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Posts posted by Corey5150

  1. 13 hours ago, Sam said:

    Did they send an email out with a new way to contact them? I was looking to place another order and my email just gets sent back.

    I've tried replying to our old email exchanges  and scrolling through my junk but nada.

    It was posted in the BodyTech section - he wasn’t accepting new clients after Jan 6th.  The “newish” email was around for awhile. But Nova was correct they have gone private. 

  2. NPP is probably one of my top compounds - amazing anabolic and bloat can be kept minimal with an on point diet.

    HOWEVER, like others have said its not tren - tren has a look that only tren can bring. But unless competing I don't really see a point when it comes to the side effects - or used for a short period. 

  3. Just now, Cheapshot said:

    Im running 800 test 600 deca. No orals for last 10 weeks. Bf is pretty good. I stay very lean even on deca.

    I dont do any cardio, i always end up losing weight..lol

    Hows your strength progressing? Are you using anything to calculate your BF levels? Don't get too caught up in the scale but you should be having other measures of progress as well. 

    If things are progressing don't make any changes - ride those out. If things aren't then reevaluate things. If this were myself and progress has stopped, I'd look at three options:

    1. Come down to a cruise or off, lower calories, add slight cardio everyday and lower training volume (not intensity)

    2. Add in cardio, change drugs, keep food the same, lower training volume or keep it the same.

    3. Keep food the same, add in cardio, increase drugs, keep training volume the same or increase. 

    Personally, I'd opt for 1. As 2 and 3 risk over reaching and driving yourself into a hole which will make recovery harder.

  4. 6 hours ago, Cheapshot said:

    Anyone have any ideas to increase appetite.  Lately i find it hard to eat through the day. Then i gorge at night. 

    Are you running anything currently? High drug levels (especially orals) are quite known to kill appetite. 

    Hows the body fat? May be time to do a "mini cut" and bring food levels down as well as body fat. 

    Hows recovery? Typically overreaching (I don't like to call it overtraining) can only be done so long, as well as force feeding, if progress is starting to stall may want to evaluate your training. 

    Adding in cardio is ALWAYS a good option when appetite starts to die. 

    I do a form of intermittent fasting, simply because I'm not typically to hungry at breakfast and don't like breakfast style foods - I'm not a believer and literature supports this as well that you need breakfast or food late night. As long as you're able to hit your daily goals - you should be ok. 

  5. I’ve never been much of a fan of running masteron unless running it pre contest. If you’re very lean it’ll give you a nicer, harder looking appearance, if you’ve still got decent body fat - might not notice much.

    the only thing I may suggest is lower the masteron dose or the AI. Seems like overkill to me - if you’re looking to grow or recomp, estrogen is still an important component and to me, this is like trying to run your estro into the ground. 

    But just to answer the questions regarding test Tren and mast. Test will always vary, but Tren and mast 1:1.

    and this post is already getting long. But something I think many SHOULD do, but they don’t, is ramp doses.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Physlifter said:

    I have fertility issues.  It took my wife and I 4.5 years to have a child.  When my second wife and I wanted to have a baby I got checked out.  I had zero sperm...nothing..nadda...when I was 25 I had 10 mil per load..practically nothing.  Less than 100,000 is considered sterile.

    You don't need to hurt your self...more does not equal better.  It is well established protocols in restoring sperm production with a third of what you want to take. 

    You also need to clearly prioritize as said previously what you want out of life.  You need to come off EVERYTHING PERIOD.  If you're so concerned about your gains or losses then I question what you want for a child, and any resentment you'd build up towards said child if psychologically you can't handle being off for so long and what comes with it.  But as @Corey5150 said as long as you eat clean, do cardio, train for your HEALTH then you will be ok, and will bounce back eventually.  

    Back to the point -> i was able to correct myself and in 2 months my wife and I were pregnant, had a miscarriage, then got pregnant again the very next month.  This was after a well researched protocol established from medical journals that is validated and tweaking it a bit more to my needs, but not going overboard:

    100 mg clomid for 2 weeks, then 50 mg afterwards for 2 months

    HCG 500 IU every 3 days - ran three 5000 IU bottles and not the chinese stuff

    20 mg of nolva every day for 2 months 

    Where you've been on a ton of stuff yes I can see where you want to run aromasin until you can get through your half lives, but you need estrogen.  You need normal activity of your body in order to stimulate those cells to produce sperm...THEN the sperm have to maturate.  You will not get ANY of this being on anything..ever..at all.  You want it done right, you need to make tough sensible choices, and do it for the right reason.  

    My son is 3 now, a super power house.  Now i'm back on TRT for life with 2 big blasts a year, and it's great.  I've never felt better.  

    This is a great post!

  7. 41 minutes ago, Buddha said:


    16 week run

    Test E 250 ew

    Tren A 100mg eod

    Anadrol 50mg ed last 6 weeks

    High protein high fat diet


    Tren for the whole 16 weeks?

    High protein high fat? No carb? Any particular reason behind this?

    • Like 1
  8. 49 minutes ago, Blitz said:

    To be honest for me personally I don't even use an AI on over a gram of test. I've never seen a difference between long and short ester, so now I only use long ester. I personally advise clients to use long esters unless they have negative personal experience. If they believe they truly see a difference then for sure I tell them to use short ester. I'm spoiled personally because I'm always dry, but in that same vein I never blow up on wet compounds and have a harder time filling out than others do.

    well damn must be nice to be always dry LOL not all of us can be so lucky!

  9. 16 hours ago, Blitz said:

    One thing to be concerned about with suspension or even prop at low body fat is lumps. I stick with test e/d all the way through because a bad shot can make you lose a show.

    I 100% agree, I’ve been lucky that normally I don’t get lumps. But I’d never stick to a long ester all the way through - if you didn’t opt for Prop I’d just drop it fairly early anyway. But then I typically notice a much less “full” look. 

    Do you not find it harder to control water using a longer estered test? I’d rather be a little “flat” but bone dry.

    • Like 1
  10. 22 hours ago, Dogtown2017 said:

    This will be my 4th show. So when I tapped my test when do u think I should switch esters.  As for the tren and mast, should I start using both from on week7.   Thanks again for the input.  I really appreciate it!

    I personally like Tren no more than 6 weeks. But thats always dependent on how people look... some I may not introduce it until 4 weeks. But I always like to run tren and mast together. You should be switching from a long ester, to a short ester and then possibly even a suspension. Regardless of whether you hold a little or a lot, you don't want to hold anything. 

    Also I think worth mentioning, don't you think those doses are a little high? if you're 14% at 167 - some of those doses look like overkill. 

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  11. 13 hours ago, crippledclimber87 said:

    Please correct me if I should have made this post elsewhere on the forum.  Currently a cycle of 400mg/week Test E and 200mg/week Masteron E, with RAD140 (SARM, aka Testolone) and some GHRH/GHRPs.  Making some good progress, but some people have suggested using Sarms on their own between cycles of AAS, and/or to add an oral to my current cycle.  I was looking for options that were on the milder side toxicity-wise, but would offer good bang for buck short term.

    Considering adding 25-50mg of Anadrol for 4 weeks either mid cycle or for the last 4 weeks.  Any advice?

    To answer your questions simply about the anadrol, I'd suggest you evaluate that when you're there. If the goal is to bulk and appetite has shit the bed, then adding in an oral will only add to the problem. And in terms of toxicity... well then I'd avoid anadrol anyway. And adding two orals anyway, MOST TIMES, I consider overkill - unless you know exactly why and have a plan. 

    Personally, unless this is a beginner style of cycle (doubt that it is), I would re-evaluate the anabolic portion. I think that would be a better option. 

  12. 18 hours ago, Dogtown2017 said:

    Hi hope all is well need some advice for my next contest prep cycle

    current stats 

    -5”4 (filipino we short🤣), 167lbs, 14% body fat as per calipers

    2018 provincial men’s physique overall 

    I’m planning the following and would like some advice if possible 

    Test 800mg/week 1-14

    Tren 400mg/week 1-7 

    Caber week 2-7

    Proviron 40mg/day week2-7

    Masteron week  400mg/week 7-14

    Novaldex weeks 1-14

    Winstrol 40mg/day 20 days out 

    Halo 3 weeks out

    Is 1 the show? Or 14 the show? 

    I’d taper the test, switch esters, 100% use an AI.

    why the Tren at the beginning? Not the end with Mast? 

    Personally id limit the halo to 2 weeks. 

  13. 18 hours ago, Fizzyx said:

    Does the HCG not act independently of negative feedback? It is often used on-cycle to preserve testicular function therefore it should still be effective at restoring testicular function (assuming he is not primary hypogonadal) why there is still active exo test in his system. I agree that he should at least consider coming off. If he does decide to, then starting the HCG at the point of discontinuation could be a nice bridge to get things started. 

    You’re correct but I wasn’t suggesting anything while on cycle. My honest opinion is if he hasn’t been running it the whole time his sensitivity is severely diminished (and this has been shown in studies prior) so the dose we need is to be much higher (and even then recovery is not as good as if it were run throughout) but then we run into aromatization issues. 

    When it comes to hcg too many run it “alongside” their pct, when running higher doses will further suppress HPTA when in reality we want to stop hcg prior to the start of the actual pct so your body can then re-sensitive itself to its own LH production.

    • Like 3
  14. 1 hour ago, a_ahmed said:

    I got on HRT at 23, then at one point got off to freeze my sperm. I always thought I'd do IVF only in Canada and that I wouldn't have to ever get off again (it was traumatizing physically mentally and emotionally). Well after 4 failed IVF attempts and lots of money later... the last IVF with my wife was successful but resulted in a neural tube defect and the loss of our child. I've gone through so much trauma in the past decade with hormonal issues and with IVF attempts.

    Now we found a place abroad which costs a lot less, but I have 0 sperm. My count before HRT and during clomid after I got off ranged in the 0.5-3mil range. Abnormally low requiring IVF+ICSI

    Since I can't produce fresh sperm, I have to get off... Otherwise transporting my frozen sperm is very costly and a long beaurocratic process to get paper work completed in the other country for recieving  and custom purposes.

    So I need help to survive this process, to produce maximum sperm and to not shrivel away and get super fat.

    I took a break from bodybuilding for about two years then got back into it mid last year... and I was finally making progress but here we go gotta get off... of all things right now i'm on test, equi, tren and deca... so pretty harsh...

    My plan first month:

    HCG 2000iu Mon and Thur
    Clomid 150mg ED
    Aromasin 12.5mg ED

    Second month:

    Clomid 100mg ED
    Aromasin 12.5mg ED

    Then continue on until procedure where I have to jerk off and give sample lol...


    At the same time I was thinking adding GHRP2+MOD-GRF to retain gains and starve off fat... some ppl mentioned SARMs but if I am not mistaken those kill sperm no? Or only some do? I don't want to be sterile... I need maximum sperm lol... I think mk and that other number one lol are like GHRP but oral... so not testosterone related?


    Please help... to top it off I am pretty stressed at work and with other things and this has to happen... my biggest stress relief in life has been bodybuilding where i could cope with anything...

    Sorry to hear about the rough time you guys are having.

    here are my thoughts:

    - with all the money you have spent on this and the stress I’m sure it’s causing both of you - come off everything. Stay off until it’s resolved. Prioritize what’s more important, who cares if you lose a bit - it’ll come back, don’t overeat and do some cardio.. won’t get fat. Jumping back and forth is simply continuing to kill your chances of recovery. 

    - don’t bother starting your planned pct until you’re below therapeutic levels of the drugs (Given the enanthate ester for example I wouldn’t recommend starting pct until a minimum of 5 weeks have passed - considering your use of the other drugs adjust to the longest ester). 

    - look up the combination of HMG and HCG. This has shown a drastic increase in recovery and sperm count. 

    Good luck brother.

    • Like 2
  15. 5 hours ago, Bcmass said:

    i mean the weights lol. i've entered a deload by necessity at the moment. i need to let my body heal up before i do anything else. opinions on adding hgh to the mix for the purpose of healing?

    I’d youre feeling that depleted and need to “heal up” I’d actually advice being out of the gym for a bit, come down to a cruise - lower your carbs, increase your fats - basically creating more of a stimulus for growth by reducing overall stress and inflammation. 

    Then reintroduce training at a lower rate, increase carbs, lower fat and ramp up everything at an acceptable rate.

    i wouldn’t bother with growth for that as I feel like it wouldn’t be best utilized. 

    • Like 2
  16. @Bcmass

    by heavy ass shit do you mean like being 300lbs? Or are you actually referring to feeling like the weight you’re training with? 

    Either way, I’m not sure how funnyman would approach this but I would look into deloading first - this will enhance your recovering ability. Then if you wanted to still move into more of a cutting phase - I’d get a strict diet down. Probably wouldn’t add in any cardio yet - being a larger guy I’m almost positive an increased NEAT would be sufficient to have the deficit you require. 

    Im going to probably be on the opposite end of the spectrum on this one.. but I’d actually probably maintain the drugs you’re currently doing. I’m a big fan of offseason style drugs while initially dieting. 

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, NovaFreak said:

    Training is going great and I’m much happier the only time I’m depressed now is when I can’t get to the gym , wife is a lot happier too 😋 . I enjoy waking up in the morning now , is it sick that I enjoy the days I have to pin . Have to say thanks to my Doc Genetec for their spot on diagnoses 👌

    Glad everything is good well for you buddy!


    I noticed you're taking turmeric as a spice - if you're after more of the benefits, I'd recommend a supplemental form. One that is 95% curcuminoids (the compound within turmeric). I'd also look into taking two others - High dosed omega-3 (With a good dosing of EPA), and Vitamin D (try to find the 10,000 IU pills... then take 50,000IU).

  18. On 1/25/2019 at 7:57 PM, K1Canada said:

    I'm a huge fan of inj Stanolone. Mega strength gains. 

    What dose did you find most effective? I may have to jump on some of this after I'm finished with this dumb deload lol

  19. 23 hours ago, Musclet1 said:

    Got my blood work results, took this on the 9th week of cycle. Not sure if this is too high or should be higher?


    Well I see a couple things wrong:

    1. We don't know the dose you were using, so we cant give you an answer. You are above the range of normal "high testosterone" which you can see listed at 31. We can all take these tests and have different results come back due to how we metabolize these drugs.

    2. You switched labs two weeks prior. So this isn't a good conclusion on either brand in question because your levels could be declining or currently on the rise. 

    • Like 1
  20. 38 minutes ago, Sorbate said:

    Lol, just being funny, but if you want to grow here are a few tips I found worked for me.

    -you need to get over the idea that either you eat a lot, which you likely don’t, or that you are worried about getting fat.  Which if you do, is really easy to get rid of

    -you need to keep training volume low.  12 sets for big body parts, 8 for small.  After warmup, every set is failure or beyond.  You usually have to drop weight or reps between sets.  When I was young I went realky heavy low reps, now higher reps like 12-14

    -dont expend any extra energy, so no cardio while trying to grow.  Avoid stimulants like ephedrine,  it just increases the amount you need to eat.

    - eat fatty foods, milk.  Lean steak and chicken breast are for endomorphs, lol, eat thighs, fatty steaks, 4% cottage cheese, 2% milk.  When I was young and natural and wanted to grow really bad, I almost drank 4 litres of milk a day, plus a ton of juice on top of my meals.  Oh I farted all the time, had diarrhea every couple of weeks from the milk, but I put on 30 lbs in 8 months natural,

    -train daily if you can but split up bodyparts.  Depending on your job depends on how you split things.  I’ve always worked heavy labour so other than arms each body part had a separate day.

    - and the biggest one, since it is easy for ectomorphs to get a good beach body, if you want to get big, you can’t be lazy.  So going off track and eating Pringle’s instead of your proper meals, or taking time off because you want to drink all summer will not work.  It is difficult to get huge as an ecto, but possible if you are very strict. This I know because, well, that’s pretty much what I did for years.

    Everyones body is a bit different so you need to learn you.  Your digestion system may not take milk, your joints may be too small and need time to get stronger before laying it all out training.

    I like a lot of this advice.

    Coming from a guy who was 140lbs all through high school and now sit in the mid 260s in ok shape its all about mindset. 

    The only thing Id say different is in regards to cardio - use it at appropriate times to help stimulate appetite 

  21. @definedABS

    how long have you been training brother? Only reason I ask is at 6’5 and 195 (especially over 10% BF) id lean in the direction of the others who have commented and say I’d evaluate the training and diet first before adding gear into the mix. 

    2nd, you aren’t even sure what test to order... do you know what the difference between them are? Do you know what the side effects would be? Safe injection procedure? The list goes on and on. 

    3rd hiding it from a significant other is nothing but a headache. 

    While we’re here to help and I love to guide people in the right direction, there should always be research done prior. Understand what you’re getting into and the risks you assume by doing so. 

    If you’re diets on point (post it up) as well as training, then I’d be happy to suggest a low dose test cycle as others have advocated. 

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