Syringes and needles

Used surgo recently... known about them for awhile but usually pickup locally..... missed the $75 free ship option and my order was $72 with $30 shipping.. lol.. Payed extra for express... still took awhile to send out. Oh well got what I ordered in a week or so

Used surgo recently... known about them for awhile but usually pickup locally..... missed the $75 free ship option and my order was $72 with $30 shipping.. lol.. Payed extra for express... still took awhile to send out. Oh well got what I ordered in a week or so
Call them and bitch. They'l credit back what you paid for shipping.

Are drug stores allowed to ask what you are using your pins for , I needed a few and ran down to get some and got the stink eye , they said you don’t have any prescription on file that requires these.
Actually they are NOT allowed to ask you questions.   

Discovered a new source with even better prices than Surgo.

Payless Medical Canada

I needed to buy some slin pins and found these guys who had better prices than anyone, not even close. Checked out some other items and compared my last Surgo invoice and was blown away. I thought the Surgo prices were amazing, and compared to everywhere else I had price shopped they were but these guys beat them hands down.

eg. BD™ 1cc TB Syringe & Needle 25G x 5/8'' 100/box (Non-Safety) Luer Slip Tip - Surgo $34.10, Payless Medical Canada $24.92

The slin pins I bought were far cheaper than even Lifesupply, the next closest best price for Allison Medical that are just as good as BD IMHO but far cheaper. Paid $15 Box/100 for 30G .5" 1/2cc U-100 slin pins and Lifesupply was $$22 or $23 a box.

That's a significant difference. Flat rate shipping in Canada $7.00 and free at $150. 2-3 days shipping time.

I will always continue to price shop before ordering but damn, I think I'll be hard pressed to beat these guys on price. Lets hope my first order arrives without issue.

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Discovered a new source with even better prices than Surgo.

Payless Medical Canada

I needed to buy some slin pins and found these guys who had better prices than anyone, not even close. Checked out some other items and compared my last Surgo invoice and was blown away. I thought the Surgo prices were amazing, and compared to everywhere else I had price shopped they were but these guys beat them hands down.

eg. BD™ 1cc TB Syringe & Needle 25G x 5/8'' 100/box (Non-Safety) Luer Slip Tip - Surgo $34.10, Payless Medical Canada $24.92

The slin pins I bought were far cheaper than even Lifesupply, the next closest best price for Allison Medical that are just as good as BD IMHO but far cheaper. Paid $15 Box/100 for 30G .5" 1/2cc U-100 slin pins and Lifesupply was $$22 or $23 a box.

That's a significant difference. Flat rate shipping in Canada $7.00 and free at $150. 2-3 days shipping time.

I will always continue to price shop before ordering but damn, I think I'll be hard pressed to beat these guys on price. Lets hope my first order arrives without issue.
For some reason I have images of Hellraiser...

holy crap that place has awesome prices. Finally!!!  I wouldn't mind supporting the other suppliers but jesus christ the shipping costs more than the pins themselves!! 

holy crap that place has awesome prices. Finally!!!  I wouldn't mind supporting the other suppliers but jesus christ the shipping costs more than the pins themselves!! 
I was just about post regarding my order, which barring any stupidity from Canada Post, will be here tomorrow according to the tracking.

When I ordered I was told shipping out of Barrie Ontario but turns out Barrie didn't have stock which the system doesn't show you. Instead it's coming from Mirabel PQ which is fine, it still comes in the 1-3 days, just Barrie would have been next day for me. No big deal but depending on where you are it might add a day or so but at those prices....who cares right...

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I just ordered:

  • (CS/5) BX/100 SURE COMFORT INSULIN SYRINGE, 30G, 1/2IN (12MM), 1CC1$14.95
  • BX/100 NEEDLE HYPO 21G X 1", THIN WALL.1$6.79
  • Plus tax and shipping = $47.90

Let's hope it's a good deal quality wise. I used to pay alot more in person for all of these

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I just ordered:

  • (CS/5) BX/100 SURE COMFORT INSULIN SYRINGE, 30G, 1/2IN (12MM), 1CC1$14.95
  • BX/100 NEEDLE HYPO 21G X 1", THIN WALL.1$6.79
  • Plus tax and shipping = $47.90

Let's hope it's a good deal quality wise. I used to pay alot more in person for all of these
From Payless everything I have received has been name brand no seconds or anything like that. I got exactly what i ordered and absolutely 0 complaints about the product. Except for the initial point of origin glitch I had with them no complaints at all. I'm sure whatever you ordered will be fine.

Oh, I should mention that I have ordered from them again already and the order was perfect, no delay shipping this time either, even though last time it was only 1 day so hardly a real delay.

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shit... says the 25g 1.5" needles are backordered.... im screwed ... running out... 😕

Actually went to shoppers get a 21 g because I had only 18 needle, got a ton of question, try to say it was for prescription and than more questions, store was freakin pack, I just finally told the old hag it was personal reasons that I could not disclose, than she ask how many, I said I take 40 , than she went into another tail spin about they only had 8 to sell.  Moral of the story , be prepare for questions, tell them subtantenous injection, if possible try order in advance and just pick up. The BS people have to go through. 

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Actually went to shoppers get a 21 g because I had only 18 needle, got a ton of question, try to say it was for prescription and than more questions, store was freakin pack, I just finally told the old hag it was personal reasons that I could not disclose, than she ask how many, I said I take 40 , than she went into another tail spin about they only had 8 to sell.  Moral of the story , be prepare for questions, tell them subtantenous injection, if possible try order in advance and just pick up. The BS people have to go through. 
Yup, when it comes to pins and things like bac water I send my wife. The only way I’ll go myself is if it’s when I’m filling  my test prescription. Fuck the 20 questions and shifty looks.  I don’t know why my wife never has a problem, but it’s 50-50 whether I’ll get the shake down. Kind of odd that my wife never gets questioned..  Though,  I suppose a glance at me and it’s pretty obvious what I’m doing..  but who cares, use and possession of steroids is 100% legal here

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They are not allowed to question you , they have to provide you with exactly what you ask for.

They are not allowed to question you , they have to provide you with exactly what you ask for.
Unfortunately this does not stop many pharmacists and assistants from being difficult and tedious. They have a certain degree of responsibility for customers' safety (ensuring correct meds, dosages, etc) so it is no surprise that people regularly get an inquisition on ancillaries as well - their fundamental mandate is to be thorough so that nobody ends up dead...

I just accept that if I go to a bricks and mortar pharmacy there is a significant possibility that it is going to be a hassle. Also, I have found that not all pharmacies are well stocked so they might not even have what you want (ie preferred syringe, needle length, needle gauge, etc) which can further complicate the transaction because you have to keep asking what they DO have.

For me it is just easier to order online. No hassles and I get exactly what I want. Just have to a little more organized ahead of time...

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Unfortunately this does not stop many pharmacists and assistants from being difficult and tedious. They have a certain degree of responsibility for customers' safety (ensuring correct meds, dosages, etc) so it is no surprise that people regularly get an inquisition on ancillaries as well - their fundamental mandate is to be thorough so that nobody ends up dead...

I just accept that if I go to a bricks and mortar pharmacy there is a significant possibility that it is going to be a hassle. Also, I have found that not all pharmacies are well stocked so they might not even have what you want (ie preferred syringe, needle length, needle gauge, etc) which can further complicate the transaction because you have to keep asking what they DO have.

For me it is just easier to order online. No hassles and I get exactly what I want. Just have to a little more organized ahead of time...
100% agree with you. Often it's too much of a hassle and better to order them online instead of having to go through all the complications and questions they have. I started ordering mine online too, I was tired of always having to justify myself as to why I needed syringes, I would just say its personal or I have a prescription and need syringes/needles asap. They end up selling them to you, but they have the weirdest looks and expressions and it's just uncomfortable.  

What's crazy is when I send my GF, they never ask her why she needs them and it's done under 2 minutes. Same as @GainTrain lol