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  1. Yesterday
  2. Hey everyone, So I decided to bite the bullet and after a break from gear for a couple of years due to life reasons, I decided to give SARMS a try as a way of getting my toes wet again. I put in an order with sarms central and from start to finish the order was smooth and easy, from mailbox to hand then all aboard the gain train. So far, I feel good. I am back up 8lbs in a relatively short time, including water weight obviously, my strength is up, I feel good, and I am motivated again. My cycle has been 10mg LGD 4033 and 10mg Rad 140 at about week 8 out of 12, I am thinking of going back on TRT after this instead of PCT but we will see! loving this so far
  3. Last week
  4. Thank you for your review. We're happy that you're a new member and excited about BT's products. Let's see you contribute more to the other board posts and looking forward to seeing you as a valuable member here
  5. I feel like my review might be a drop in the bucket because BT already has a crazy good reputation but what can I say just made my second purchase through the site both orders were received within a few days I’ve only got test E and prop that I will be running along side the primo I already had and a couple bottles of HCG and so far gear quality seems top notch can’t wait to try other compounds. my only gripe is the bottle quality is kind of weak tried to contact them not sure how too I’ve read on the thread people talking to “reps” haven’t made it this far yet and lastly the prices are on point and I shouldn’t even be complaining really BT will definitely be my go to going forward really happy overall.
  6. Any bt rep here ? Trying to reach out on mail but no answer since tuesday , usually very fast but hey it happends
  7. hi guys ! i would like some clarification about shbg ! ive heard that u cannot inject infinite amount of testosterone due to the limitation of the production of shbg ( like some dude inject 1-2g a week and it doesnt get assimilated to it convert but is it due to shbg ? if testosterone cant bind to it so i convert to estrogen right ? i know the receptor and all that but i just want some info concerning so i can pass this info to another
  8. Who's running gear for this summer? Cutting? Bulking? Maintaining? TRT is for me is 200 mg test e with 2 iu of GH in morning pre fasted cardio, 12.5 mg MK677 as a trial to see how endogenous works with exogenous to squeeze every bit of GH out of me. If well tolerated, i'll increase MK to 25 mg nightly. Running this with some continued ephedrine 5 on 2 off (just because I want weekends not amped up). Will keep this up until august and then start cutting down for a december trip to dominican in which i'll convert to a contest style prep.
  9. Seems good but would run raloxifene during and a bit after
  10. mannnn bodytech always on top of their game ! ... rep always fast to respond.. product always topnotch.. anabol been my fav since day 1
  11. had to look them up from what i read they're a good lab I guess trust your source at the end of the day, whether it's generic or pharm, it's all the same 191 amino acids broken down - it all comes down to transport and handling before it gets mixed and put into your body.
  12. tittle says it all ... did u guys ever heard of optitropin ??
  13. vigorousteve is sooo goooodddddddddddddddd
  14. Great question when you're taking GH you're creating an insulin resistance by the nature of how GH works - it's antagonistic to insulin. so if you're consuming tons of carbs, and have increased insulin resistance, the pancreas has to work extra hard to churn out insulin and after flooding the receptor cells with a constant barrage of insulin response, the cells will down regulate - potentially creating a burn out and then getting diabetes. This would be with extreme use over a long long period of time of not cycling. By supplying exogenous insulin packed around your training day meals, you are creating relief for the pancreas to not create it's own insulin during the heavy feed periods. Your body makes about 20 IU of insulin a day. Supplying an extra 4-8 IU in pre/post workout or just either or helps shuttle nutrient directly to tissues super fast and aids in recovery. There are tons of info on this; vigorous steve on youtube has a great series of videos talking about GH and Insulin use - and from that, you can use less gear to get huge syngergies and grow even more. See my recomp thread on how I ballooned up between pre/post show.
  15. I don't worry, maybe I'm too old but some trulls live in a world where an upside down photo or a label shows that everything is crap. For me, a minimum of respect is essential. Bt is legit and thanks for the support. Have a nice day my friends.
  16. Earlier
  17. I have to ask: why would you be using a diabetes treatment while BB? (Unless you have diabetes, but then you'd use it daily, wouldn't you?)
  18. I couldn't even find that - I just looked up Novex Pharm and the search results were everything but... Regardless, I won't be ordering from them. When I contact reps or suppliers, I don't use my professional email. I use either of two other accounts.
  19. I couldn't even find that - I just looked up Novex Pharm and the search results were everything but... Regardless, I won't be ordering from them.
  20. My protocol on training days: Up at 5 am - make shake of 400 ml milk, 1 banana, 2 scoops protein, 1 heaping tablespoon powdered pb, creatine and taurine. Take 4 iu insulin and drink shake while doing 25 mins of cardio Train from 5:45-6:45 am - on finishing do 2 IU GH shot in delts (as I need them to grow the most) Wait until 7:30 am (at this point I can start to feel the insulin which is 2 hours later) - eat breakfast as is, then at 8 am as I leave for work I take an additional 4 IU insulin. Covers me until I get to my 11 am cream of rice and protein meal so when the insulin peaks at it's highest i'm already eating again, and no hypo feelings.
  21. Yes bro thanks for the reply ! I tried different dosage and my sweetspot is 3iu pre . I did not try yet post workout but mannnn this shit is a killer with Anabol ouffff
  22. pin only on training days, that gives your body a break and is like 'cycling' the safest is to pin post workout AFTER you eat your meal. 4-5 IU is usually more than enough as long as you stick to the 1:20 ratio I do 4 iu pre and 4 iu post workout - gotta have your shit figured out to make sure you don't get the stacking effect and go hypo.
  23. Thx for the reply ! CAN u tell me how long u can pin ? Like my rep told me 10days on/off but I find some use them longer ..
  24. Same as @airman. I quite like Vigorous Steve, though he may want to speak a tinsy bit slower: there's a lot of info in his broadcast and I have to stop and rewind sometimes.
  25. if it's in the fridge you're fine. my humalog vial has been in the fridge for 2 months and it's still extremely effective. Even if it loses a little bit of effectiveness it's still doing it's job. Keep using it if you want, and check your blood sugars if you're not sure.
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