Keto while on cycle log

Looking thick man and your girl is stacked. Those nails though; kinda scare the sh!@ outta me lol. 

Thank you Sir , That would be a great contribution to the board there are a lot of us that don’t quite understand Keto or how to do it , No rush on it but when you have time to put something together I’ll make sure it gets to the proper section. Thanks again CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.

Oh gosh don’t get me started on those nails lol.  But women will be women.  Honestly I don’t see how she can wipe her ass with them.   But apparently it’s the trend now, and her sister get them like that too so whatever.

Brother with women you need to pick your battles, I’m old and married for many years you tend to learn that lesson rather quickly over the years.

Brother with women you need to pick your battles, I’m old and married for many years you tend to learn that lesson rather quickly over the years.
Oh I’ve learned.  She’s my high school sweet heart (yea I know rare now a days).  Started dating when we were 15, and we are both 35 now.  Once you’ve been together for so long, and now raising our 5th child together, we just kind of pick at each other to keep it fun.   We hardly ever have a serious disagreement. Did I mention she is Russian? Lol. I joke with her that I’m waiting for the black van to pull up in front of the house and I disappear from ever existing lol..  

crazy to think that we’ve been together for so long,  we worked our asses off out of high school, working full time, going to school and having babies, so we definitely have had our fair share of stress related fights.  But now that we are a bit older and our careers have taken off, we are pretty much just goof balls with each other.   It is quite amazing what a man is capable of with a good woman by his side!

ya buddy been wondering how u been

Starting week 7 of current cycle.  Figured I would hop on and post some physique updates.

Feeling amazing.  Eating at about 5kish calories.  Maintaining keto.   And feeling huge!   Steadily gaining size while SLOWLY getting more lean.  But given all the new covid shit and suspecting upcoming lockdowns, size is the prize right now.  I’ve got a gym down stairs and enough cardio equipment to cut it up if the gyms close down.

right now I’m getting away with 150g carbs on training days while maintaining ketosis (thanks to my buddy Tren Bolone).  I target slow absorbing carbs before and post workout.  Maybe a sweet potato for an extra boost on super heavy days.  I’ve been getting around 300g protein right now, given the added food for more calories.  Eating a lot of salmon, Mahi mahi, keto burgers, avacado, salads with home made dressing for added fats.  Clean local sourced cheese (farmer down the road makes some bomb ass aged, mesquite smoked white cheddar from the cows on his farm).   Keeping it pretty clean.   

I’ll do one cheat meal a week that is usually about 400ish carbs.  Even at that I’m back in keto less than 24 hours later. Lately the cheat meal of choice has been fajitas.  And god do I sweat when I’m consuming them lol.. 

another update I forgot is, I’ve been sober now for a year, oct 24 was my one year mark with no booze!

PS. CBDB I’m putting the final touches on that keto how to post now l, and going to have my wife proof it.  She’s the smart one. I should be able to get it to you within a couple days!

anyway I’m happy with my results only have way through this cycle.  Need to get the wife to take some pics of my back, really starting to get some thickness 




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