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BodyTechPharma last won the day on January 4 2022

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  1. Yes, it was in the post titled "holiday sale"
  2. Starting today the following items will be on sale till the 4th, email dr.btrep@protonmail.com for the orders Test e c $20 Tren e and Mast e $40 Eq $30 Deca $30 Dbol $30 Anavar $45
  3. Merry Christmas everyone from us at bodytech, we're gonna be closed for a few days for Christmas but we'll be having a boxing day sale next week
  4. There's been abundance of "we're not getting responses from bt" lately. I personally over see the email that is attached to this forum for bodytech (which I hope everyone knows is dr.btrep@protonmail.com) and I can say I have not received as many emails as there been posting of "no one is responding". Please if there is any issues on orders email us, also if you do not order through the rep (with the email provided) and go through the website us reps cannot get a tracking number for you, this is one of the perks of going through a rep. Also if you order through the website it will take more then a couple of business days to be delivered so please have patience. If the emt is accepted then the order has been sent out, again you'll need patience, but I highly recommend ordering through the rep with the prices listed in the forum. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  5. Hey folks we're gonna have a sale from today til the 10th of buy $150 and get a free bottle of your choice of test e 250, test c 250, test p 100 or sustanon 250. Please use the email provided to grab this deal and hope everyone has a great weekend.
  6. Welcome to Northern Lifters G63
  7. Hey everyone hope you're all having a great holiday weekend. Unfortunately we're were late on announcing a sale for the weekend so fortunately it's extended till Friday. Any order $150 and over will receive a free bottle of test. Make sure you use the new email too please.
  8. We appreciate your kind words thank you , We believe in giving you a top quality product at an affordable price we realize everyone has lives and debts to pay as do we so it feels good that we can keep a little of that hard earned cash in your pocket and still help you achieve your goals.
  9. Thank you for the kind words sir , We always strive to bring you the best products at a reasonable price , If you like our products please tell everyone, If you have a problem please tell us and we will make it right ! As far as splitting our tabs the way I do it and recommend is a good quality pill cutter with slow even pressure they split fine and keep them away from moisture that’s how they crumble as it softens up the tab. Hope this tip helps. Thank You For An HONEST review we appreciate them.
  10. We prefer the gentle heat method approx 190 - 200 for no longer than 20 minutes it’s best with less is more as soon as you notice it return to the liquid state gentle swirls adding benzyl if inexperienced can lead to a stinging injection if too much is added to the solution.
  11. Yes sir just wait on us we are working on something to get items out it just might be a little slower than you are use to but it is better than a total shut down.
  12. As of today there will be a pause in shipping due to Ontario lock down and stay at home orders police have been stopping people and questions are asked about destinations and about their business . Please keep checking our page. Sorry we can’t control the government.
  13. We will never let any of our clients down ! You clients are our top priority we wouldn’t be who we are today without you . We appreciate each and every one of you . That’s why we always strive to bring you the best product combined with the best customer service .
  14. Thanks for the kind words guys , CBDB is correct we were away for the holidays and we are back in full force lets get those gains ! Contact us for your needs we have everything you need to make those gains happen.
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