another couple pics

While skipping meals for some might be a bad idea, it's been great for me.  However, it's 'skipping' in the context of time restricted eating or intermittent fasting.  I eat two meals a day with a little snacking here and there and only eat noon - 7pm. 

TRT dose with little else so far and I'm down 35 lbs and hitting PRs in the gym after a lifetime of lifting.

I'm now approaching single digit bf % and other than a mini bulk here and there, I'm probably sticking with this for life.  Blood markers dramatically improving. 

For those above maybe 20%bf, I think IF is a great protocol. 

Skipping meals or IF works for dropping weight and IF at least once per week is great for overall health.  Now if you are talking body composition from a bodybuilding perspective then skipping meals and IF is not optimal for preserving lean mass while dropping fat only...body composition can suffer.

Skipping meals isn’t quite IF. But yeah, I agree you would lose weight with either or. Tho I do feel with weight loss sustainability is critical. Sure you could cut a bunch of weight starving yourself, making drastic changes or going keto. But, and it’s just my opinion, it should be done slowly, in a way you can maintain for years to come and without torturing yourself. 

I do have to remember not everyone has the same goals as I do. Maintaining muscle is very important to me. As is keeping lean while enjoying life and being happy with my nutrition.

I do have some personal experience losing weight and understand the struggle. 4 years ago I was 238 lbs never worked out or exercised. Damn, I think I averaged,  3 double double (timmie 😁) and 12 Pepsi a day... it was effecting my health and happiness. Not to mention I have a beautiful young wife who I really wanted to stay physically attracted to me. ( at the time she was 25 and I was 34) 

it took me a year to get close to 12% bf and I wound up at 170 lbs. then I found the weight room and my passion 😈


me at 230+ with my kid and niece.


1 year later, close to 60 lbs lighter, felt so much better, looked better, was healthier. But now I had a fitness addiction!


my bodybuilding transformation. 6 months between pics.


And my current physique, off cycle and no flex. (2 months ago, 196 lbs 15% bf)

Whatsup! If I can do this you can do it!!

It’ll take time and consistency. You’ve already made the choice and your on the path to your goals. I love following along with this thread as it inspires me. I’m happy for you bro, you’ve started a new chapter in your book of life. It looks like there are several supportive and knowledgeable people here willing to help you. This forum will be a great tool on your journey. I wish I had something like this when I started mine.

You got this whatsup! Changes are already happening!! 💪🏻 Love following your thread. Inspirational stuff brutha!

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Skipping meals isn’t quite IF. But yeah, I agree you would lose weight with either or. Tho I do feel with weight loss sustainability is critical. Sure you could cut a bunch of weight starving yourself, making drastic changes or going keto. But, and it’s just my opinion, it should be done slowly, in a way you can maintain for years to come and without torturing yourself. 

I do have to remember not everyone has the same goals as I do. Maintaining muscle is very important to me. As is keeping lean while enjoying life and being happy with my nutrition.

I do have some personal experience losing weight and understand the struggle. 4 years ago I was 238 lbs never worked out or exercised. Damn, I think I averaged,  3 double double (timmie 😁) and 12 Pepsi a day... it was effecting my health and happiness. Not to mention I have a beautiful young wife who I really wanted to stay physically attracted to me. ( at the time she was 25 and I was 34) 

it took me a year to get close to 12% bf and I wound up at 170 lbs. then I found the weight room and my passion 😈

View attachment 1713

me at 230+ with my kid and niece.

View attachment 1714View attachment 1715

1 year later, close to 60 lbs lighter, felt so much better, looked better, was healthier. But now I had a fitness addiction!

View attachment 1716

my bodybuilding transformation. 6 months between pics.

View attachment 1717

And my current physique, off cycle and no flex. (2 months ago, 196 lbs 15% bf)

Whatsup! If I can do this you can do it!!

It’ll take time and consistency. You’ve already made the choice and your on the path to your goals. I love following along with this thread as it inspires me. I’m happy for you bro, you’ve started a new chapter in your book of life. It looks like there are several supportive and knowledgeable people here willing to help you. This forum will be a great tool on your journey. I wish I had something like this when I started mine.

You got this whatsup! Changes are already happening!! 💪🏻 Love following your thread. Inspirational stuff brutha!

Skipping meals or IF works for dropping weight and IF at least once per week is great for overall health.  Now if you are talking body composition from a bodybuilding perspective then skipping meals and IF is not optimal for preserving lean mass while dropping fat only...body composition can suffer.

any tips on what I should do? maybe run clen and trt doseage of sustanon?

@whatsup keep dieting man drugs aren’t a miracle, if a trt dose do as myself and @Sorbate mentioned NO More than 175mg you still have a lot of fatty tissue so you are going to be more prone to estrogen issues and you don’t want to be battling those while trying to lose weight , and the bloat will beat you down mentally after all the hard work you did as far as the test I’d use test-e . Now for fat burners for you clen wouldn’t be on the table I’d use an appetite suppressant any maybe a helio , Guys please chime in with some advice , I want this guy to succeed he came this far I don’t want him to mess it up let’s get him to the finish line. 

Buy a treadmill, put a body mirror in front of it. Run in your underwear, when you feel like stopping look in the mirror then imagine your new body. 

Sounds silly, but it motivated the fuck out of me. 

Clen is pretty hard on the body, but I’m a pussy. I won’t touch tren or adrol.

ive used ephedrine and caffeine, it works well. And it’s all legal and super cheap.

@whatsup brother not quite time for that yet I’m being respectful as possible saying that. Very very low dose of test only if anything.

No need to start any drugs.  You have plenty of weight to lose and a cycle works much better when you are more insulin sensitive.

Post your diet and cardio schedule and I can provide suggestions.


@whatsup brother listen to @tedtrushbodyathletica that’s a great suggestion post everything this man can definitely help you through right now he’s your best option but inevitable he can give you the tools but you have to do the work and follow his advice, you see it all too much people try to replace poor diet and training with drugs and still don’t get the desired results , you need everything firing on all cylinders before you introduce a cycle.

He’s already on gear. All he wants is someone to tell him he looks great.

You look amazing!!

tho honestly bro, you should just tell us what your running. That ment is heavy stuff. I won’t touch it. You wanna run gear? It’s your body man. If I were you I’d opt for dryer compounds that deca and ment.

@whatsup ok man what @GainTrain said it’s your body you want to fuck with it that’s entirely your choice. But if you want our help like actually want help we need to know everything gear , diet , how much gear how deep your in , if your taking a wet gear like @GainTrain said you will look puffy and get bloated and full of water weight and be right back to square one. If you can’t be honest with us at least be honest to yourself . Would you go to the doctor with and issue and not give him the whole story so he can make a proper diagnosis? Man this whole gear thing is not to be taken lightly knowledge is power man , soon as you push the plunger of that first pin you alter you body and genetic make up for life then it’s up to you to manage it and deal with it for life. That being said man be honest so we can help and at the very least keep you from hurting yourself.

I'll post diet tomorrow. Maybe I'll give a few of my worksouts. I came off test e and dbol about 6 weeks back.

That’s good man. No point in hiding that shit from your brothers. I’m curious as to dosing, cycle length and pct used. Have you brought your doctor on board with your lifestyle? That’s important too.