Ryu's Lean Up Log

Solid leg workout (quad focused) last night. Drenched in sweat after 1 working set lol. Pretty shaky walk to the bus station after. 

I wont be adjusting the diet this week to the new plan. The only change I will be implementing is the 2 x 20min cardio sessions to see what that does. If things move in the right direction I wont change anything until it stalls. Then I will either drop the post workout banana or add 1 more 20 min cardio session, etc. After about a month I will probably transition the the new diet if things stall out again. Less recomp focus now and more fat loss. 

That muscle is really starting to show. Veins are coming in and your shoulders are popping. You are definitely on track for your goal of bringing sexy to 40.

Your diet looks very clean. You could play with your carbs and fats ratios to see how you react. But if it’s not broken don’t fix it.

Have you thought of swapping compounds? It’s a good alternative to titrating up in dose. This is just my opinion, but 20 weeks on tren is a bit long. 

Keep it up man! Consistency is king. 

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Have you thought of swapping compounds? It’s a good alternative to titrating up in dose. This is just my opinion, but 20 weeks on tren is a bit long. 
20 weeks is long for sure, even at a lower dose. At one point I was thinking about going down to a generous (200mg) "TRT" dose and cruising for 6 weeks and then hitting a 12 week 600 test, 500 mast run with 50mg anadrol 2 weeks on 2 weeks off through it. 

Alot of things that sound like fun to be honest.

But at this point, as you said, if it aint broke, so I will ride it out to the end at the lower doses and see what I can do with more cardio and diet tweaks.

Use this 20 week run as a nice learning curve to dial it in for the next phase assuming my health markers dont go to shit or sides dont elevate. I have 9 months to reach my goal, so slow and steady.

As much as I would like to be lean for summer...given my current level I doubt its achievable without getting a little drastic and risking rebound (and given what happened previous, my body does rebound hard)

The next 6 weeks will all be weekly diet and cardio adjustments as warranted to see how my body responds. Daily weigh ins now as well and I will start to do bi-weekly pics (in theory). 

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That muscle is really starting to show. Veins are coming in and your shoulders are popping. You are definitely on track for your goal of bringing sexy to 40.
Thanks. Honestly, its hard to see it when looking at oneself. I feel small and fat most of the time lol. 

Thanks. Honestly, its hard to see it when looking at oneself. I feel small and fat most of the time lol. 
LOL, I know bro. Me too. I think most of us only see our own flaws. 

Trust me. You look good. And if you keep up this consistency you’re gonna look amazing.

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Wild pull workout last night, not in a good way. For some reason the forearm pumps last night were so bad that I was having trouble pulling anything even with straps lol. Nuts. 

Workout was all mixed up as well as the gym was slammed so machine order was pretty much what I could grab and when. 

20min post workout cardio also went well but man I was drenched after. Ringing out my shirt kinda drenched. 

Oh god... the death pumps. Love those. Ive always seen killer pumps as a sign of being incredibly anabolic. Killing it bru!

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Quick update on some things I have noticed change this week for reasons I have yet to fully compile. 

Pumps have been silly.  Forearm pumps, should pumps, lower back pumps...all to the point that they are affecting more training somewhat.  My push workout yesterday it was hard to get good chest activation after my first exercise as the should pumps where just so painful. 

I actually ended up doing some one-arm kettle bell floor chest press to really feel the muscles work after my post workout meal, just to make sure that I hit it solid enough. 

Also, I am hungry as fook this week and I'm not sure why as I have not changed anything yet. 

Other than the above, feeling really good. 

Hamstring focused leg workout coming up tonight. Going to be interesting. 

Great leg session last night. Still sweating like a mofo during though. I did lose about 10min of training time due to one of the trainers hitting on me, and Im not one to reject a good pass attempt at the moment. 

Side note, hunger is getting a silly. No reason why that I can think of, but fml I go to bed dreaming about breakfast. 

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 I did lose about 10min of training time due to one of the trainers hitting on me, and Im not one to reject a good pass attempt at the moment. 
Ha ha ha, got the fit chicks after you huh? Hmmm... maybe she’s up for a cardio session with you? 👉👌

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If you’re in a deficit the hunger is your body telling you it wants to grow but your diet is saying fuck off gainz.  

pumps.  Any changes in water intake?  Electrolyte changes?  Pre workout carbs change?  Insulin sensitivity?  Pre workouts? Orals?

That stack will give me some insane pumps,  just strap up on pull days to keep the arms out of it.  But for those achy shoulder pumps, lower back pump, and for me shin splints.   Either gotta work through it or take breaks lol.

 Any changes in water intake?  Electrolyte changes?  Pre workout carbs change?  Insulin sensitivity?  Pre workouts? Orals?
Thats why I found it odd. No changes, nadda. Same pre-workout as always. Something must have been tweaked internally though. 

So I tracked my weight each day last week from Monday:

111.7kg, 111.6kg, 110.8kg, 111.5kg, 111.5kg, 110.7kg, 110.8kg

Some pretty interesting fluctuations in there, but almost a full KG over the week, so that is tracking right, assuming the numbers follow the trend over this week.  

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Forgot to mention, that the diet will be tweaked this week, but calories will only be dropped by around 150 or so. Keeping two post training cardio sessions and all Am sessions. No other changes. 

Meal 0: 1Tbsp apple cider vinegar, half lemon (squeezed) mixed in 500ml water.

Meal 1: 50g oats w/ cinnamon & 2 servings whey, 50g frozen blue berries, 20g nut butter, sprinkle of pink hima salt. 

Meal 2: 200g chicken breast, 250g zucchini, 20g NPB

Meal 3: Same as Meal 1. 

Meal 4: (15-30min PW) 2 servings whey, 1 soft chew dark chocolate granola bar

Meal 5: (2-2.5 hours PW) 200g chicken breast, 150-200g white rice, 200g zucchini (or alternative vegetable/fiber source)

Also picked up a case of raspberry diet pepsi for when I "need" it. Stuff is amazing. 

Will see what happens this week and adjust based on my body's feedback. I dont want to drop to much to fast and slam into a wall where I have no place left to go. 

5 more weeks on this current training split and then I need to refresh so I will start working on that layout soon. 

Have a couple John Meadows programs and well as the Sayin Power Building program on hand I am considering, assuming I can handle the volume.  Still dreaming about growing my legs more.  

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One kilo per week is absolutely perfect for weight loss bro. I wouldn’t change a thing till that stalls, especially with the pumps you are getting. But you’re eager, I get it.

You’ll be very happy with Meadows programs! I’m a huge advocate of his training philosophies. 
I have some interesting leg growth techniques if you’re ever interested. 

Love the log bro, your enthusiasm and work ethic are commendable and yielding solid results. Keep killin’ it!!

I have some interesting leg growth techniques if you’re ever interested. 
Share away man.  If I had half the quad development you do I would be proudly wearing some nice fitted shorts lol. 

Even in a deficit my legs have been improving, and I doubt I will have the chance to lean bulk anytime soon unless my bodyfat magically drops to sub 15% lol.