kpin’s bt log.

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Been doing two a days don’t know why I’ve been getting away with it, not feeling over trained at all. I’ll do it for an other week or 2 then back to once a day lol. 

Tweaked my gear, this is what I’m currently taking, all by BT.

750mg test ew

900mg eq ew

600mg deca ew

25mg dbol prewo (week 1-4)

40mg tbol ed (week 1-6)

5iu slin 2x week 

.25mg caber e3d

.5mg adex ed

Back this morning.


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Dropping the orals due to major lethargy and heart burn. 

Gatta be able to eat if I want to keep growing so it’s not even debatable. 

So far I’m impressed with the accutane, dbol and tbol. 

But since this is my honest review I’d say I’m not happy with the test and deca. 

Since dropping the dbol and tbol I’m weak, have no sides or sex drive and just know I’m not feeling it like I should, I’ve ran quite a lot of gear in my day to know what test and deca feel like.

So I’ve since decided to switch labs and will no longer posting updates on BT In here. 

All this being said. This was MY experience and opinions. This does not mean I dislike BT or that their gear is bunk. I just wasn’t satisfied is all. To be honest I’ll probably still get my orals from them if they aren’t hating me for my honesty, which I doubt. They are stand up dudes. 

Did ya get any bloodwork done?

I am on their test E and it's second week and my morning wood is already off the charts. I'm running eq though. Too much deca can also decrease your sex drive. I would of done bloodwork before starting anything else. You feeling weak and sex drive being low is a bad indicator to me as I am on test E right now and loving it as is my Mrs. I ain't even using no cialis yet ?

Didnt bother with blood work and waiting, I just bought prop and I’m already getting my sex drive back which I need. 

99% if people have good runs with bt, I might just be the 1% that doesn’t. 

I was pinning 750mg test with no sides or sex drive for 8 weeks. Tried dropping Adex to barely any, tried low and high dose caber. No luck. 

SO here is where we are at the member was sponsored to do a LOG and well communication from the vet was shit according to the sponsor,    Also member agreed to do Bloodwork on test and estrogen and prolactin and never did it. so WHO knows what the issue was he switched labs all while supposedly running a log for BT,  this is NOT the way to run or end a LOG. I have spoken to member and have expressed the concerns of the sponsor and well I am going to leave the log up as it started really good and then in the middle SHIT went Bad THIS IN the future will not be tolerated and will result in a BAN.  I dont care if the review is good or bad if you agree to do SOMETHING FUCKING DO IT,   THIS IS A WARNING TO ALL VETS WHO AGREE TO DO A OG DO IT RIGHT OR DONT AGREE TO DO ONE AT ALL.

FIRST AND ONLY WARNING,   You are expected to work closely with the sponsors who repped you and you are expected to be open to communication and you certainly are expected to keep your word.  

Running that much gear, and those many compounds will surely shut you down and possibly fuck up your sex drive. 

Dbol is known for blowing people up, then they lose everything quickly because they're not long standing gains. I use it for strength. 

The guy is running almost 2 grams of gear a week and he already has gyno issues before he started? He's certainly not running a cycle that has learned from his previous mistakes. 

I see there is about 2 weeks missing from this log. He probably couldn't handle running that much gear? That much test will surely add to bloat and deca isn't a huge mass building drug from my understanding. In the same family as masterone I believe or EQ. So if was running both deca and E at the same time it's a bit of a waste. 

i'm not great designer of cycles by any means, but it wasn't well thought out. If he was pinning for 8 weeks and had no sex drive, conventional wisdom would tell you to drop your dosages, use HCG or something. 

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If he had am gyno operation I'm surprised they didn't do a panel anyway. Or at least as a follow up to the procedure. 

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kpin complained his sex drive was low,i saw his cycle of 1200mg eq and 750 deca and 750 test e,i suggested he should up the test and i also said do bloodwork. Kpin agreed to do bloodwork and then would tailor his dosages accordingly. I then went to talon about kpin not fulfilling his comitment to the log as promised. He woulds not reply to me 2 weeks at a time but up until he had his items it was daily replies. He asked for free igf and i declined. He then decides to post negatively about our test but failed to provide the bloodwork that we had both agreed on. From my experience,his cycle was already way off but he has a vet status so i figured he knew what he was doing. I then showed talon all the emails about our bloodwork agreement and how he ignored us for weeks at a time and also failed to keep his log up to date aswell. All of this were part of the agreement. He has now threatened me via email and i quote "Not the last you’ll hear from me." "Don’t worry, you’ll see. " and now threatens to bash bt on other boards and a different alias. All of the emails have been provided to the staff,they can post what they feel neccessary

I have seen the email and I will post it up here.  What my take on this is,

1 he was doing a LOG and was given free shit

2 log was going well until he asked for more freebies

3.  his log was doomed as the doses he ran are suspect as no one with a brain would run a cycle like that well except for rich piana 

4. the cycle he ran really wouldn't kick in at 8 week mark it would just be ramping up into full beast mode.

5 he made gains but  deca and EQ together makes zero fucking sense you are running a lean bunker with a massive water boating bulker 

6 when he was denied the 3 free bottle ion IGF he asked for he went AWOL

7 once I had all the facts and gave him a chance to explain himself he stayed logged in and ignored the request,

8.  I made the educated deciosn that after he was denied the gear he logged in and all the sudden had issues

9 to me he held the lab basically at ransom

10 and was in agreenece to do bloodwork then Failed to do so.. emails will be posted for super and mod view only so we are all on the same page

He has been banned and we will wash our hands of this cancer.  we will move on and leave the log up but lock it.  I promised members transparency and will hold up my end of the bargain members can judge and decide for themselves

Kpin  26

Replied: yesterday at 12:07 PM

I just didn’t want to waste time with bloods and waiting so I switched labs. I never said bt is bunk gear do I don’t see why it’s been hidden. I guess NL isn’t very transparent..
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