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Posts posted by endeavorspirit

  1. again, i’m making solid ass gains, soooo much bitching and moaning , i’m gonna just stop responding to stupid . 

    whatever possesses you people to camp out my thread and continue to over and over put me down and put down the rate of my results and just my physique and general, my intelligence etc, what the fuck is wrong with this community ?

    im gonna stop updating literally the only responses are just personal opinions from people who have never even ran or looked into the shit i’m taking. such a bad forum , just bitching and whining and negativity . literally since january i’ve been hearing this shit man. go fuck yourselves , good riddance . in my eyes you’re mostly All a bunch of PUSSIES and i’m gonna go join a more serious lifting forum, simple as that . 

    @CapeBretonDadBod it was nice talking wit u , just wanna say that .

  2. 4 hours ago, Mikk0090 said:

    Damn.  Down here in the states no way.  Anyone need a roommate?  I’m a good cook. 

    actually insulin scares the crap out of me.  I work as a medic and see what happens to diabetics that mess with their insulin.    I’ll never be on the level on where it’s needed anyway.  Still so much potential with the safer stuff.

    what are you even talking about man? you have no idea what you are even saying. Why, WHY do you join a BODYBUILDING FORUM, then just continue to pussy out from something as simple as humulin r . you have NO CLUE what you are even commenting on at this point , talking about, “he’s just trolling us”

    dumbass, go to walmart, walk to the pharmacy, and go see for yourself , this is IN THE STATES. you got ZERO business here if your so quick to talk shit on things you got zero experience or even the slightest bit of knowledge in . 

    you claim to work as a medic but don’t even know that humulin r is available without a prescription over the counter without an ID? that scares the hell out of me , they have simpletons like you responsible for people’s lives 

  3. 5 hours ago, CapeBretonDadBod said:

    Be careful 88 You are dabbling in some pretty serious stuff not being a high ranking competitor on the bodybuilding scene. There have been many fatalities due to its usage please do your homework. Please consult with @Corey5150 on this topic doesn’t have to be in your thread go private and get some information from him.

    don’t worry dad , ya son isn’t gonna die on you. i’ve ran this before when i wasn’t on roids yet so i know how to time it , today went smooth with only 5iu . gonna do 10iu after training days from now on ... when i’m on the slin i’m extremely serious , it’s like i’m on the clock and it’s my job to not fuck up for the next 4 hours straight . i basically turn into you for 4 hours , eating chicken and sweet potatoes 😂 

  4. holy fuckin shit idk if it’s the slin or the weed of what but i just smashed 5iu slin an hour ago and just ate some apple sauce and little bit of gatorade after eating some chicken and sweet potatoes , and HOLY WOAH i have the most insane carb / sugar rush i ever felt it scared me . i’m also on a bit of daily cialis so my blood flow and pumps , combined with the superdrol are legit too big they are painful. I’m about to go take a walk i have so much energy like i just did some coke LMAO 

  5. day 14


    Well blood pressure is starting to get higher on average and my pee is still decently dark after upping fluids . I’m gonna reduce to 10mg superdrol per day because sitting around with high blood pressure sucks ass. It’s usually fine unless i’m stressing about something and then it’s like it just shoots through the roof and stays there for a hour. not worth it to put my body under that much stress .

    Not gonna drop it tho. i’m gonna now ride this 10mg out for the next 2 weeks. test will stay at 750mg . gains are of course coming every 3 days or so i feel stronger or bigger . 

    no weight because my scale is broken but i’m estimating a solid 8 lbs up, maybe a 1 lbs of fat . 



    not that it’s gonna matter any crazy amount but i went ahead and invested a little bit into my support supplements and got some cranberry extract , milk thistle , and lastly some glutathione . that one was a pretty penny , supposedly it’s pretty good. I’m just tryna give some extra support to the kindeys and liver ..

  6. good idea, i concur. if you have nothing to say but passive aggressive “advice” then kindly fuck off the thread. I even know how to turn off notifications but... hm i seem to have forgetton at this exact moment . that sucks for you !


    you can all take lessons from @CapeBretonDadBod on how to correctly give advice to youngsters like me , please read how he types and how he comes accross with legit useful and respectful information with no negative trash talk thrown in. 

  7. Day 11

    I feel much better on average now after getting more complex carbs and drinking alotttt more water. I always forget how quickly that shit will fuck you up within a day on these types of substances .. my piss was pretty dark yellow yesterday tho so i have to drink even more , but as far as my energy and appetite it’s all great, so that’s a good sign.


    my old scale is broke as hell it seems so i gotta buy a new one so no weight updates or anything as of right now .

  8. 10 hours ago, Matho said:

    And yes I’m done lol won’t hear anything else from me before I do get a message 

    lol now i’m “crying” about calling out people that don’t help support their fellow bro’s in the same community working towards similar goals? again go fuck your self buddy. again all your little comments just make me chuckle because simply i would force it to stop in reality.. must have missed the memo from daddy that running your mouth may get you in trouble , so maybe don’t do it in general, which i expect you’d carry on to how you speak on the internet . but guess not ! if you ever noticed i only talk big in response, i’m always quite collected in my posts until some asshat comes around and i have to remind him who he’s talking to.

     i didn’t read more than your first sentence on that essay , your simpleton mindset is not worth the effort to process from someone like me. I’ll always be above you , in many ways, but you’ll never have the mental capacity to understand it . Now keep talking shit in other progress threads but not this one. if you actually gave advice from the start in a non condescending way we never would’ve been to this point



    • Haha 1
  9. 1 minute ago, CapeBretonDadBod said:

    Honestly brother you know I give it to you straight , Nobody here wants to see you harm yourself, Everyone here wants to see each and everyone of us succeed thus we want to see you accomplish your goals too , These guys didn’t attain Vet status by being disrespectful and being jerks they had to earn it through showing knowledge and helping others it’s not that they are in great shape being dialed in didn’t get them there it’s what they have to offer the community in experience and willing to help, Matho has earned his stripes even listen to some of what these guys say and we all know you can put the 88 spin on it , Did I do you wrong before with people who were jerks to you before ? I handled it when necessary.  Matho is a solid guy , If he was out of line I’d speak to him and he would respect me for it . What I’m really trying to say is open your mind and let these guys help when your mind is closed it closes opportunities. 

    my mind is open of course , to people who can communicate properly such as yourself . but these random’s that have NEVER commented on any of my stuff or have any support come in and just talk down on me like i’m some stupid kid like matho 

  10. 57 minutes ago, Matho said:

    Your self proclaiming yourself as looking amazing and then you want me to come along and give you a big hug and say congrats man? Do you know that you will get here man , honesty , which maybe you can learn from and benefit from. 

    lol did i say that? no. i said, I DO look amazing compared to everyone in my life. i’m sorry that rubs you the wrong way that i think of myself as amazing . because, AGAIN, you don’t know where i started at. didn’t your daddy teach you to keep your negative opinions to yourself? Begone now. 

    im just saying, it’s not a good trait not to support your fellow members and compliment them to keep the motivation going . but what do i know, that’s crazy talk right! you should keep spewing more shitty opinions out , your right ! i motivated my partner every single day and never brought him down when he was feeling himself. You are pathetic for doing so. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, Matho said:

    I have to shake my head at some of this stuff, I don’t mean to be disrespectful by any means but my dude. Your 24 and think 750 mgs isn’t over kill. If your 24 , taking training and diet seriously, you by no means need 750mgs at all. 
    Your self proclaiming yourself as looking amazing as usual lol is this stuff for real, am I the only one thinking you should take a step back, dial in your diet, drop a few % in the bf department and really utilize what this stuff can do. 

    i do look amazing compared to everyone in my life, thanks for laughing at me tho. i’m 100% serious. if only you saw what i looked like last year you’d be giving me props to be where i am right now. but no matter my gains i don’t ever seem to live up to the high expectations here on the forum. 


    everything i read online says to start a beginner cycle at 500mgs. i’ve done 1 cycle before this, there’s zero reason not to use 750mg at all ... it’s a very standard dose to bulk. i’m dropping bodyfat daily, christ what more do you guys need lmao..the fact not a single person has complimented any part of me this entire time i’ve been here is straight up disrespectful and borderline sociopathic the way you guys seem to think i look. I’m not even a full year in, give me some damn time 

  12. okay well i feel great today compared to yesterday, so it was either dehydration or lack of complex carbs making me have hardcore ups and downs after my meals digest. I’ve been drinking just mass gainer shakes today consisting of 3/4 cup fruit , 1/2 cup oats , and 2 big scoops of the walmart cell tech mass gainer which i don’t particularly like but don’t have any other protein powder atm. I drink one of these every few hours and i’m feeling no crashes today and no exhaustion / loss of appetite

  13. On 8/12/2020 at 10:11 PM, Mikk0090 said:


    you’re a man, not gonna tell you what to do.  But just giving advice, been in the game over a decade.   I’ve done fucked up shit thinking it was the ticket to get huge.    I learned the hard way, and that being said, I like to steer the younger guys in the right direction.  You are seriously fucking your shit up relying on DNP to lean out, and running these “mini” cycles.   Whatever you gain on this cycle will melt away if you can’t dial in that diet.   Stuff like DNP, clen, t3, etc should be used to break that plateau after dieting To get lean.  Shouldn’t be used as the “magic pill” so to speak.

    seriously think about what I said about the 500 test, 250 deca.  Add in dbol to make you feel like a god.  It’s a feel good beginner bulk cycle with minimal sides.  The changes won’t be over night, but with the right diet and training you’re looking at 10+lbs of keepable gainz as a beginner.      A lot of guys I know do sust just because they can’t wait the 2 weeks for test e to peak, but then become bloated moody messes. 
    test e is my eater of choice unless I’m blasting a short tren cycle, then I’ll add in prop.   Test e is just so much easier to keep stable.

    the way you’re going with these crazy little cycles, and shitty eating and blasting DNP because you can’t do cardio in a deficit for a few weeks you’re going to end up in the hospital or worse.    This is the only life you get bro, we all want to see you be successful in your goals.  There’s a lot of advice in this forum, but I for one can’t comment on these kind of posts anymore because I don’t want to feel like I’m enabling dangerous behavior.

    no disrespect but you sound like a kid who discovered steroid.com, read prospective results, and just jumped in without the slightest knowledge or experience in nutrition and training 


    bostin loyd comes to mind thinking about it.  That dude looks like shit, because he’s running so much gear.  He will sit and argue with the seasoned pros about the mentality of running 2 grams of test on top of everything else under the sun in order to get to pro level. He refuses to believe some of the greats got there with more than half of the doses he runs.   Look at Arnold, in that era all they really had was dbol, deca and he brought primo with him from Austria.   And to this day his era were the best looking guys, and they were massive 

    well that sucks you won’t comment anymore but , i just want to point out , your comment on boston. He claims he NEEDS that amount because he has bad genetics . he doesn’t say that’s what every pro needs . he’s very aware other ppl don’t need as much. he says that all the time . he’s kinda my role model so that’s why we are very similar in our mindsets . he reminds me of me . just a bit less smart . but same mindset , same impatience . and same crazy attitude towards trying dangerous shit .

    but really 20mg superdrol 750 test is like just a pretty good cycle man nothing crazy or outlandish. 


    day 10

    okay ... so i look amazing as usual but the sides came in today like a sack of bricks across my face. Last night i skipped my dose because i got a loss of appetite and didn’t wanna chance making myself feel worse by eating and dosing .. this morning i feel fine so far.

    . it’s weird because it’s not a constant thing, one sec i’ll feel fine one sec i feel like....low blood sugar but i just ate carbs 1 hr ago...kinda thinking i may be diabetic or something but never checked my blood sugar before when i feel like this. i’ll ride it out unless it gets worse cuz like i said i’m still very strong in the gym so don’t wanna jump the gun 

  14. Day 8


    increased strength , muscle etc . the usuals. not even gonna repeat if every day...but something’s got me pissed this morning. 

    for anyone wondering if superdrol fucks your hairline , yes. yes. yes. my hairline has literally started shrinking only a week after taking this stuff LOL. i took a pic for you guys to see what mean, don’t mind my mug or the weird angle . i wanted you guys to be able to see..

    .you can esepcially tell the left side is rapidly disappearing ... literally my hairline was a straight line and now it’s not even a line anymore . fuck it , continue on. we don’t need hair we’re freaks..☹️ 


  15. 3 hours ago, BloodThirster said:

    The formula to put on mass that has worked for me and I have been at powerlifting and bodybuilding for 40 years is as follows

    -I eat when I get hungry and I eat mostly clean...meat, some fruit, eggs and veggies.  My training is quite intense and heavy so I am mostly hungry all the time.  Always bring a big protein shake to my work outs with a little fruit and yogurt mixed in there.  Gives me energy on the lifts.

    -I train hard and heavy,  I train those things that are not sore, I take a day break or 2 when every thing is sore,  I always try increasing the weight on an exercise if the reps go past my normal rep range which is 3-5 ... I get volume with increased sets.  Take deadlifts for example .. start 225 for 3-5, 295 for 3 -5,  305 - 3-5, 365 - 3-5 405 3-5, 455 for 3-5,  495 for say 2-3 then drop back to 305 for an all out set where I can't pull any more, I may  do drop sets.  Change your exercises out every so often as your strength gains will diminish after about 3 weeks on any one exercise.  so I would substitute squats or bent leg good mornings and take out the deads

    -keep it simple with gear about 500mg a week of test e - I may frontload the first week to 750 or 1000mg, then drop the second week to 750, then down to 500mg due to the 7 day half life.  Gets more in there quick when you front load.  If I do an oral for strength - drol or dbol 50 - 100mg a day.  I would keep the cycle going for 12 to 16 weeks.  If I want a bit more strength in the cycle, 200- 300 mg of tren e for 6-8 weeks normally toward the end of the cycle.

    - Not much cardio on a bulk cycle ... damn I had that word.. lets call it a size and strength gaining cycle.  The training should be hard enuff that you should be huffin and a puffin at the end of your sets and workout.

    There she be.  It might not be pretty.  But it is simple.  It got me a mid 400's bench, a 585 full squat and a 615 deadlift.  Not fantastic but from where I started at it was fine by me.



    you sound like my kind of guy as far as training style and viewpoint goes. I defintely will try some dbol in the future i’ve heard a lot of good things about it . as far as the lifting numbers , those look pretty damn strong to me brother. Anything heavier than that there isn’t much point and your joints are already stressing i’m sure . i’m over the whole “big 3 total number” thing , i follow the mantra by just going off the mirror and how you are feeling. not all these calculations and shit.


    . i defintely want to be strong but not at the cost of my body’s well being....i didn’t care before but now, i have 1 bad left wrist pain that never fully healed, 1 right inner knee pain that doesn’t go away since 2 years ago, and couple that with my 2x dislocated right shoulder as well as 1x dislocated left shoulder... heavy lifting would be a horrible idea so i need to check my ego unfortunately. no god damn way i’d ever need to bench more than 400 or squat over 500..younger, newer me would have claimed to be on the way to be the strongest ever, but now my body is showing signs or wear i didn’t expect...and at this age of 24...it’s depressing. but that’s what you get for street fighting 

  16. Day 7 


    Feeling amazing looking amazing day by day . Don’t have any pics but my shoulders and arms are blowing up wayyyy faster than ever before , it’s nice. it seems every 2 days i have a small change atleast somewhere . Wether it be noticing a muscle you haven’t before, or feeling stronger and thicker, etc... it’s awesome. the lethargy is really kickin in tho.


    i have a theory the lethargy is due to how much energy your muscles are sapping since they grow so fast on superdrol ..but that’s all just bro science of course. But it’s not the toxic lethargy feeling like you get on DNP, like that gut wretching feeling ...it’s not a toxic feeling at all thank god. i just get tired WAYYY more often than usual with only normal energy output in the gym and tons of calories.


    making good quality mass gains and very excited to see how it plays out to the next couple weeks. I know week 2-3 is where SD really starts to peak so that’s cool. more updates soon!

  17. i know my ways aren’t perfect but it’s what works for me maybe not the most efficient but you guys know me , i’m not gonna have the brainpower to be able to prepare all my meals perfectly like some do lmao i’m doing what i can stick to for a long period of time. i’m one of those simple solution type guys. I don’t care about all the little extra stuff , it does not concern me. as long as the general trend of my physique is successful in the amount of time i need than I am pleased . I just focus on the calorie amount and nutrients needs for the day and do it day by day.

    As far as the shakes i did actually cut those out when i ran out of ice cream, so now my meal is usually a double cheeseburger (homemade) cooked with olive oil, thick french frys (just as many as i can fit on the pan i use lol) , no sugar added ketchup. and instead of the milkshake i know drink a homemade mass gainer shake with oatmeal, frozen fruit, 2 scoops mass gainer greek yogurt, and whole milk. I make a big ass double shake and just drink it through the day. 

    • Like 1
  18. i just might do that . i did already make this thread tho but maybe i can make another version that’s got a lot more details esepcially for my diet.

    DAY 6

    -I decided to drop to 20mg superdrol instead of 30mg so removing my last dose of the day..mainly because not any toxic feeling but, the low blood sugar and hunger in the middle of the night is annoying and also 3 times per day is hard for me to do because i’m always laying down by the time i have to take the 3rd dose. so all things considered and for less body stress i’m reducing to 20mg. it’s still widely accepted that you make great gains here too so it’s all good. 

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