Ryu's Lean Up Log

How do you typically work your legs? 

For my clients depending on their split I’ll either have them work each leg muscle on a different day, ex. 
mon. Chest tri. tues. back n hams wed. Bi quads and abs thurs. shoulders and calves. One day is time under tension (5s up 5s down) and the next day is strength training. And repeat. Next split the tut days are switched to strength days. Or if they prefer legs all at once we do them twice a week. I’m pretty big on legs twice a week. One session tut and the next strength focused. And if squats aren’t a problem I think they (or variations) are the king of mass building. And a mix of rep ranges really help growth.

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My current split that Im running for the next 5 weeks before I change it up.  Been looking at creeping death 2 or gama bomb, but might want to save those for growth phases. 

Monday: Legs (Quad Focused)

Abduction and adduction work 2 - 3 sets each. 

Leg Curls – 2 warm up sets

Leg Press (neutral, low) - 2 working sets 

Leg Press (neutral, mid) - 2 working sets + 1 back off set

Leg Extensions - 2 working sets + 1 back off set

Walking Lunges or BSS’s (bodyweight) – 2 sets to failure 

Standing Calf Press – 3 working sets

Tuesday: Pull

Pull Downs - 2 working sets + 1 back off set

Close-grip Pulldowns - 2 working sets + 1 back off set

Stiff-arm Pulldowns - 2 working sets

Barbell rows - 3 working sets + 1 back off set 

Shrugs – 2 working sets

Preacher curls - 2 working sets + 1 back off set 

Wednesday: Push

DB Incline Bench - 2 working sets + 1 back off

Machine Press - 2 working sets + 1 back off

Flys - 2 working sets + 1 forced 

Dips - 3 working sets to failure 

Machine shoulder press - 2 work sets + 1 back off 

Reverse fly's - 2 working sets + 1 forced 

Thursday: Legs (Ham Focused)

Led Extensions – 2 warmup sets  

Leg Curls - 2 working sets + 1 back off set

Leg Press (narrow, high) - 2 working sets 

Leg Press (wide, high) - 2 working sets + 1 back off set

Barbell Hyper Extensions - 2 working sets 

Standing Calf Press – 3 working sets

Friday: Arms + touch up

Cable Pushdowns - 3 working sets + 1 back off 

Cable Curls - 3 working sets + 1 back off 

Dips (bench) - 2 sets to failure

Hammer curls - 2 working sets 

Skull Crushers - 2 working sets + 1 back off 

Preacher curls - 2 working sets + 1 back off 

Lateral raises - 3 working sets + 1 back off set  

Note that my gym does not have a squat rack or a hack machine which sucks. Limited to smith, leg press, barbell/dumbbells' lunge type movements or landmine variations for quad focus.  RDL or stiff leg deads could be on the table though. 

That’s a really nice split. The only thing I’d change, and I’m not saying you should/need to do it, is rep scheme. This is a tut quads workout I made for a client, just to give you an idea of what I do. (Tut is 5s up, 5s down no pauses)


> Leg press tut increase weight each set

> 12 reps

> 10 reps

> 8 reps

> 6 reps but to failure should fail at 3-4

> Then same weight 6 reps regular speed (all remaining sets at reg speed)

> Continue to up weight in sets of 6 till  no longer get 6 but no more than 2 more sets 

> Last sets drop weight to half of heavy sets and pump as many reps out as possible 

> leg ext tut increasing weight each set

> > 1x12 warm up

> 1x9

> 1x6/failure

> Reg rep speed (all remaining sets at reg speed)

> 1x6

>increase weight 1xfailure <6

> Drop by40%

> 1xfailure

> tut hack squats/cissy squats

if hack squats increase weight each set

> 10 reps

> 8 reps

> 6 reps but to failure should fail at 3-4

> Then same weight 6 reps regular speed (all remaining sets at reg speed)

increase weight and go to failure

> Last sets drop weight to half of heavy sets and pump as many reps out as possible if hack

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Then the following week I’m having him do a heavy quad week.(heavy day reps at 1s explosive up, 2s controlled down.

[SIZE=2em]> On heavy day squat if you struggle going to failure eon squat can replace with hack squat[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2em]> 1x12 (warm up)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2em]> 1x10 (warm up)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2em]> 4x6 increasing weight each set[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2em]> Failure before 6 on last [/SIZE]

[SIZE=2em]Reduce by 40%[/SIZE]

[SIZE=2em]And rep out for last set[/SIZE]

> [SIZE=2em]Leg ext heavy[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2em]> 1x12 (warm up)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2em]> 1x10 (warm up)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2em]> 3[/SIZE][SIZE=2em]x6 increasing weight each set[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2em]>[/SIZE][SIZE=2em]1x Failure before 6 on [/SIZE]

[SIZE=2em]Reduce by 40%[/SIZE]

[SIZE=2em]And rep out for last set[/SIZE]

[SIZE=2em]> On heavy use leg press [/SIZE]

[SIZE=2em]1x 12[/SIZE]


[SIZE=2em]3 x8 increasing weight each set[/SIZE]

[SIZE=2em]1x failure[/SIZE]

[SIZE=2em]Reduce weignt by 40[/SIZE][SIZE=2em]%[/SIZE][SIZE=2em] and rep to failure for last set[/SIZE]

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Sorry to clutter up your thread, just figured it would be easier to give you a glimpse of how a approach quad (and just training in general) I’ll ask him if I can post some of his progress pics. He’s made very good gains over the past 4 months.

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That looks like fun. Ill work that into my next split programing once I wrap up the rest of this phase (5 more weeks).

That level of rep speed and control should definitely force some hypertrophy and strength gains.

Dropping knowledge is never clutter. Thanks man. 

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Looking good brethren.  I think it all looks good and solid.  

ive found for legs that people over complicate shit and try the nee bullshit fad exercises they see on YouTube that promises Olympia legs in 23 days lol.  I’ve noticed training over the years that people will go much harder on chest or arms than they do legs.     Stick to the basics, don’t be a pussy and make those leg days nasty.

For people who want to grow I’ll split the leg days up quads and hams.  So without breaking it down too much, if I were training someone who could go hard, legs look like this.

leg day 1

standing leg curls 5x10

pump squats (no lock out) 3 warm up sets, 3 working sets 6-10 reps

hack squats with low and narrow stance, 1 warm up, 3 working sets of 8 reps (2 second descend, pause at bottom and explode up with no lock out or rest at top.

leg extensions

leg day 2

lying leg curls 2 warm up, 3 working explosive sets.

hack squats high and wide stance. 1 warm up, 4 working sets 8 reps deep

zercher squats.  1 warm up, 3 working sets of 8-10

barbell stiff leg deadlifts.  3 sets of 12 with pause at bottom.

that workout even as basic as it is tends to be way above and beyond what a normal person constitutes as a “leg day” and I tend to see some pretty good results with clients just using that template and tweaking here and there.

P.s.  if you’ve never done zercher squats, it’s a great addition for hams and glutes.  Helps work on proper squat form and is overall something different to throw in that a lot of people don’t do anymore.  It’s definitely something easily done with a home gym and Olympic bar as technically you don’t really have to use a rack 

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I love them.  Can bang up the elbows some but the ham and glute pump I get from them is worth it

Random update note:

I started adding Himalayan Pink Salt into my 50g oats, 50g ice coffee whey, 50g frozen blue berries, 1tsp cinnamon meal (the 20g nut butter is jar to mouth directly cause that's how I roll) and all I can say is, at this point its better than crack (pop culture reference as I don't have actual experience there)...

I mean, its a completely different level now. Also really curious to see what the extra sodium does for my workouts. 

Also just ordered a bucket of tiramisu flavored whey that should be interesting. 

Keeping up with the daily weight tracking now just to keep a mean average and track the fluctuations over the week. 

Hoping to really crush this push workout tonight as the one last week was sub-par in my opinion. 

Life Update:

Anmnio test results came back and we are all clear for any genetic defects (downs, tristen, etc) and the ultrasound today found zero defects or anomalies. 22 weeks in and the little guy/gal is already punching and kicking her lol.  The stress of worry has been unreal as we are considered high risk due to what happened last time. So far so good and more than half way there. 

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Pink salt pumps!

And we all have a bad workout every now and then. One? No biggie, two? Uh oh.. three in a row and it’s time to evaluate what’s going on.

Great news about the expanding family!

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Crushed the push workout, crushed the ham workout (or it rather crushed me), arms tonight with some extra cardio.  Things have been pretty good this week overall. Daily weigh ins have been interesting and Ill post those up Monday after I have the numbers for Sat/Sun (which are lower carb off days - except cardio)

I have still been trying to think ahead to what adjustments I could do when the weight drop stops moving again.  Needless to say, if I can hold this current 1kg a week progress for the next month and a bit I will be pretty friggin happy. 

I dont actually know my current bodyfat level as I have zero skills with calipers and self review in the mirror is hit or miss, that said, I am hoping 100kg flat would have me around 15%.  I will be posting up photos every two weeks moving forward (in theory) as I know there are some of you on here with "laser body fat" detection abilities. I may need to start dropping in some leg shots as well, as that does matter. 

On the supps side, I would love to add some T3 into the mix but its not easy to get here and given how hungry I have been as of late, Im not sure I would want it in the mix. Clen could be on the menu, but given my age and goal, not sure if its something that would be needed or desired more so with the TTM stack already pumping through my veins. 

Anyway, meal 2 coming up here in about 45min and my stomach is beggin for it. 

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Pink salt pumps!
Honestly, the oatmeal mix was already my favorite meal, but with the pink salt added...its just on another level. I cant believe I did not think to add it before.  YouTube to the rescue on that one. 

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Micro update:

Just the weigh-ins over the last week.  Who knows:

Starting Monday May 17:

  • 110.8kg
  • 110.3kg
  • 109.9kg
  • 109.8kg
  • 110.1kg
  • 110.3kg
  • 110.6kg

Today AM was 109.8kg, so a little confused but will keep going it at it this week.

Puts me at a weekly average of 110.23kg vs. 111.23kg the week prior...

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Decided to change up my leg session last night just to freshen things up a little bit. Increased TUT and variable load structure and went full failure on the last two sets followed by slow repping it out with just the sled until I could just not move it anymore. Threw in leg curls, leg extensions, standing calf press and some farmers walk at the end. 

The inflammation in my legs was so bad last night I could not sleep, had to get up, hit my quads with the massage gun at 1am followed by a cold show lol. Wild. Still feeling it this AM.

Upped my AM cardio time to 60min today and I might do that 2 days this week just to see, keeping the other days at 45min still and my two post weight cardio sessions at 20min still. Hoping to see sub 109 on the scale by the end of the week. 

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Any time you start a new program or change things up take it easy bro Sounds like you hit your legs pretty damn hard. Sounds like the toilet is going to be a far drop for a few days.😂

Decent pull workout yesterday. Food on point. Got pretty hungry late afternoon, but YOLO.

AM cardio was back to 45min and Ill do 60min tomorrow and 45 for the rest of the week including the weekend after that. Don't know if I was dreaming or just sleep deprived but I though I looked noticeably leaner this AM for some reason. I could be losing what little is left of my mind though. See if I am up to progress pics this weekend. 

Diet side depending on how the scale moves this week I might up the blueberries in the AM to 100g as that is still only something like 8g of carbs and hopefully it helps a little with the hunger. 

Nothing else to really update for now and just hoping for some continued progress after the stall a couple weeks ago. 

Got my 60min of cardio in this AM but felt like a zombie this morning. Little yoga and such after for giggles and a serving of EAA's as I was dying. 

Push workout was good last night. Found a pair of makeshift 60kg DB's in the gym last night and figured what the hell, see if I can throw them up for a couple reps after my working sets in incline DB press. 

I managed to get about 3 clean reps before I said fook that noise. 

Ah well, goals. 

Crushing meal 1 right now with a lime diet pepsi on the side. Hamstring focused leg workout tonight that might just kill me. 

Weight is tracking pretty normal this week so far and if it keeps up I should be on track for another 1kg drop overall this week...I hope.  I was hoping to see 100kg even by the end of this TTM run, but that might be out of reach (at least if I don't want to crash and burn into a maintenance cruise and then spend 8 weeks reverse dieting to get my m-cals back to a decent level lol) 

Still a 50/50 chance I post update photos next week. 

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