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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/2019 in Posts

  1. Hello all, Just wanted to make a quick post which is relevant to all who suffer from sleep apnea but specifically those who use anabolics and/or those on TRT/HRT. It is common knowledge that most who supplement with testosterone and other andorgens can experience an increase in RBC (red blood cell count). While this does have a performance enhancing effect, at some point it is diminishing returns and actually damaging to cardiovascular systems. When RBC gets out of range most have a phlebotomy where blood is drawn, either by doctor recommendation or they donate blood if eligible. This will address issue temporarily however is not resolving what could potentially be causing the issue. After seeing a sleep specialist I discovered most people with sleep apnea have high RBC values due to the lack of oxygen. The body realizes that you arent breathing enough and over time increases red blood cell count. This is especially important for those on hormones that are also increasing red blood cells as well. My suggestion is to get yourself tested, test are free and easy (slightly uncomfortable as you wear it at night). Once diagnosed you can start the treatment with a CPAP machine. These machines are not cheap however I have found a very cheap supplier of these machines online and order one for myself. https://papsmart.com/ They do require a script but you can google a local sleep clinic, they can give you the sleep apnea test machine and send it home. You return to them typically after two days of use then they send off results to respirologist who sends them back a script, easy and painless! This will work for all extended medical that offers coverage on these machines. I recommend the "resmed airsense 10 autoset". I ended up paying 750$ total with shipping included, received in 2 days of sending them my script. The sleep clinic wanted to charge me 2500$ for the same machine I then had to pay the sleep clinic 200$ to do all the settings but if one were so inclined they could access the many videos on youtube on how to set up yourself. Hope this helps anyone who suffers, I think a lot of people do and just go undiagnosed or at least I did! So please check into symptoms, especially if you are on medication that increases RBC! https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/sleep-apnea/symptoms-causes/syc-20377631 Please feel free to PM if you have any questions. Or comment below if you can add anything helpful on the matter ?
    1 point
  2. Letro is aweful stuff. At least in my experience. Feel terrible as it eliminates all estrogen in a big hurry. Works for gyno tho. Aromasin and Adex are obviously the better options for “controlling” and maintenance of estrogen levels.
    1 point
  3. I hear ya, I'm doing the same just trying to tweek things a bit, by knowing what works for others.
    1 point
  4. Sounds great man, gunna have to try this out. Thanks for sharing
    1 point
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