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Posts posted by Nissan

  1. Human chorionic gonadotropin, also known as hCG, is a hormone which plays different roles in male and female sexual development. In women, hCG affects ovulation and fertility. In men, physicians may prescribe hCG to increase or restore testosterone production.

    HGG is a peptide hormone found naturally in the body; contrary to popular belief, it is not an anabolic steroid. It is produced in the early stages of pregnancy in females to help balance and control the woman's hormones. Without hcg, the woman would not be able to have the fertilized egg implanted. In males, HCG acts as LH (Luteinizing Hormone) in the body, which signal the leydig cells to produce testosterone.


    HCG acts like luteinizing hormone (LH). In males, LH tells the testes to produce testosterone. In men undergoing hormone replacement therapy, their testes may stop producing testosterone, so hCG can remind their testes to keep producing testosterone. 


    HCG can improve sperm production and adolescent sexual development. It can also correct undescended testes. Numerous bodybuilders rely on hCG to stabilize their testosterone levels after steroid use. Many claim hCG promotes weight loss, but hCG is not FDA-approved for this use.


    Use in Bodybuilding

    When anabolic steroids are used, the body's pituitary glands go dormant and no longer start producing LH. Without LH, the leydig cells no longer get signaled to produce testosterone anymore, so the user is dependent on exogenous testosterone injections. This is where human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg) comes into play. Basically, a gonadotropin is any substance that stimulates the gonads (ovary, testes). With LH being the most important gonadotropin with regards to the male HPTA (hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis). Without LH, your body cannot produce testosterone!

    Keep in mind, while on anabolic steroids your LH and FSH are suppressed. When you use hcg, it will mimic LH which fools the leydig cells into producing testosterone. Your testosterone levels will go up as well as estrogen (as testosterone will aromatize into estrogen).

    Once hcg use is stopped, your LH, FSH will need to recover naturally; meaning, your body has to start producing these hormones on its own. The role of hcg is to help bridge your cycle to your pct and help you maintain gains as the anabolic steroids are clearing out of your system.

    Half life

    The half life of hcg is about 3-4 days.


    It is important to remember that when you stimulate your leydig cells and cause a spike in testosterone, you will also cause a spike in estrogen. Those of you who are at risk for estrogenic side effects should consider running a light AI with hcg.


    HCG comes in powder form and must be mixed with bacteriostatic water and stored in the fridge. It can last about 60 days when stored properly after being mixed. You can inject either IM (intramuscular) or subQ (subcutaneous). Dosages vary wildly and many guys run very high dosages.

    There are many ways to use hcg, you can use it on cycle the whole way through, or you can use it as a kickstart to pct, while the anabolic steroid esters are clearing the body. Once hcg use is stopped, begin your pct as you normally would.

    Availability of HCG

    HCG is widely available on both the pharmaceutical and black markets. Unfortunately, HCG is also extremely expensive on the pharmaceutical market and often less than half the price on the underground market. This inevitably sends many to the black market for their HCG needs as the same brands can be obtained for half the cost, sometimes less. Typically, you will find anabolic steroid suppliers to commonly carry HCG.



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  2. I buy it every time it goes on sale in Costco. Just got one a couple of weeks ago for $39.

    It's whey isolate, no fillers and not amino spiked. However, I find the taste not to be the greatest. 

    Isolate is isolate. With the 'big brands' you are paying for their marketing dollars. 

    You can compare Kaizen label with any other brands and it reads pretty well. 

    IMO, it is a pretty good bang for the buck. 


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  3. Few more to the list... 

    MAST = Masteron 

    IM = Intramuscular

    PIP = Post Injection Pain

    LETRO  = Lertozole 

    PRAMI = Pramipexole

    ADEX = Arimidex 

    VAR = Anavar 

    HCG = Human Chorionic Gonadrotropin

    SDROL = Superdrol 

    NPP  = Nandrolone Phenylpropionate

    MENT Methylnortestosterone Acetate (Trestolone)

    LE  = Law Enforcement  

    UGL = Under Ground Lab

    CIM = Cash in Mail 

    NATTY = Natural  (WTF you doing here ?)



  4. Thread to share supplement deals.
    I'll start by sharing a couple:

    • SVN Canada - 20% Off entire site. Promo Code: HEATWAVE
    • Canada Protein - 20% Off Chocolate Cookie Dough Flavor Protein. Promo CodeCOOKIEDOUGH20 
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