My before and after

So my package arrived from BT and cant wait to try the new primo acetate i will  be reviewing quite a nice stack to run....thanks again BT you guys rock.....


Primo ace is awesome. I get raws from overseas and batch up 25mg caps. I'm 215lbs so i dose from 100 ramping up to 200mg ed. The shit is amazing, you do have to use lots, it is expensive.... but absolutely no liver toxicity ( bloods taken during), and you can feel it working after the first day; pumps. Then shortly after the veins come on, then the strength boost. MB, you'll love it! 

I just went through all 9 pages I’m new I’m catching up lol , you look absolutely amazing great job !

Your dedication and hard work really shines your a great role model for everyone men and women alike keep it up !

just want to give @musclebeauty a big shout out. Most athletes tend to thank their sponsors but i want to thank her. She is the epitome of hard work,dedication and consistency. We at bt are honored to have MB as our athlete. We consider ourselves extremely luck and blessed to have someone like her part of our team

just want to give @musclebeauty a big shout out. Most athletes tend to thank their sponsors but i want to thank her. She is the epitome of hard work,dedication and consistency. We at bt are honored to have MB as our athlete. We consider ourselves extremely luck and blessed to have someone like her part of our team
Thank you so much game-changer that means a lot to me you guys at BT are the best and I will only use BT products I stand 100% behind the product as the results speak for themselves along with the proper nutrition and workout program...I cant thankyou guys enough for having me as part of the team......

Do you use primo for a cut and how do you find it as woman. asking for my wife
Hi there I do use Primo for a cut and I have nothing bad to say about it I absolutely love Primo especially when you're low body fat you can get super vascular from it.. I like it too because it has a lower aromatization for a woman as well as anavar so there safe for woman...