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Posts posted by instagrande

  1. On 11/17/2020 at 4:09 AM, Ryujiin said:

    Did you end up giving it a go man? Free flowing now?

    No, sorry, haven't had a chance yet. Luckily I haven't had issues with the prostate but wanted to get something as a preventative measure. I have some family coming to visit from the States in 2021 and will ask for them to bring some supply for me to try out. 

  2. I know not everyone can build a home gym (including me) but if you want to save some bucks and get a workout at home, here's some deals on power racks:


    Walmart (this one comes in and out of stock): https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/progear-1600-ultra-strength-800lb-weight-capacity-power-cage-with-lock-in-j-hooks/6000199575184?

    Sadly no deals on plates right now. You're looking at $2-3/lb plus shipping from most places.

  3. 13 hours ago, Troy gomes said:

    I understand but that dosent make any sense I had low t from genetics no libido for years etc now I started test to make my life better I did blood work before getting on a few months ago all was good!


    i have low t that’s causing my low sex drive I’m trying to fix it and this guy is telling me to come off because I crashed my e2 dosent make much sense to me! Why would I start trt just to come off and start again when I know the problem is low test! Ur asking me to go back to low t just for the sake of it

    bruh. you can drop everything and let your body reset and use gear properly.


    you can go ahead and fuck up your body to a point that you'll be depressed as shit and no doctor will be able to help you.

    your choice.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Ryujiin said:

    This really depends on the status of your swimmers man.  I know guys that have been blasting and cruising for years and get their girls knocked up, or; you get guys like me that run TRT with an OK count but shit motility. 

    You could get your little wigglers tested first if you have not already and then plan out how to proceed. 

    Good advice. I hopped on because of how low my test levels were. It's been four years of blasting and cruising so hopefully there's some life in my gear-shrunken testes lol. 

  5. On 7/29/2020 at 10:51 PM, Ryujiin said:

    Human Menopausal Gonadotropins

    Similar to HCG but;

    - Effects LH (not FSH)
    - Direct link to Testosterone secretion

    - Effects FSH (not LH)
    - Direct link to sperm cell maturation

    You will typically find HMG used in fertility protocols and its very hard to get and not cheap. Typically. 

    Cheers. May be planning on having kids in 2021. So would it be wise to combine HCG+HMG for fertility? Or start with HCG after end of a blast and try to get the testes working again; then HMG when it's time to make a kid? And what is the ideal dosage/frequency?

  6. 4 hours ago, BodyTechPharma said:

    Thanks for the review of our products , These reviews are what help us perfect our products ! If there is a problem we need to know so we can keep our quality up to your expectations,  And if you love the products tell us and more importantly tell others !

    Hope you guys offer capped DNP! My weight scale has yellow stains all over it haha

  7. I haven't chimed in on my previous order yet. Gonna do a quick review of BT's T3 and DNP. I started taking T3 at 25mcg and didn't notice anything, but that's because 25mcg is what the body normally produces. When I upped it to 50mcg, it was okay in the first few days but then headaches started. When it was five days in a row, I dropped T3 for a bit and tried it again. Headaches again. T3 is not for me so that's gonna collect dust.

    DNP, though. Dam. That shit works. Sweating like a motherfucker and sitting in front of the AC all day long and sleeping with fans every night. The sweat wasn't THAT bad. It was like... walking 24/7. Being in front of the AC and fan helped but when it was 22 out and 19 inside, it felt to me it was like 29. 

    All that fat that I gained from sitting on my ass during quarantine went right off. I was bloated on DNP during the time I was using it, which is normal. A week after dropping it, water weight was gone and I was back to pre-quarantine shape. It's incredible. Downside: I started breaking out into hives at the end of the 3-week mark. Needed to blast benadryl like mad to stop the hives. The hives and itchiness was the worst. Way worse than the heat. 

    I'll give the rest of what I've got left of DNP in the winter when I can walk around town with just a hoodie on haha. Summary of this post: BT shit is g2g.


    Oh. Forgot my DNP dosage. I was measuring 250mg in the first week and then the next two weeks I found that 300-350mg was the sweet spot for me. 

  8. Gentlemen, based off of Goodlife's corporate communication, going to the gym is gonna suck... a lot. Have to book gym time with an app in advance. Can only work out for one hour max. One workout a day. Need to keep distance and follow the arrows. And every hour the gym shuts down for cleaning for 30 minutes. 

    I wish I lived in a house with a garage or basement... then I could build a home gym.

  9. OK, folks. Another review for Bodytech. I'll keep it short because 38 pages of reviews speaks for itself. Last week I contacted the rep about placing an order for a few items to get shredded once the quarantine is over. Super fast communication - EMT payment convenience - and I got tracking on Monday. I was thinking with the coronavirus there would be delays, but NP! Canada Post is overloaded. Two days later - right there on my doorstep is the classic square box from BT. I knew exactly what it was looking at the box. 

    Pop it open and all the gear I wanted is in there. Here's what I ordered. Everything came secure in lots of bubble wrap and extra bubble wrap for the liquids. If you're wondering why there's yellow all over the packages - that's DNP LOL. First time with DNP and I knew people said it stains yellow like hell but didn't really understand it until I started going through the gear. That is some bright yellow craziness! Cleaned up with a lysol wipe and it's all good. Now waiting for Amazon to deliver some fruit roll ups (got that tip from someone on this board). 

    Everything came secure and I don't need to speak to the quality of the gear - I've been using BT ever since joining this board and their quality is top-notch. It's also my first time ordering T3 and I was worried about how to measure the liquid. But I pop open the bottle and there you go - the dropper has measurements on it! Super convenient!

    In a nutshell - I'm a happy camper. Soon, the lady will be also - it'll be her first time with Anavar and I'm excited for the results 😏

    Thanks, BT!






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