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Posts posted by therealj

  1. Nothing special, joining some yahoo chat rooms when I was in HS in the mid 90's.....first name starts with J....there was other J's in the room....nah nah...I"m therealj....kinda liked it and still do nearly 25 years later so it's stuck ( where'd the years go? ) 

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  2. 42 minutes ago, NorthernLifters said:

    Pharma term is basically the label and dosage are 100% on par,aside from that,everything else is the same

    its like buying pharma hgh for $900 for 100iu when you can find a very reliable source who is stable and can provide for $300

    end of the day,pharma or not,raws come from china,whether bayer makes it or i make it in my bedroom. Really comes down to producing.

    I know many labs who's oils are much more superior than pharma itself

    End of the day,blood work doesnt lie. Always do your blood work and weed out the good to the bad

    Yes in an ideal world the Ugls are making accurately dosed/sterile products, or just use pharm products and have zero questions regarding what you're putting in your body. To each their own.  

  3. 50 minutes ago, Francis "Frank" Castle said:

    I didn't say there was no benefit specifically, I said there's no argument to be made that it's good for you and I didnt mention CBD, we were speaking specifically of weed if I am not mistaken.

    Unlike the myriad of other substances, excepting certain SARMS, there is a boatload of study data pointing toward the benefits, as well as the harms possibly involved. To this day there are still alkaloid compunds in weed that no one has any clue what they do and we are just starting to see some of the long term effects that seemed to have gone unnoticed previously. But speaking more directly to fitness, muscle building, endurance etc., I'd absolutely love to hear an argument made where weed benefits any of that and there is absolutely any credible research to support it.

    To say there's zero argument it's good for you is a false statement, like anything everything we ingest or inject in the pursuit of "better" there are pros and cons to everything, from Testosterone to weed, to buprofen etc. For me, it's the following benefits that has me a cannabis user

    1. Pain relief, specifically joint pain - helps in the gym
    2. Better sleep - helps in the gym
    3. Mood elevation/anti anxiety/ depression relief


    The ingestion of cannabis to aid these ailments make a hell of a lot more sense than taking three different drug compounds from big pharma that also come with their own host of potential sides/dependency factors. I'm in my 40's and didn't start regular cannabis use until really the last 5-6 years, it's not about getting "high" for me or many other users, but once in awhile is that a fun benefit while watching some netflix, sure.

    As far as the whole THC/CBD they are the natural compounds found in cannabis and with regulation consumers are able to make educated choices on finding the right ratio to achieve the results they are looking for. The CBD dropper I use in the morning for joint pain and mood elevation has a much lower THC content than the vape I hit before going to sleep. In terms of studies, googles your friend if you care, I've spent enough time on what was really meant to be an innocent joke about the hunger from MK677 and munchies from weed being a bad combo for the waistline.



  4. 2 hours ago, Francis "Frank" Castle said:

    To each their own but it really surprises me how often I see the topic of weed coming up relating to questions people have in "Fitness" forums. IMHO, if you're trying to optimize, get fit, be the best version of yourself that you can be, or even just trying to be more healthy, where the heck does anyone get the idea that weed has any place in there at all? There is 0 argument to be made that it's either good for you or not bad for you so it really doesn't make much sense.

    Anyway, again, to each their own, but to me, adding weed in to the equation makes about as much sense as our Canadian govt saying "Legalization will keep weed out of the hands of our children", in other words, 0 sense!

    Of the myriad of drugs that are talked about on these forums in the pursuit of health and fitness weed is the one you don't understand? Like you said to each their own, but to say there's zero benefit to THC/CBD is a completely antiqued point of view.

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  5. Not an ideal combo if you can't control downright hunger with the munchies, I might have to lay off the nightly vape while using MK or this cut is going to turn into a bulk.

  6. MK677 is a great product and I can say that after only 10 days. I haven't done any AS in 13 years and can feel a fullness with the MK677 that reminds me of being "on". Pairing it with LGD if you're looking to still bulk, I think you mentioned you want to cut down, running the MK with RAD140 would likely give you the outcome you want. RAD140 is not far off from the results you could expect on anavar. Keep in mind the RAD and LGD can and usually suppress a little so they aren't ideal if you're looking to actually recover. Just run the MK if that's your goal......seeing as how this is an old post.....did you end up running it? Results? 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Francis "Frank" Castle said:


    I even have a severed finger from one of the last rule breakers nailed to a stick so that I can waggle it menacingly without having to use my own! man no GIF by shapefruit

    ok fine...I'll read the rules AGAIN

    • Thanks 1
  8. Hi Gents,

    Nice to find this board, some may recognize me from the early days of elitefitness, afboard and a few old school boards. Long time vet that used to mod on Afboard, it's been nearly 14 years since I've used any AS, now as I creep past 40 the thought of getting back on is certainly something I'm entertaining. 





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