Talon's First log in 2 years


Aug 15, 2018
Playing with things now but am starting a new log 

Will be running proviron eq test and hgh

Im going to run staright BT labs and will be working with funny man on training.  Im curretbly 204 pounds 5 ft 9 and about 10% bf

Stay tuned before and after photos comming soon

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Just waiting on the goodies once they show up ill start with pics before and will post pics every 2 to 3 weeks as well as scale pics too.  I can tell you im extreamly excited this will be my first cycle in 3 years and ill also get serum tests done also

This sounds exciting. What compounds you running and dosages? 

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Im going to run proviron 75 to 10p mg a day

Test e 500  ew will adjust as needed

Eq 600 ew

And hgh at 2 to 3 iu ed at night.  I am going to run a full BT cycle this time next will be a BIO med cycle same idea different compunds wity serum and level checks throughout cycle

Leaner than this now by abit but its a failry accurite account of where im at now.  Was a 40 inch waist in jan now 32 inch waist and have some more abs showing i may be 12 to 15% but im just gauging now less.  But again this is pretty close.   I am on a mission to drop to around 5 to 7%  and having a hell of a time naturally i have peaked as of now 

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weighed in today now 202 pounds shredding well ahead of cycle coming.  I cannot wait to get on this I think with the Gh proviron , test and EQ.  I should shred right out.  Im hoping for a lean 190 and then I will get ready for the bulking phase in Dec to Feb and then back into shred mode.  

SO here it is 16 week cycle

gh 2Iu ED

Proviron 75 to 100 mg a day

test 500 to 750 EW

EQ 600 EW

feel free boys to critique ive been out of the game for awhile and I know things change.  I will say this IM PUMPED cannot wait to get this going I will do serum checks and level checks 4 8 and 12 week mark and will post those up.  Ill have pics of loin injecting me in weird spots just because I know you guys missed those and the newbies forgot how savage we got back in the old days

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DAY 1 

2iu hgh 600 eq and 75 mg proviron.  I will hit test later on im the week.  I will post up a stove pic once i get back from my run