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Posts posted by MuscleDummy

  1. I’d agree with Test primo deca. Totally doable via US doctor. And pretty classic tried and true stack. 
    Though I have a friend in Oregon that says you can pretty much get a script for anything you need if you find the right doctor. It’s all about that $$$ down there. You got it, you can get it. 

    that all being said, if you’ve ever seen him before in anything he’s done, he’s definitely putting in that work. That's a huge transformation. That shit would be no joke even on PED’s. 

    • Like 1
  2. He’s backing off cause a friend died right? I can’t remember. 
    Either way he’s been pushing hard to be as big as possible for so long to grab that pro card, I was kinda surprised he actually decided to back off. I wonder if he’s still going to be chasing that card? His lifts were fucking huge before, I suspect it’ll be hard to keep those numbers (or size) up. But maybe he’s changing the game plan? Can’t play the size game like that. We’ll see I guess. 

  3. Always quality CBDB. I hope you know your work and efforts didn’t go unnoticed. Or your fair stance on disputes or other issues. Keeping a cool head is not the easiest thing to do on the internet. Your no bullshit approach has always been my favourite. 
    You will be sorely missed. I hope you’ll be back as just a regular member some time again. 
    till then. 

  4. Some interactive stuff could be fun. Like a (yearly, seasonal, monthly or whatever) March madness type thing. But each section is decided by votes from the members. Each member fills out the brackets, each win is a point. I’m sure ya’ll have played something like this before.

    Could be body building related like 16 of the best body builders who’s wins best of all time. Etc etc.
    But it could be anything really, muscle cars, bikes, porn stars, workout movements whatever.  maybe offer up some swag or whatever for the winner with the most points.

    Could get suggestions from the members, then vote on the suggestions see what 16 to go with, instead of getting one person to decided. Have a designated voting period for each section. That way you’d have to pay a bit of attention, so you don’t lose out on playing or voting  

    could also get sponsors to set up their own game if they wanted, about whatever they choose. Try get some traffic their way etc etc. 

    not 100% sure if that’s the kind of suggestions you’re after, not sure if the board is set up for such a thing, but figured I’d send out there, could be fun. 

  5. On 3/18/2021 at 1:50 PM, instagrande said:

    When I was on any gear that dries me out, I'd be pissing 1, 2, 3 times a night. Test only there's no problem. I'm lucky I don't have a problem falling back asleep. Wish I had some advice but if it's about work stress, try to end work right when work ends and try not to think about it. Maybe meditate a little bit before going to sleep to clear your mind?

    How does one meditate? Seems like it should be simple. Can’t seem to clear my head enough to focus. 

  6. 2 hours ago, CapeBretonDadBod said:

    I currently take CBD and melatonin about 45 minutes before bed and it’s working very well for me. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.

    The cbd what’s the dose? I actually hadn’t thought of that. But No THC right? I’ll never fall asleep if I’m stoned 😂

  7. Looking for some advice on getting sleep. 

    Falling a sleep isn’t the problem. It’s staying asleep. I get up to pee or something, or my body just wakes itself up way way before my alarm and I can’t fall back a sleep. Just lay there. Brain wo t slow down. I’m 100% it’s work stress/anxiety related. I was hoping to avoid drugs, but I’m kinda at my wits end here. Figured I’d reach out see if anyone has any advice to try first. 

  8. So it’s been a year since the first shut down (here in Alberta). 
    Wondering how ya’ll made do during the last year?

    how much home gym equipment you end up buying? How’d you change your training/diet to adjust? 

    Hows them gains looking from the last 12 months. 

    Let’s here it!

  9. What’s everyone thoughts on the shelf life of AAS?

    i recall reading once that unopened stored test is good up to three years. 

    quick search reveals differing opinions. Just wondering what everyone’s experiences have been? 

    Anyway the gear in question is Mast E, from a reputable lab, it’s good gear I’ve ran it before, but I got it for a friend that just never ran it,  so he offered it back to me for nothing, so it’s a great freebie, but it’s close to 2 years old. So I’m Thinking that ship has sailed. But that’s what this community is for. Figured I’d open up the board see if it’s worth my time. Worst case I lose nothing, best case I give it rip so, let’s hear what ya got!



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