My before and after

you are a beast, and i mean that in the nicest kind of way, so much time and dedication gone into your transformation is mind blowing, congrats!!!!!

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Another pic from the backside now at 169lbs this am. Getting my next goodie bag soon in the mail BT baby all the way only product i will use. I will update on what i am using when it arrives...

Right now i am on

40mg anavar

40mg winny

Peptides hgh fragment 176-191 500mcg

Fat burner helios


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Well i got my BT DNP and just bought my scale to measure out 150grams... I took it with fluid and it was disgusting never do that again burns your throat like a son of a bitch gonna try to put in food and just swallow it down that way miss the caps...?

So far got a bit of the sweats going on nothing too much Yet!!!!


So I learned my lesson well not to chase down dnp with liquid and I actually bought some capsules and started actually packing 200mg in the capsules worked like a charm. So I am on day 4 with dnp right now and a little bit of the night sweats during the day obviously the temperature rising a bit but nothing excessive even my last run when I did it I really didn't actually over sweat like some people experience but then I'm also not taking a huge dose either. 



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