to each other for lacking body parts, sides, diet, etc.  he’s been my best friend for 20 years now.    We got to talking, we both love deca.  And we havnt ran a deca/tren cycle is quite some time.   Now before any inexperienced nay sayers chime in that have never than this cycle do to the “information on the internet”  it really isn’t that crazy running them together.  Yes there are different sides that can come up such as DHT and progesterone, but at mild doses it isn’t too bad.  We have both had amazing results with deca/tren cycles.  And the effect on the physique is crazy.   Deca takes away that tren flatness, so the results are a huge full and shredded look.  It’s a very fun cycle to run, but I would never suggest it to anyone who hasn’t ad a few tren and a few deca cycles under their belt first, as there are a few things that can come up that can jack you up if you don’t know what your doing.   Now my bro is massive, 5’7 240 lbs with abs.  Definitely a little mass monster.  I blame his genetics and my metabolism lol.  Anyway.  We were thinking of running

400-600 test

300 deca

400 tren

25mg ED winny (for dht issues and synergy)

blast some dbol at the start, probably a mild 30-40mg ED

1mg Arimidex EOD

.5mg caber weekly, but we might have to settle for Prami 

I’m looking for a good 5-7lbs on my current physique while saying as lean as I am now.  That’s probably pushing it, but goals are goals.  I really need to work on my chest, arms and lats.  They melted away during my time of non consistency lol

Took the whole weekend for rest.  I definitely needed it.  Got a lot of yard work done in this crazy heat.  So I hit legs today.   
I met up with my buddy and we went to town on legs.

pre workout I took a shot of frog juice, 50mg test susp, 50mg test susp, 25mg anadrol, 25mg dbol.  Dick head knows I’m carb depleted lol

leg extensions




180x20 last 5 were forced reps

single leg curl machine




70x20, last 3 or 4 were forced reps

Back squats

135x10 with pause at the bottom, super deep getting warmed up




405x5. Drop set 315x3 225x5

zercher squats (I hate these but buddy likes to show off)




285x5 (had to stop elbows were killing me)

instead of any sled work or hack squats we decided to go for heavy dead lifts since we don’t get to partner up a whole lot due to schedules.  We went to the back deadlift room and blasted some rage against the machine on the stereo 

dead lifts






585x1 rested a few mins and talked, went back and pulled it for 2

we went outside and did some weighted walking lunges with 30lb dumbells.  Back and for the length of the parking lot just chatting away.

i havnt went super heavy like that in quite some time and it definitely felt good, and I’m definitely feeling it now. 

I ate pretty good today, I grilled up some salmon for me and burgers for the family.  Still hitting over the 4K calories mark each day with 300+protein and staying under 50 carbs.  Wasn’t an insane leg workout volume wise, but going heavy like that might initiate a little growth.   Scale was 238 this morning.  Definitely still making good gainz with this keto diet plan.   It truely is amazing all the crap “bro science” I read on the net about keto making gainz slow to none.   I know from experience that trying to make gains on keto while natty is a slow process.  But with gear, I don’t notice much difference besides the loss of glycogen and fat gain.  Believe me, I love the mass look of a good bulk, but I also enjoy being a lean monster as well.  

Good thread bro, you're looking peeled. You remind me a lot of me, them shoulders are beautiful no homo 😁, very few people know how to make the posterior deltoid pop, it makes me wanna post my old pix for a little competition hahaha. My ass is 265lbs right now and flipping FATTTTT 😄 I don't know how much leaner you wanna get, but I'm tuned in. Past 8% bf it's frickin hard to maintain that shit. 10-12% is maintainable all year long unless you're in competition mode and getting paid 😕 

Your deads are proper numbers! Respect! For that alone I am following for sure!

Keto ey, I once made it my lifestyle (a looong time ago) but to be quite frank, I don't have the willpower no more, my wife last year was doing keto, I just enjoyed her keto sugar free cakes lol... you have to live it and keep it all year long while avoiding social life, it's impossible otherwise from pressure of regular carb eating folks.

I personally got peeled shredded with glute striations on a shit ton of carbs (I am talking 400g a day) BUT I was lifting mad and doing cardio every morning those days. I think KETO is just too hard to maintain unless you make it your life, it's more of a quick fat loss solution. I can't even be bothered anymore. So hat off to you.

One thing I promise you though, anytime you cut, diet or do keto, the moment you rebound on eating carbs (while still training) you blow up in size and fullness. That I loved.

Quick tip on how to go keto fast lol, a bit of humalog insulin. ALA and cardio. You'll be sweating and going hypo in no time 🤣

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Good thread bro, you're looking peeled. You remind me a lot of me, them shoulders are beautiful no homo 😁, very few people know how to make the posterior deltoid pop, it makes me wanna post my old pix for a little competition hahaha. My ass is 265lbs right now and flipping FATTTTT 😄 I don't know how much leaner you wanna get, but I'm tuned in. Past 8% bf it's frickin hard to maintain that shit. 10-12% is maintainable all year long unless you're in competition mode and getting paid 😕 

Your deads are proper numbers! Respect! For that alone I am following for sure!

Keto ey, I once made it my lifestyle (a looong time ago) but to be quite frank, I don't have the willpower no more, my wife last year was doing keto, I just enjoyed her keto sugar free cakes lol... you have to live it and keep it all year long while avoiding social life, it's impossible otherwise from pressure of regular carb eating folks.

I personally got peeled shredded with glute striations on a shit ton of carbs (I am talking 400g a day) BUT I was lifting mad and doing cardio every morning those days. I think KETO is just too hard to maintain unless you make it your life, it's more of a quick fat loss solution. I can't even be bothered anymore. So hat off to you.

One thing I promise you though, anytime you cut, diet or do keto, the moment you rebound on eating carbs (while still training) you blow up in size and fullness. That I loved.

Quick tip on how to go keto fast lol, a bit of humalog insulin. ALA and cardio. You'll be sweating and going hypo in no time 🤣
Sorry about missing a couple days.  I am a certified personal training and got a couple new clients this week.  Been putting together meal plans and workout routines. On top of getting ready for the school year to start (homeschooling my kids this year) my main job, and the baby.  It’s been crazy.

this week I’ve just been doing a lot of crazy volume trying to squeeze the last bit of size I can from this cycle as it’s coming to an end.

keto has always been pretty easy for me.  I think the longest I’ve stuck to it was about a year and a half, back when I was competing more.  I have a super high metabolism so it’s pretty easy to fall into ketosis for me, if I’m running tren, I can do 100g carbs a day and never leave ketosis if it’s timed right.   All my friends are gym rats and my best friend is a super clean eater, so it’s easy to go out for me, and now that the wife is following the diet too, it just makes it that much easier.

my all time heaviest deadlift was 665, and that was at my biggest.  I was around 250 at 10% body fat.  I’m small now compared to where I used to be lol.  I contribute most of that strength due to the fact that i split quads and hams into 2 different days.  So every week I’m doing some variation of a deadlift, and other exercises that engage those muscle groups.

thanks man, shoulders are my all time favorite thing to work.  I would be a lost puppy if I was living through the injury you are, but you’ll get there.  The rear delt is so critically important if you ever was that 3D shoulder look.  People just neglect to train it.  Rear delts and side delts require a lot of volume.   And let’s face it, rear delts burn like hell when you’re putting them through hell lol.    A lot of guys will ask me how to develop shoulders.  There’s a misconception that endless shoulder presses profuse big side and rear delts, and when I tell them to do a shit ton of laterals, high rows, rear flys, they are pretty surprised.  Presses do add thickness, don’t get me wrong, but if you want huge protruding shoulders, 90% of the workout are some sort or raises and rear flys.  I usually do presses near the end of my routine after the muscles are pretty pre exhausted.

i don’t plan on getting much leaner until I’m dieting for a show.  I’m still eating in a surplus right now.   And I also love the way you fill out after a bunch of carbs.  I incorporate 1 good high carb cheat meal a week while doing keto.  One for sanity, and 2 for the ego boost when I start to feel small lol.  I’m definitely missing my pumps, but that comes back to an extent after a couple months of doing keto. I did 4 sets of 25 on the pec deck as a finisher tonight,  and I’m still pretty pumped, but not near the level of being on carbs.

Alright guys . Yesterday was super busy at work, so I just did some cardio.  (24 hour work schedules). Did cardio in between calls.  The weather has broke here in my neck of the woods which means more people out being crazy.   

im digging into my cheat meal now, which consists of a large delux at Louis style pizza, 12 toasted ravioli, cheese garlic bread, 2 HUGE Belgian waffles with whipped cream and fried apples on top, and 5 pieces of brioche French toast with bananas and strawberries.   Washing it all down with a root beer float.

after letting it digest for a couple hours, my bro and I are going to go and try to get some 1 rep maxes on flat bench, squats, and dead lifts to see where we are at as we are both coming to the end of our cycle.   Will be a lot of warmup sets for sure, so I’ll definitely be replying later tonight with what we did, and a post carb up pic lol.

What a day!   I got my cheat meal, got to have a lovely, much needed walk and chat with my wife, and got to work out with my bestie again.  What could be better?

as I stated above, I got my high carb cheat meal in.  It was marvelous!  I was sweating like a pig as I was shoveling it all down as the carbs were hitting me lol.  Insulin spike had me talking my wife’s ear off during our walk.  It was so nice to be able to do that just being us, we usually have a few kids with us.

took my motorcycle to the gym to compete with my bro’s Dodge Challenger SRT hellcat lol.  I felt I needed to be loud like him.  His car scares the shit out of me, freaking 700+ horsepower.  But it is a pretty red color lol.   My bike is a 1200 scrambler, vtwin.  After my 1 year sober anniversary my wife is going to let me get a new one as a gift to myself and for motivation to stay sober.  I’ve got my heart set on the Indian FTR 1200 S.

ok I’m ranting.   Me and my bro maxed out today

we both chewed an anadrol 50mg and had a stim free pre workout before lifting

we started off warming up the joints and getting heart rate up and blood pumping

first exercise to 1 rep max was bench.  At first I was still feeling the soreness from the high volume chest I did a couple days prior, but after a few sets I was good to go.  We just did the run of the mill power lifting warm ups to max, you can find them all over the net if you’ve never followed a warm up plan to max out.  Back in the day I would do one warm up set, then hit the max I had in mind.  As I got older, that just kills my joints lol.






315x1 - started 5 min rests between lifts here



405x1 (was pretty heavy). Took 10 min rest

425x1 not a PR but definitely my 1 RM, I’m happy about it, I havnt flat benched in ages, I normally stick with all incline.  My buddy got 515.








475x1 -1RM   A little shy of what I was wanting/expecting, but happy none the less. Buddy got 550.

dead lift room was occupied with a group of kids, so we decided to max out deads another day, since you don’t need a spotter.

i wanted to put all the carbs to good use, so we just kind of decided to dick around and get a whole body routine in. Not going to post weights, but we just did 3 sets of the following, with some forced reps thrown in

we played 21 with a barbell with 10 lb plates so 55lbs.  If you’ve never done 21 with a partner, it’s something I learned back in high school.  Basically, whoever starts is odd, other guy is even.  Basically one guy does 1 rep, then immediately after, the other guy does 2, then 3, 4, 5 etc passing the bar back and forth until you reach 21. Starting back at 1 at each set. I hope that makes sense.  It sounds easy but it burns like a mofo after you get to the middle.  Good for a sick pump.

tricep pushdows x 3 sets

leg extensions x 3 sets 

decline cable flys x 3 sets

high rows x 3 sets

leg curls x 3 sets

barbell shrugs x 3 sets

seated lateral raises x 3 sets

weighted dips x 3 sets

everything was 10 reps each with some forced reps thrown in.   Nothing crazy, just a good whole body pump.

took last shot of 250mg deca today.  Starting next week I’ll be tapering down test, 600, 300, 150 each real respectively.  I’ll sit at 150 test a week until I decide to start next cycle.  

Feeling good today.   One because I found an amazing teriyaki marinade with 0 carbs for my chicken.  Mmm.    Weight is 238 today.  Feeling a bit deflated but I’m going to roll with it lol.  This week I’ll be dropping my test down to 600.

still eating at about 4K cals +\- 200 or so.  Protein around 300, carbs are at 50.   I did start targeting carbs today.  Nothing crazy, I had half a banana pre and post workout, and keto stick was still dark a couple hours later.  Definitely helped with the pump and aggression.  If you’ve never worked out in a fat adapted state, the strength is still there, but the intensity lacks, explosion lacks, more rest is required etc.  but it’s still working for me.

i mixed it up tonight and did a row day.

single arm barbell row.




meadows rows




bent over barbell rows with supernated grip




seated rows with wide neutral grip





finished up with pull ups using different grips to failure for 4 sets.

nothing too fancy, but a great workout none the less

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