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Posts posted by EmilB

  1. Thanks for your reply @Libo/ Appreciate the back and forth. 

    You are correct, I am almost at a year cruising with this protocol but I’ve had no tests done. Do you have any recommendations on what blood work I should be getting to keep an eye on things? What would I be looking for in the blood panel? If you have more information that would be super. 

    Curious what might be better considering your comment on my Winstrol/Madol use as being high—I actually thought this is moderate but I’m fairly new, been using 3 years at this point with different practice/product/etc. Should I be using a longer acting ester to swap out the oral combination of the two (Win/Madol), I like the dryness of Winstrol and the strength and “boost” I get from Madol in combination with the Test Prop. I’m curious what your thoughts are on this, I’d love to use shorter term cycles and maintain the 5/3 cycle I’ve been doing since my body clearly has had no issues whatsoever (though I have no medical proof of that). 


  2. Hey folks,

    Been having excellent results from a mild cycle that I have been on the last year or so. I’m using 5 weeks on and 3 weeks off with the following cycle and maintaining my gains in the off period. 

    I’m in all about a good lean and balanced physique year round, not about getting huge and conditioned for a show. It’s part of the biz I’m in. 

    My current cycle (Bodytech) is:

    5 weeks 
    Test Prop EOD/25mg Winstrol ED/10mg Madol ED/ and Aromasin EOD or as needed 

    Then I go 3 weeks with Milk Thistle and eat my greens. 


    Are there any criticisms or considerations anyone might recommend? I find this cycle on/off very tolerable and I have maintained sub 10% body fat without dieting very seriously but I’d love any comments if y’all have any. 


  3. This is my first post to NL, as a fairly new steroid user at just under 2 years of using, I can’t praise @BodyTechPharma enough for the following:

    -Ease of ordering

    -Timely communication

    -Great gear

    -Discreet packaging 

    I’ve had multiple family members over for lunch when the package came in the first time, I was sweating bullets and there was not a trace of what it might be... “Spark plugs” I said, and god damn if I wasn’t lying. It took me a little while to get these virgin muscles and pinning techniques used to the gear I ran (I started a beginner routine of D-bol and Test P) but the growth was incredible, in just 6 weeks I was making massive gains in my lifts and expecially my physique. Nothing feels better than walking around feeling like you could pull the head off a mans body lol. 

    The reviews of @BodyTechPharma tell you most of the story, I’m just reiterating at this point for anyone that’s fairly new. I’m placing my next order today, already can’t wait to smash some gear and my fingers are crossed Canada Post isn’t too slow because of Covid but we’ll see what happens when it happens. I’m just excited.

    Lastly, thank you BTRep for helping me along the way! Completely changed my life and confidence in a way I couldn’t have imagined!

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