MG's rehab log

Fasted cardio 
60 min recumbent bike 
3 kilometers brisk walk

Post breakfast 
Brisk walk 3 kilometers 

Brisk walk 
5 kilometers (still looking for the missing cat)

Total-body isometric workout

4 reps of each exercise below, contracting for 10 seconds in each rep. 

Bent-over press against wall
Prayer pose
High plank
Self-arm wrestling (each side)
Triceps extension against wall
Low plank
Low squat

Recumbent bike 
30 minutes

Fasted cardio

First patrol
6 kilometers 

Post breakfast 
Second patrol
4 kilometers 

Brisk walk (with the cat's owners)
7 kilometers 

Light back workout 

Deadlifts 3 sets of 10
One arm rows 3 sets of 10
Narrow rows 3 sets of 10
Wide rows 3 sets of 10
Fasted cardio 
Recumbent bike 
45 min

Post breakfast 
Patrol #1
5,5 kilometers 

5 kilometers (12% incline)

Patrol #2
5,95 kilometers 

Recumbent bike
45 minutes

Hey MG Do you use any vitamins or health supplements on your rehab.
Sorry @BodyTechPharma I missed your post. I take Vit C, D, Befact Forte (B Complex), DIM.

Fasted cardio 
Patrol #1
5,5 kilometers 

Post breakfast 
45 min recumbent bike 


Biceps curls 3 sets of 10
Hammer curls 3 sets of 10
Wrist curls 3 sets of 10
One arm concentration curls 3 sets of 10

Triceps kickbacks 3 sets of 10
One arm overhead extensions 3 sets of 10
Lying overhead extensions 3 sets of 10

Patrol #2
3,5 kilometers

Recumbent bike 
20 minutes

Fasted cardio 
3,5 kilometers treadmill 

Patrol #1
3,8 kilometers 

Post breakfast 
30 min recumbent bike 

Patrol #2
3,5 kilometers

Light chest workout 
Push ups 3 sets of 10 (I had to change the position of my hands to work out around the pain)
Pullovers 3 sets of 10
Db press 3 sets of 10
Db press neutral grip 3 sets of 10

Fasted cardio
5 kilometers treadmill (12% incline)

Patrol #1
Brisk walk
3,5 kilometers

Post breakfast
Patrol #2
Brisk walk
3,5 kilometers

Recumbent bike
30 min

Isometric workout
4 reps of each exercise below, contracting for 10 seconds in each rep.
Bent-over press against wall
Prayer pose
High plank
Self-arm wrestling (each side)
Triceps extension against wall
Low plank
Low squat

I had trouble falling asleep last night. I went to bed at 9:30 and didn't sleep until 11:15pm (after taking 10mg Diazepam).

Fasted cardio 
45 min recumbent bike 

Post breakfast 
Patrol #1
3,5 kilometers 

60 min recumbent bike

Brisk walk 
4,5 kilometers 

Air squats 3 sets of 10
Leg extensions 3 sets of 10
Leg curls 3 sets of 10
Lateral walks 3 sets of 10
Static lunges 3 sets of 10
Abductors 3 sets of 10
Adductors 3 sets of 10
Standing calves 3 sets of 10
Side lunges 3 sets of 10

Recumbent bike
20 minutes

Patrol #2
3,5 kilometers

Fasted cardio 
60 min recumbent bike 

Post breakfast 
Patrol #1
5 kilometers 

Recumbent bike
20 min recumbent bike 

Patrol #2
3,5 kilometers 

30 min recumbent bike

Fasted cardio 
5 kilometers treadmill (12% incline)

Patrol #1
Brisk walk 
3,5 kilometers 

Post breakfast 
Recumbent bike 
30 min

Isometric workout 
4 reps of each exercise below, contracting for 10 seconds in each rep. 
Bent-over press against wall
Prayer pose
High plank
Self-arm wrestling (each side)
Triceps extension against wall
Low plank
Low squat

Patrol #2
3,5 kilometers 

Recumbent bike
30 minutes

Fasted cardio
Patrol #1
Brisk walk
5 kilometers

Post breakfast
45 min recumbent bike


Standing biceps curls 3 sets of 12
One arm overhead extensions 3 sets of 12
Hammer curls 3 sets of 12
Kickbacks 3 sets of 12
Spider curls 3 sets of 12
Dips 3 sets of 12
Lying overhead extensions 3 sets of 12
Wrist curls 3 sets of 12
One arm concentration curls 3 sets of 12

Patrol #2
5 kilometers

Recumbent bike
30 minutes

This sounds interesting. 
I googled Best isometric workout and found these exercises. I prefer lifting of course but I had to take it easy because of the rotator cuff injury so I said "why not?".

Fasted cardio 
Patrol #1
5 kilometers (in the snow)

Post breakfast 
60 min recumbent bike 

Patrol #2
5 kilometers 


Deadlifts 3 sets of 12
Wide rows 3 sets of 12
Narrow rows 3 sets of 12
One arm rows 3 sets of 12

Fasted cardio 
Brisk walk (patrol #1)
5 kilometers 

Post breakfast 
45 min recumbent bike 

Brisk walk (Patrol #2)
3,5 kilometers 

45 min recumbent bike 

Bodyweight exercises 
Push ups 3 sets of 10
Dips 3 sets of 10
Low squats 3 sets of 10
Wall sits 5 min

Too tired to lift .....

I have decided to change my routine a bit. If I wake up early (4:30am) I do fasted cardio. If not, I split the cardio (post breakfast and in the afternoon). 

Today I did 90 min recumbent bike after breakfast and 5 kilometers treadmill in the afternoon.
And also a light arms workout (my shoulder is more painful than ever, it wakes me up at night when I turn).

Biceps curls 3 sets of 10
Kickbacks 3 sets of 10
Hammer curls 3 sets of 10
One arm overhead extensions 3 sets of 10
Wrist curls 3 sets of 10
Dips 3 sets of 10
Spider curls 3 sets of 10
Lying overhead extensions 3 sets of 10


Fasted cardio 
5 kilometers treadmill 

Post breakfast 
Recumbent bike 45 min

Brisk walk 
5 kilometers 


Lateral walks 3 sets of 10
Side lunges 3 sets of 10
Air squats 3 sets of 10
Standing calves 3 sets of 10
Abductors/adductors 3 sets of 10
Leg curls 3 sets of 10
Leg extensions 3 sets of 10

Fasted cardio 
10,8 kilometers treadmill 6% incline

Post breakfast 
60 min recumbent bike 

20 min recumbent bike 

I can't lift my left arm. Tramadol and Diazepam are my friends. Artro CT scan on March 19.
Fasted cardio
10 kilometers treadmill (10% incline)

Post breakfast
60 min recumbent bike

Isometric workout

4 reps of each exercise below, contracting for 10 seconds in each rep.

Bent-over press against wall
Prayer pose
High plank
Self-arm wrestling (each side)
Triceps extension against wall
Low plank
Low squat