another couple pics

Brother I think the sweet spot for you will be right around 225 you get there I bet it motivates the shit out of you.

Good job man, looking at your starting pics to now are big changes, keep at it!

I agree man ! Don’t give up bro your so close now you can almost taste it,  you came this far don’t slip back , you got this man !

@Sorbate did you follow his whole thread this cat had some bumps in the road lacking information and knowledge but man he’s doing fantastic right now , but I don’t think AAS should be used now but used properly in a very low dose I thing he can sneek it in with some benefit.

@Sorbate did you follow his whole thread this cat had some bumps in the road lacking information and knowledge but man he’s doing fantastic right now , but I don’t think AAS should be used now but used properly in a very low dose I thing he can sneek it in with some benefit.
Yep I’ve followed him the whole time.

its very difficult to see progress thru just pictures, and posting stats will help him to be accountable. 

He could use trt dose of test like no more than 175 mg, but I personally thinks he needs to loose more body fat first, or he might have estrogen issues if he runs too much.

its tough to lose weight, you need to be on the ball for months.  Especially the amount he has to loose.  But he will get there.

Im sorry if I sound mean, but the work he needs to do is tough.  

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@Sorbate I agree with you whole heartedly, low does aas would help him build some more muscle in turn burn more calories, but you are correct 175-200mg max , diet and fat loss should be tops.

hate the double chin bloated cheeks and love handles. going to drink more water and skip out on some meals. gotta buy some protein.

Skipping meals? Blasphemy!! Lol, I don’t think skipping meals is ever a good idea. Just get your nutrition on point. With your goals you are obviously going to want to stay in a deficit and slowly add cardio to your training. Skipping meals isn’t a good idea, in my opinion anyway.

4 years ago I was 240lbs. And it wasn’t muscle. If I can do it, you can do it. And by the look of things, you are doing it. In the kitchen is where 90% your change will take place. You can do it bro!

Skipping meals? Blasphemy!! Lol, I don’t think skipping meals is ever a good idea. Just get your nutrition on point. With your goals you are obviously going to want to stay in a deficit and slowly add cardio to your training. Skipping meals isn’t a good idea, in my opinion anyway.

4 years ago I was 240lbs. And it wasn’t muscle. If I can do it, you can do it. And by the look of things, you are doing it. In the kitchen is where 90% your change will take place. You can do it bro!
While skipping meals for some might be a bad idea, it's been great for me.  However, it's 'skipping' in the context of time restricted eating or intermittent fasting.  I eat two meals a day with a little snacking here and there and only eat noon - 7pm. 

TRT dose with little else so far and I'm down 35 lbs and hitting PRs in the gym after a lifetime of lifting.

I'm now approaching single digit bf % and other than a mini bulk here and there, I'm probably sticking with this for life.  Blood markers dramatically improving. 

For those above maybe 20%bf, I think IF is a great protocol. 

@whatsup your doing good but don’t forget to ask for help here on the board , I have experience but I still just recently asked for help from the board because I stalled I thought everything was on point but wasn’t, you know what killed me was what I thought was right it was consistently that got me ironic hey, @tedtrushbodyathletica Pointed it out to me , he told me my body adapted to the amount of cardio I was doing so it had to be increased, @Rosconow chimed in with some good tips, we don’t know it all. But between all of us we have some good advice don’t be afraid to ask that’s what we are here for we support each other’s goals because most normal people have no idea what we go through doing this so the board members are your greatest asset. Get all your food prepared the night before for the next day so you don’t grab something shitty if your out and hungry . Like I said bro your doing good we all support you, if you need help ask man ! Keep up the good work !

While skipping meals for some might be a bad idea, it's been great for me.  However, it's 'skipping' in the context of time restricted eating or intermittent fasting.  I eat two meals a day with a little snacking here and there and only eat noon - 7pm. 

TRT dose with little else so far and I'm down 35 lbs and hitting PRs in the gym after a lifetime of lifting.

I'm now approaching single digit bf % and other than a mini bulk here and there, I'm probably sticking with this for life.  Blood markers dramatically improving. 

For those above maybe 20%bf, I think IF is a great protocol. 
Skipping meals or IF works for dropping weight and IF at least once per week is great for overall health.  Now if you are talking body composition from a bodybuilding perspective then skipping meals and IF is not optimal for preserving lean mass while dropping fat only...body composition can suffer.