My before and after

Ok on day 6 of BT's DNP and feeling actually fine get a little hotter at night time and sweat more when i train but nothing extreme. I bumped my dose upto 300mg since i cap my own pills now. Trying to limit carb intake just to avoid the extreme heat you can get from the DNP.. so far so good and dropping weight...


yes carbs and sugar crank the fuckin guessing your sweet spot will be 400....above that and it starts to negatively effect your day....basically need to be on vacation to run have your house between 13-15 deg joke....and change soaking wet tshits and pillow casses 2-3 times a night..

the positive....1lb plus a day burned.....must be careful and stay high in vitamins/electrolytes and will drop another 3-6lb water retention in the 4-7 days after stopping.....

yes carbs and sugar crank the fuckin guessing your sweet spot will be 400....above that and it starts to negatively effect your day....basically need to be on vacation to run have your house between 13-15 deg joke....and change soaking wet tshits and pillow casses 2-3 times a night..

the positive....1lb plus a day burned.....must be careful and stay high in vitamins/electrolytes and will drop another 3-6lb water retention in the 4-7 days after stopping.....
I appreciate the info hun i think i will go up to 400mg see how my tolerance is with that in the next 2 days...i think your right that may be my sweet spot. Im still doing cardio but limited compared to what i was doing making sure to drink tons of water and stay cool.....

Well last night i upped my DNP dose to 400mg and yep thats my sweet spot all right... Shredz you called it loving the results already and just took my first shot of the DNP propionate im 1 happy gal.....

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Ok its now been day 10 on 400mg of the dnp temperature has gone up a bit but not sweating that bad at night with this dose so i am going with 500mg max dose for the next 3 days than i will be coming off i was 169lbs and weighed last night at 162lbs... loving the results so far...?

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hoolayy ol fiddlin fuck! wait for the next 3-6 days...should drop another 3-5lb of water retention the body holds for cooling....

obviously you did it well..


I just can’t get over your muscle fullness! Round large muscle bellies!! Impressive to say the least!

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Today i weighed in at 157 lowest ive been in a long time likely since i was in my early 20's ? yikes.....I cant say enough good things about the omad fasting diet for me its been amazing and has literally changed my life... I struggled a bit over the weekend due to eating my turkey dinners with family as I do have an ongoing battle with an eating disorder but the omad diet has really helped me so very much. Its unfortunate but once you have an eating disorder it never goes away other than you learn to eat smart and never overload on food. 

ON a better note i am now adding into my mix of BT products which currently i am running:


Primobolon 50mg likely taking that upto 100mg

Test propionate 25mg i always do a very low dose with awesome results 


Anavar 40mg 

Winstrol 20mg

Peptides -


Hgh frag-191 





Adding- arimidex and proviron 

Also do 40 mins fasted cardio 5 days a week