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Posts posted by Neverwas

  1. So to update I have since this original post started running Humatrope and absolutely love it. I managed to find a reasonably priced source which made it feasible to run my usual 2-4iu/d without breaking the bank. Much better results in terms of fatloss and less water retention. No more red welts at the injection site which was hit and miss with generics (I am very sensitive to this and with some I would look like I got hit by a golf ball).

    I still get the numbness in the hands with higher doses but only when running up around 8iu/d Huma which honestly is too expensive for me to run anyway. I did this briefly just to see what the results were like.

    I've done some generics that were bad and some that were good but nothing that compared to these 72iu Humatrope cartridges.


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  2. On 4/16/2019 at 10:33 AM, Roadglide said:

    I have used this lab and was trusting enough to accept the invite thinking this was and exclusive lab...... I am new to forums and trusting ( stupid maybe ) enough to take people's word that something is good. I would only expect that because I would do so myself.i ran Test E @ 750mg a week, Deca @ 600mg a week and EQ @ 900 a week for 10 weeks before I gave it up. My libido for sure was jacked up, I havent gained more than 5 lbs, nor has my body changed much. My strength increased slightly but not as it should have with the amount I was injecting.  I train hard in the gym and am no beginner to AAS. Major let down and lesson learned. I have been clean for just over 3 years in trying to get preggo with the wife and some good news is we found out in Jan that we are having another little girl. Bad news is I am now 13 weeks behind on my goals for this year and wasted money. I do not recommend this lab

    Why on earth would you be running those doses after being off for 3 years?

  3. I've helped a few female friends out with cycles...Var at 5-10mg is a good place to start (one friend has run it as high as 25mg split into 3 doses through the day but did comment it was a bit too much), I think 5-10mg is the sweet spot and best to split it into at least two doses (AM and PM) to try to keep levels stable.

    For SARMs Ostarine works well and can be tolerated without sides at a fairly high dose...same friend who has run higher doses of Var is going to try LDG-4033 soon, seems like some good reviews out there for women using it. 

  4. On 2/13/2020 at 9:27 AM, BodyTechPharma said:

    Test prop 100mg daily , mast prop 100mg daily, Anavar 50mg daily 6 weeks , t3 20mcg daily adjust Accordingly, clen 20mcg adjust to tolerance, hcg 250iu 2xwk and solid diet !

    I would definitely have an anti-e (adex or aromasin) in there and be ready with the nolva...700mg/w of test is a pretty high dose to be running without these 

  5. If you're not someone that has run Tren or Deca before be ready with something to deal with Prolactin (I prefer Caber at 0.25mg ED to EOD) to avoid ED and gyno issues.

    I agree with the comments to separate your goals goals into size and cutting. I have always favored long cycles of 6 months or more, spending the first few months focused on size and then switch gears to cutting in the latter half.

    For the bulking portion I like test alone or in combination with EQ and or masteron (not a Deca fan but you could swap EQ for Deca if you were)...for heavy lifting days something like 20-40mg Dbol pre-workout and for the days when I am doing higher rep stuff I like 20-40mg Stanalone pre-workout. Sometimes I take 20+20mg of both. Got some Madol for the next cycle starting soon and looking forward to trying it.

    For the cutting portion switch it up to a lower dose of test and add tren and mast (or Primo and mast if you are trying to keep sides to a minimum). Then usually about 2-3 weeks of just 25-50mg Proviron and 25-50mg/d Anavar. Maybe some T3 thrown in the middle somewhere in the 12.5-50mcg/d range (ramping up and down). After the 2-3 week break from pinning I do a month or two of 150-200mg/w test only then slowly drop to 0 to ease my way off...take 3--4 months off then repeat. I have found this has made for easier recovery from long cycles.

    I am also in the less is more camp. if you need more kick and have the budget for it GH is a nice addition but is a long term commitment and expensive. If your budget is tight then MK677 or one of the GH releasing peptides might be a better option. I have never done Slin but it seems like most if not all pros got to the level they did using it, I would rather try this personally than go into the 1gram/w+ doses...too many side effects for me. Not that Slin should be taken lightly when the adverse events include coma/death so if you're going this route do your homework.

    I also agree 100% that compounds are only one piece of bulking and cutting...diet and exercise need to be a major focus. For the bulking portion I eat whatever and train as often as I can with weights. For the cutting portion I switch to a low carb paleo type diet and switch to higher rep work and endurance exercises.

    Good luck with your goals.

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  6. On 12/20/2019 at 2:13 PM, Nixter said:

    What was your dosage of Proscar?

    It was a long time ago. I can't remember...whatever the standard dose was. My doc prescribed it and I took it only for a month or so. As soon as the ED started I stopped immediately. Went back to normal but took a month or two.

    Not everyone gets this side effect but for me it was bad.

  7. On 11/17/2019 at 4:30 PM, Rosconow said:

    If you are on test as well, the finnasteride will still help with that conversion. But @Fizzyx is right, finna wont stop a dht that is directly introduced such as proviron, masteron, and to some extent primobolan. 

     I have also read that finna can react badly with nandrolones. Speed up shedding, the opposite of it's purpose.

    I took Proscar and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. Struggled to get a boner. After that I was like "fuck, I'd rather be bald and have a dick that works". 

    Use a topical (like Rogain) that just blocks the DHT receptors in the scalp. I am also using a shampoo with Biotin which seems to have made it fuller all over. Some people use Nizoral shampoo which also works to block the DHT in the scalp.


  8. On 3/9/2019 at 3:46 AM, Nixter said:

    Yeah fuck. I'm stopping the proviron. Hair is not doing well. Good damn, if it's not my skin, it's my hair. I can't win in this game lol. Back to 100mg test a week and that's it. Maybe a test blast here and there. Really hoping the hair comes back, ugh. Fortunately it's just the top/back and I'm tall lol

    Use Rogain? Top / Back is the only area it's proven to work on. I am balding in the same spot and have been taking it to prevent losing more. Doesn't seem to be growing hair but I am at least not losing more and have been doing fairly high dose DHTs...body hair is pretty out of control though.

  9. On 9/3/2019 at 9:37 PM, DrD said:

    For anyone still following this.......  I am a Doc that specializes in peptide therapy as well as an aging lifter.

    The protocol is good and the dosing is prety much in line with what I use with my patients for hard to heal/chronic injuries. 

    The only thing I would change is to take the TB-500 daily as recent research shows it is a little more effective if used daily like the BPC-157 as the levels stay more even justlike other performance enhancing products.

    week 1-3  1.5mg/day ( approx 2 vials a week same as above)  

    week 4-8  750mcg/day (approx 1 vial a week same as above)



    @DrD would you dose the TB-500 and the BPC-157 the same at 1.5mg? or stick with the lower dose on the BPC (500mcg/d) like the OP had described?

    I like the idea of using a product that already has 5+5mg of both compounds but then you have no way of dosing the TB-500 higher. 



  10. I finished the whole protocol. It did initially take away all the tendinitis symptoms in both my Achilles (and completely got rid of the tennis elbow), I started running again (which normally would set off the tendinitis by the next day), I progressively ramped up the intensity and frequency of my runs...at about 3 weeks out of running intervals I got up to 3x/w (30mins / 5K with one or two flat out runs and the rest of the time alternating between a fast jog / slow run and walking) before the symptoms started coming back...mind you I have not been running a maintenance phase (I just did the initial 4 week load) and perhaps should have but I wanted to test and see how it would hold up without continuing to run the TB and BCP.

    I have to admit I am impressed, these two drugs did more than RMT, Shockwave, and accupuncture did. It's certainly not a cheap solution but it seems to work at least in the short term. I am going to give it some time off and try this protocol again in the fall with the hope of returning to touch rugby in the winter to give it a proper test. This time I will continue to run at least a low dose of TB/BCP a couple times a week.


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  11. On 7/3/2019 at 8:23 AM, Francis "Frank" Castle said:

    Sam over at Live Like a Viking YT channel did a video about this and he is using 1.5iu/day, 5 days on 2 off of the expensive stuff Omnitrope...compared it to one of the Rawz suppliers, which is likely Chinese I would think, and to MK677

    Which is Better? MK 677, Pharmaceutical, or Generic HGH?

    Thanks for passing this on....kinda matches up with what I have heard...the cost benefit to legit Pharmaceutical HGH is just not worth it in comparison to buying Generic (what he would call Pharma), maybe you have to take a little extra of the generic stuff to match the results of something like Omnitrope but at 3-4 times the price why not just go generic and take a bit more??

    I was impressed to hear that his numbers with MK677 were roughly the same as 2iu of Generic GH.


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  12. I am 3 weeks into this protocol (but taking 2mg TB500 ed instead of 5mg 2x/w...taking weekends off), injecting bilaterally into the subq tissue around my calves (there isn't much so I have missed with one or two shots and gone IM) with the hope that it trickles down to the Achilles...so far they are feeling kinda tight but no tendinitis, just tight...sort of sore and tight like I worked them the day before even when I didn't. I was going easy on them the first few weeks but have been ramping up in terms of impact. We'll see how that goes over the next week or two.

    I will post more once I am done the month...so far showing promise...

  13. I have only ever done Generic in one of it's many forms. I was buying Hygetropin direct from China at one point which was good but it was likely just another generic with a fancy box and some nice labels. I haven't noticed any considerable difference. maybe sometimes the stuff doesn't get transported properly; sits in the heat cooking the fuck out of it and rendering it useless? I don't know but I can say that so far I have been happy with what I am getting most of the time. I think the reason that Chinese Generic GH is so prevalent is because it works. If it didn't it would get killed by negative reviews and nobody would want to touch it.

  14. I don't have a ton of personal experience with it but from what I have read you're better off to take small shots (250-500mcg) more often as it works pretty quickly and you're aren't going to get more of an effect from a larger shot. You also have to be in a calorie deficit, fasted, or a state of burning fat (ie Keto) or it isn't going to produce any results. The fat will be released into your bloodstream and then just get stored again.

  15. Hey @OLYMPIC

    Is there any reason you couldn't/shouldn't use a protocol of 2mg TB-500 and 500mcg BPC-157 every day vs the 5mg TB-500 bolus twice a week?

    My TB-500 comes in 2mg vials and it would be easier to just take the same shot every day (or at least 5 days/week) but I wasn't sure if having the large shot twice a week gave some sort of benefit that having a lower dose spread through the week wouldn't give?

    Like you I have spent thousands on rehab (luckily it was partially covered by my benefits but I have still spent about $3K of my own money over the last 5yrs on chiro, accupunture, shockwave, and RMT)...I have had ongoing issues from playing rugby and lifting...turf toe/arthritis, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, and now tendinitis in my elbows from chinups. The cost of running a cycle like this is very reasonable if it actually fixes these problems.   

    Thanks in advance for your input.


  16. I've used MTII and found that it did give me a bit of colour (I've natuarally pretty pale so I took it before a vacation to ramp up to the Caribbean sun) and spontaneous boners pretty much as soon as it's injected but I also find that I get a red itchy area where I injected it and it makes me kinda nauseous.

    I once mixed up a generic green top GH with MTII (it was super old, like 3yrs+ had been sitting in my fridge both had a vial with no label and a green top)...I injected what I thought was 3iu of GH and when I got all red around the shot then started feeling nauseous I was like "oh shit, maybe this has gone bad" but then the boners started and I figured out my mistake.

    Definitely worth a try for anyone that has difficulty with tanning (or arousal).


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  17. I've run a lot of primo and love it.

    My ideal combo is 250-300mg/w test, 200-300mg/w mast, 600-800mg/w primo. from there I add in some orals pre-workout from time to time for a little extra kick.

    No sides, nice slow steady muscle growth and strength increase, nice slow steady fatloss.

    There was a lab i used to buy from that made a TMP blend injectable with 150mg test e/100mg mast e/200mg primo e which was beautiful. cuts down on the injection volume a lot having all that in one cc.

    I agree with using it in long cycles, the results are slow but the gains are also more easily maintained after because it isn't all water weight. short cycles you need something with more kick. I have always liked long cycles though (usually staying on for 3-6 months at a time). I am done having kids now so I will likely just stay on a blast and cruise from here.

  18. On 12/10/2018 at 12:55 AM, canadian_mofo said:

    Whats your thoughts on maybe just running 1CC of TNT 450 per week (pinned twice).  250mg Test-E and 200mg Tren-E along with the Helios 2 weeks on and off.  

    Think ill need caber with a cycle like this, damn that shit is expensive these days.  Ill probably run Aromosin throughout as I have been gyno sensitive in the past.

    Used to be able to get caber dirt cheap but the site doesn't ship to canada anymore. 

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