kpin’s bt log.

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For me the main issue is why agree to do bloodwork and not to it?its a free test given by your doctor,not like you are paying out of pocket. He further stated he would but didnt do so but then came on to leave a review. Why would anyone jump onto more gear if they already had previous gyno issues and not do bloodwork to make sure your levels are ok? All of these are suspect behavior and a disgrace to the vet status

The threats is an absolute shame,i hope no rep has to deal with this type of behavior. 

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I will ADD please MEMBERS do not hammer or threaten or in anyway threaten anyone in the community WE ARE BETTER THAN THAT we will move on and this will be a learning experience for staff mods members and VETS,   you Vets work hard to achieve the title vet lets ensure we live up to that title,   this board will survive and so will the sponsors lets keep positive and let the negative people spin their wheels ,,,

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