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We are running at full throttle


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Ok people at NL


Please do not contact us unless you have referrals or have the ability to see us in sponsor area. Lists are up if you cannot see our list it's because you have not earned the required position on the board to see the list. We are available by email.


If you need help anytime PM away for chats whatever no business ever will be done through PM.

Do not message me for a list through PM will never happen. Again lists are up if you cant see them contact Admin or a MOD.


Thanks and we will en doing an kick ass winter auction soon. Proceeds will go to board. Let's GROW VORTEX TOGETHER AND really get it rolling. We are here for all members all we ask is honesty and integrity.


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Hey members due to.lack of traffic we decided to go back underground.   The lack of interest in new members was not worth our risk to the reps

   We are here for members but you will have to go through the proper channels to get to us

 We will try this again when members get more busy we will pop back up again maybe on black Friday...

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