Bodytech Sponsored Offseason Log

Aug 25, 2018
Hey everyone!

I thought I'd start a new log detailing some of my offseason progress leading into the Toronto Pro Qualifier at the end of 2019! A little bit about myself, I'm 28 years old - current weight is about 255lbs, my height is 5'9 and I've competed in about 6 shows so far. My goal for this offseason is to hopefully get up to somewhere around 270lbs or so and not be too sloppy LOL I don't have a lofty goal of a pro card or anything but I do want to stand up with the other heavyweights and look like I belong on the national stage. 

I hired a coach for this offseason, Nick Trigili - some people love him some hate him lol I will say my experience with him has been very good. Very responsive, very insightful and overall his honesty is what I really appreciate. So he looks after my diet, training and supplementation. Just so its fair I won't be posting too much of any specifics - but I will post the overall idea we use. 

So currently for gear what I've been using has been,

Test E - 750/week
NPP - 300/Week
EQ - 450/Week

However this is about to change, we'll be keeping the same compounds but ramping up in dosages into what we discussed as starting to get "aggressive". I'll be honest as well, I haven't been hitting all three shots per week, so I probably haven't totally been hitting those numbers. 

ALSO, all gear that I will be using (as well as GH) will be by BODYTECH. Its a brand I experimented with through my last prep, and enjoyed so I will be continuing throughout this offseason and into my prep as well. 

Peptide wise we finished using 1 method of insulin last week, and changed it up with the new plan - we'll be using it 3 times per day. Another thing we'll be introducing as well will be HGH at 6iu per day (split into 3 doses). I'm probably most excited/hesitant for this aspect as I've only used GH once and it was years ago so we'll see what happens!

Diet consists of 3 separate "meal plans" 1 for larger muscle group days (Chest, back and legs - these are also the insulin days), another for arms and delts and another for rest days. 

Training - nothing crazy, although we're starting to ramp up the volume and I'll update this as I go. 

So TODAY I trained early and hit Quads and Hamstrings - this is an area I need to bring up, especially hamstrings, so I try to bring a lot of intensity. I've been focusing much more on contracting the muscles then simply moving weight (which I use to do a lot). Got a great pump, did lots of hacks and front squats as well as 15 sets of hamstring work. 

So today is officially day 1 of the new plan, and since these are the lowest doses I'll post them up.

Today the gear will be 15iu of humalog spread throughout the day.
Test Enth 150mg/Npp 100mg/Eq 150mg.

And tonight we'll be training legs. This is a muscle that the more I learn to train them effectively the more I enjoy it - its also the area in which I need some improvement so I enjoy seeing and making progress happen!

We'll also be starting 6iu GH per day here shortly. I'm most excited/hesitant to be using this. I don't buy into the mindset that all generics are garbage - are they as good as pharm grade... lol doubt it. But theres never going to be a time when I'm ok with spending 1k+ on GH a month, so the hell with it lets give it a go lol

I've had a couple friends who have enjoyed the prior nouveaus and found them on par or at least very similar to other high end GH. in Canada. 

ALSO worth noting, I've only run GH once before at 2-4iu per day for like a month - with no idea what I was doing at the time. So I'm going to be giving my full honest review of my experience with it with really nothing to compare it to (I've used mk and peps - found them both a waste of time). 

damn,wishing you the best bro. this will be a very interesting follow

damn,wishing you the best bro. this will be a very interesting follow
Thanks brother!

So since then I've done a chest day and this morning was my first leg day following the new plan we laid out. Mannnnn the leg workout absolutely killed me lol this is what it entails:

Leg extensions - with a hard squeeze at the top
Walking Lunges - I hate these
Hack Squats - close stance
Front Squats - medium stance
Leg Extensions - this is mostly just a burnout set to get as much blood flow as possible... they were burning lol
Hamstring Curls - superset seated and lying
Stiff Legged Deadlifts

So it was a pretty high volume workout, felt completely wiped after. But on the bright side today is also a higher carb day. So tonight we'll hit the second shot and continue on with the cycle!

definitely following along,shoiuld be exciting. whats current stats before you begin full throttle?

So today is officially day 1 of the new plan, and since these are the lowest doses I'll post them up.

Today the gear will be 15iu of humalog spread throughout the day.
Test Enth 150mg/Npp 100mg/Eq 150mg.

And tonight we'll be training legs. This is a muscle that the more I learn to train them effectively the more I enjoy it - its also the area in which I need some improvement so I enjoy seeing and making progress happen!

We'll also be starting 6iu GH per day here shortly. I'm most excited/hesitant to be using this. I don't buy into the mindset that all generics are garbage - are they as good as pharm grade... lol doubt it. But theres never going to be a time when I'm ok with spending 1k+ on GH a month, so the hell with it lets give it a go lol

I've had a couple friends who have enjoyed the prior nouveaus and found them on par or at least very similar to other high end GH. in Canada. 

ALSO worth noting, I've only run GH once before at 2-4iu per day for like a month - with no idea what I was doing at the time. So I'm going to be giving my full honest review of my experience with it with really nothing to compare it to (I've used mk and peps - found them both a waste of time). 
I will follow your log for sure. If those are you doses for today, what are you weekly totals fro Test, NPP, and EQ? Just curious. I am currently running test c 400 mg and EQ 900 mg a week. 

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I will follow your log for sure. If those are you doses for today, what are you weekly totals fro Test, NPP, and EQ? Just curious. I am currently running test c 400 mg and EQ 900 mg a week. 
This is only the first "stage" of this cycle, the insulin will remain the same over the next ten weeks. The GH will go up at about the half way point. But right now I'll be running roughly 450 test enth/300 EQ/300 NPP and about 6iu GH (spread throughout the day). So we're starting very low to mild in my opinion (Espeically considering what I just came from). But we're only going to go up from here ?  - in fact to by far the most I've ever used. 

definitely following along,shoiuld be exciting. whats current stats before you begin full throttle?
I'm 28 years old
255 (haven't weighed myself in a week, so probably up or down a couple pounds)
Last stage weight was about 211 I think?
I've competed many times and have won overall titles in the past - just never jumped to the national stage. 

So today is the first day of incorporating the GH! Also, since I'll be training arms tonight its a medium carb intake day ? and no insulin. I'll probably grab some shots tonight and post one of where I'm at currently.

Hey everyone!

I thought I'd start a new log detailing some of my offseason progress leading into the Toronto Pro Qualifier at the end of 2019! A little bit about myself, I'm 28 years old - current weight is about 255lbs, my height is 5'9 and I've competed in about 6 shows so far. My goal for this offseason is to hopefully get up to somewhere around 270lbs or so and not be too sloppy LOL I don't have a lofty goal of a pro card or anything but I do want to stand up with the other heavyweights and look like I belong on the national stage. 

I hired a coach for this offseason, Nick Trigili - some people love him some hate him lol I will say my experience with him has been very good. Very responsive, very insightful and overall his honesty is what I really appreciate. So he looks after my diet, training and supplementation. Just so its fair I won't be posting too much of any specifics - but I will post the overall idea we use. 

So currently for gear what I've been using has been,

Test E - 750/week
NPP - 300/Week
EQ - 450/Week

However this is about to change, we'll be keeping the same compounds but ramping up in dosages into what we discussed as starting to get "aggressive". I'll be honest as well, I haven't been hitting all three shots per week, so I probably haven't totally been hitting those numbers. 

ALSO, all gear that I will be using (as well as GH) will be by BODYTECH. Its a brand I experimented with through my last prep, and enjoyed so I will be continuing throughout this offseason and into my prep as well. 

Peptide wise we finished using 1 method of insulin last week, and changed it up with the new plan - we'll be using it 3 times per day. Another thing we'll be introducing as well will be HGH at 6iu per day (split into 3 doses). I'm probably most excited/hesitant for this aspect as I've only used GH once and it was years ago so we'll see what happens!

Diet consists of 3 separate "meal plans" 1 for larger muscle group days (Chest, back and legs - these are also the insulin days), another for arms and delts and another for rest days. 

Training - nothing crazy, although we're starting to ramp up the volume and I'll update this as I go. 

So TODAY I trained early and hit Quads and Hamstrings - this is an area I need to bring up, especially hamstrings, so I try to bring a lot of intensity. I've been focusing much more on contracting the muscles then simply moving weight (which I use to do a lot). Got a great pump, did lots of hacks and front squats as well as 15 sets of hamstring work. 
I am training for the TO as well! ?

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Solid stats, your log will be solid 
Thanks brother!

I am training for the TO as well! ?
Nice! I may see you there - pretty excited to see how a PQ show is run, it'll be a new experience thats for sure.

So a little update, training has been very solid the last few days. Food has been meh on this past weekend, my wife and I decided to replace our front stairs and build a deck... so I think I ate only about 4 or 5 times over the weekend lol oh well back to it this week.

Also, I've noticed a slight weight decrease but I'm sure its almost all water retention as the gear dose (test especially) was cut in half from our previous cycle. All in all, my minds in a good place. Just going to keep pounding away! 

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Since I haven’t updated this with many photos lately, I thought I’d include this one - it was about 1.5 months post show, probably my favorite look so far. Lean and full... and maintainable lol I don’t tend to take too many photos in the offseason.53E58738-F307-421A-963B-BA6C574FDA4E.jpeg

Since I haven’t updated this with many photos lately, I thought I’d include this one - it was about 1.5 months post show, probably my favorite look so far. Lean and full... and maintainable lol I don’t tend to take too many photos in the offseason.View attachment 407
muddrr got a shit ton of work to do!

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Since I haven’t updated this with many photos lately, I thought I’d include this one - it was about 1.5 months post show, probably my favorite look so far. Lean and full... and maintainable lol I don’t tend to take too many photos in the offseason.View attachment 407
Damm dude pure beast mode. @Shredzsyou got competition 

Thanks brother!

Nice! I may see you there - pretty excited to see how a PQ show is run, it'll be a new experience thats for sure.

So a little update, training has been very solid the last few days. Food has been meh on this past weekend, my wife and I decided to replace our front stairs and build a deck... so I think I ate only about 4 or 5 times over the weekend lol oh well back to it this week.

Also, I've noticed a slight weight decrease but I'm sure its almost all water retention as the gear dose (test especially) was cut in half from our previous cycle. All in all, my minds in a good place. Just going to keep pounding away! 
Yeah I just did the Van Pro and it was ran terribly!!!! They had over 500 competitors wait in the heat/sun for 3 hour line. It wasn’t CPA more so as the director of the show. TO Pro is run so smooth!!! 

Since I haven’t updated this with many photos lately, I thought I’d include this one - it was about 1.5 months post show, probably my favorite look so far. Lean and full... and maintainable lol I don’t tend to take too many photos in the offseason.View attachment 407

Nice. I like it when people don't get sloppy in the off season. Staying lean and adding quality muscle is awesome. This look is great, hard, lean and big. Keep it up. Do you put on much more bulk then this or just try to add quality muscle?

Since I haven’t updated this with many photos lately, I thought I’d include this one - it was about 1.5 months post show, probably my favorite look so far. Lean and full... and maintainable lol I don’t tend to take too many photos in the offseason.View attachment 407
Fucking awesome bro. I got work to do too!