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Posts posted by musclebeauty

  1. On 4/27/2019 at 12:54 PM, German89 said:

    Got my stupid period finally. It's been since like, October since I last saw it.

    I will probably let one more happen and then hop back on cycle.

    I have a ultrasound hooked to check all my lady parts are functioning properly in 2 weeks. But since I got my period, I'm gonna guess I am, okay?

    Shit i have not had a period in 13 years since using and im not on any test just primobolon and equipose been to the doctor several times before they put me on birth control to try to regulate it nothing happened so because ive been lifting and using gear for so long ive literally shut it down which to me i love it not getting a period i will still get cramps and a headache around the time it should come but thats it and im in great health... my doctor is awesome as he also lifts so its very easy talking to him about stuff and he understands..

    • Like 1
  2. Have not updated for a bit been working 7 days a week 14 to 16 hour days plus still fitting the gym in....my weight seems to be steady at around 150lbs...but im not dieting for a show or anything just keeping it roughly between 145 to 150...


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  3. On 4/6/2019 at 4:32 PM, Shelbysdad said:

    Hey freaks, so my girl is always bugging me to give her a shot of my test  as she loves getting super horny. I dont want to give her to much just in case of androgenic sides etc. What I am looking for is what other ped's can I give her if all she is looking for is extra hornyness? I've heard tbol, anavar, proviron can be good. Hopefully some of you experianced ladies can educate me on what works best for a quick rise in female libido. Usually when I give her some prop she can feel it later that day or the next, what is comparable? Are the orals faster acting in this respect? Thanks.

    Honestly if your girls looking for something to make her more hornier a simple very low dose shot of test propionate would definitely do the job I take that stuff at a lower dose and absolutely I'm climbing the walls.. I will also mention to that if you've familiar with the peptides but melatonin 2 acts as an aphrodisiac and makes you insanely horny something to keep in mind plus you get nice and brown from it... you can try low dose anavar i get more off of test personally but everyone has individual sides...😁

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  4. 3 hours ago, NorthernLifters said:

    absolutely brillian physique,id imagine you would take 1st place at comps if you competed

    Awww thankyou very much for that...i just love seeing the changes your body goes through its so rewarding...

  5. So right now my BT cycle i am on is as follows..

    15 mg Sibutramine 

    Was taking 20 mg of anavar and bumped that to 40mg its one of my favorites and i get amazing results from it...

    Primobolon 150mg/ per week

    Equipose 75mg/ per week

    Likely be adding some test propionate soon to that mix or a bit of low dose Trenbolone....

    All BT products love love love them3😁😁


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  6. Whether you’re new to using anabolic steroids, or a seasoned pro, you’ll be wanting to get the most out of your cycle.

    Cutting, bulking or recomping; whatever the type of cycle you’re running, you won’t see results from the very start. This is because it takes a while for most steroids to have an effect, particularly those which are injected.

    This delay is why a lot of bodybuilders opt to kickstart their cycle so they don’t waste a day waiting for the drugs with a longer ester to start to work. Here’s what you need to know about kickstarting your cycle and how it works in practice.

    What is kickstarting?

    If you’ve done your homework, you’ll have probably heard of kickstarting already. It’s a common way of stacking which ensures that every day during your cycle counts.

    A lot of the steroids used take a while to get properly into the system, sometimes as long as a few weeks. This means that at the beginning of the cycle, you’ll be missing out on any extra cutting or bulking results you were hoping to see.

    It is possible to get around this by using an additional drug, usually an anabolic steroid but not always, that works much more quickly. This extra drug is the kickstarter, and is only used right at the beginning of a longer cycle.

    As the main steroids in your cycle start to take effect, the kickstarter drug stops so you don’t end up with too many side effects or taking too high a dose. Using a faster-acting performance enhancing drug in this way means that you can bulk, cut or recomp from the start of your cycle and enjoy better results straight away.

    Oral steroids are often used as a kickstarter. This is because they’re often too toxic to the liver to run for an entire cycle but because they act quickly and can be very effective, they’re the perfect short term solution.

    When to start kickstarting

    The principle of kickstarting is attractive to most bodybuilders, but the question is often asked: how many cycles should I have behind me before I can try this?

    If you’re just starting out on anabolic steroids you are probably eager to get amazing results, but you need to take it easy. Everyone reacts differently to anabolic steroids and until you know what side effects you are more prone to, you can’t plan your optimal cycle.

    For this reason, all the experts recommend only running one steroid at a time for your first cycle, but if you’re using a testosterone with a longer ester (such as cypionate or enanthate) you won’t see the effects for a few weeks anyway. That leaves you free to try kickstarting your cycle with a little bit of Dbol for the first 3-4 weeks.

    This will allow you to judge the effect that the Dbol has on your body, before later assessing the testosterone when it finally starts to work. The only proviso is that the dosage of the Dbol should be low, around 30mg per day, because this is your first run-out.

    In subsequent cycles, Dbol can still be used to kickstart results, but typically at the higher dose of 50mg per day. You might also run this kickstarter with a longer acting stack of two or more drugs, unlike your initial cycle.

    Dianabol isn’t the only steroid which can be useful for kickstarting a cycle; winstrol and anavar are favored by some. And testosterone can also be used to kickstart, but in the form of the short-acting ester, testosterone propionate.


    Oral steroids are effective, and some users say deliver the best results they see without the need to pin.

    However, although you’ll get results, lots of people suffer from side effects, and there’s the added problem of liver toxicity too.

    Some users are able to tolerate oral steroids for a short time while kickstarting a cycle but for others, their reaction is far too strong to make it desirable or safe. For these individuals, there is an alternative: SARMs.

    A different type of drug entirely but producing similar results, SARMs can be a viable alternative. It’s possible to get quicker results, in the same way as oral steroids, although the effect won’t usually be quite as dramatic.

    However, the benefit is that you can run SARMs for much longer and the side effects are far more tolerable than anabolic steroids. They also don’t cause any toxicity to the liver either which is one of the biggest oral steroid concerns.

    Therefore, if you don’t want to use test prop, and oral steroids are causing you problems, SARMs could give your cycle a kickstart without the unpleasant effects.

    Make your cycle count

    When you’re cycling you should be feeling the effects every single day to really push your boundaries and get the results you want. Kickstarting your cycle is a great way to ensure that you don’t waste time sitting around and waiting for the drugs to start working. But make sure you do your research and understand how your body reacts to steroids before going in too hard, too soon. Remember – just because it worked for your buddy, doesn’t mean it’s right for you too!

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  7. Shredding every last pound of body fat while simultaneously building lean muscle can take more than complete dedication to eating a clean diet and training well.

    Getting to your absolute physical best often requires a boost from supplements. Many bodybuilders opt for anabolic steroids but there are risks attached, despite the considerable benefits.

    One alternative to taking anabolic steroids is the use of prohormones, another group of drugs which offer the chance to improve your physique immeasurably.

    But like any performance enhancing drug, it’s essential to understand what they are, how they work and the warning signs to watch out for. Here’s our guide to prohormones and how to use them for bodybuilding.

    What is a prohormone?

    Despite having a different name, you might find a lot of people referring to prohormones as “weak steroids”. Although this isn’t technically true, the two groups of drugs very closely resemble each other and have a similar effect on the body.

    Anabolic steroids are created to mimic testosterone in order to activate the androgen receptor. It’s this process which kickstarts the anabolic effect within the body.

    By contrast, prohormones are a type of hormone precursor which means that once introduced into the body, they act on the same androgen receptors to produce very similar effects to anabolic steroids. Most prohormones are introduced to the body in an inactive form and transform after they are exposed to certain enzymes.

    Although prohormones and anabolic steroids are different types of compounds, the net effect on the body is the same. However, prohormones tend to produce a weaker result because they have to go through a process of transformation in order to take effect. Anabolic steroids are ready to work immediately and are a far more potent type of drug.

    The benefits

    Although prohormones aren’t generally as powerful as anabolic steroids, they can produce a very similar effect within the body.

    Prohormones lead to greater muscle mass which is achieved via improved protein synthesis in the body. Endurance and strength is also heightened, which makes it possible to train longer and harder. This is another reason why prohormones help to add bulk. Although they affect the androgen receptor, don’t expect to get good results without doing any training.

    The other major benefit is that you’ll recover faster too. So after a really hard session you’ll do less potential damage to your joints, and be back ready to work out again much more quickly.

    The neural drive also increases too which will not only up your sex drive but make you feel extra competitive. This can provide a read edge when it comes to training.

    For those who aren’t a fan of injections, prohormones could be a very viable alternative. They have a high level of oral bioavailability which means they don’t need to be injected.

    The disadvantages

    Although prohormones can deliver some very solid results, it’s important to understand that just because they are weaker than anabolic steroids, they still can cause significant side effects.

    Just like anabolic steroids, the side effects you could experience depend on the drug being used. Many have a low conversion rate to estrogen but those which do aromatize carry the risk of gyno, bloating and water retention just like their steroid counterparts.

    A good number of pro hormones are also not particularly androgenic but the same can’t be said for all of them. However, pro hormones such as 1-androstenediol are strongly androgenic and can cause the same problems such as male pattern baldness and acne.

    Although taking prohormones might seem like a convenient form of administration, you are running a much greater risk of doing damage to your liver. Orally administered drugs have to pass through the liver and can ultimately harm it in the longer term.

  8. Today was a vicious shoulder workout and feeling great....


    5 sets of shoulder dumbbell press

    5 sets of rear delt raises with dumbbells 

    5 sets of cable upright rows

    5 sets of dumbbell front row

    5 sets of arnold presses


    All weight is relatively light and i perform high reps between 30 to 50 reps for each set, than i did an hour of cardio on the upright bike...



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  9. If you’re new to using anabolic steroids, starting with an injectable drug may seem like a massive step, and one that you’re not yet prepared to take. However, what many newbies don’t realize is that injectables can actually be far gentler on the body than oral steroids, despite the trickier route of administration.

    So here’s the lowdown on both orals and injectables, with the pros and cons of each…


    Orals typically come in either liquid or tablet form and are undeniably much simpler to take than an injectable: simply pop a pill or gulp down the liquid and you’re done. Unfortunately, though, there’s much more to consider than just that.

    Firstly, what oral steroids are not. They aren’t necessarily cheaper, stronger, weaker, easier to obtain or safer. The individual characteristics of each drug aren’t determined by whether it’s an oral or an injectable, but the type of steroid it is.

    However, as a general rule orals are much tougher on the liver. This is because when a steroid is taken by mouth, it is normally metabolized by the liver, with very little of the actual drug ever reaching the bloodstream.

    In order for oral steroids to have any bioavailability, they must have their chemical structure altered to get past this initial breakdown. By adding a methyl group to the 17th carbon, something known as a C17-alpha alkylation occurs and this is resistant to being broken down by the liver.

    A steroid which has become C17-alpha alkylated will largely survive the first pass through the liver, enabling it to become bioavailable. Unfortunately, the same process means that it also becomes very toxic to the liver too.

    For this reason, liver enzymes must be monitored closely when taking oral steroids, and each cycle must be relatively short. Orals taken at a high dose for a long time have been associated with extreme side effects such as liver cancer.

    The hepatotoxicity of orals has other effects too, in particular relating to cholesterol levels within the body. Because cholesterol is largely processed by the liver, the knock on effect of taking orals is that the unhealthy LDL cholesterol level within the body rises, while the “good” cholesterol HDL drops.

    However, some individuals do prefer to take oral steroids, and there are advantages of doing so, such as the avoidance of painful injection sites. If oral steroids are taken the cycle should be restricted to no more than 6-8 weeks. In an ideal world they should only be taken to supplement injectable steroids, such as kick starting a cycle.


    There are three different ways to inject into the body: intravenously, intramuscularly and subcutaneously. The method most often chosen for anabolic steroids is intramuscularly and very rarely subcutaneously. Steroids are never injected intravenously.

    Injecting steroids requires the user to rotate their injection site and to leave at least 1-2 weeks before they return to the same site. This doesn’t normally cause any problems as there are 34 suitable intramuscular injection points on the body including the glutes, biceps, triceps, deltoids and pecs.

    Some users don’t like the pain associated with injections but this can be reduced by icing the delivery site. In addition, if the steroid is suspended in oil, running the syringe under hot water will warm the solution and make it smoother to administer.

    The other risk is that if the steroid is not injected properly or if the equipment is dirty, bleeding, pain, numbness or infection could arise. It’s therefore essential to keep everything clean and not to share needles.

    Although injectables can be more complicated than orals, at least to start with, they aren’t as toxic to the liver because they don’t need to go through the process of C17-alpha alkylation. This means that they don’t typically have problems with cholesterol to the same extent either. And because of this it’s possible to run much longer cycles, getting more benefit from the steroid.

    The other advantage to injectables is that many are long acting because an ester is attached. This reduces the frequency of the injections required, minimizing the inconvenience.

    What to choose?

    Everyone is different and ultimately what you choose is down to your personal preference. For most people, orals aren’t a good idea to run solo because the body finds them much harder to tolerate. Getting used to administering injections can take a bit of a while but if you’re able to master the technique, you’ll have a much greater choice for your steroid cycles in the future.

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