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Posts posted by airman

  1. 7 hours ago, BodyTechPharma said:

    Any plans for future competitions? 

    Right now it looks like most likely I'll be doing the North Americans in August.  There was talk about doing the Arnold Amateur in March, but after speaking with my coach, he doesn't think it is wise to do.  Thinks it's not enough time to make significant improvements, and then shortens the time time to improve/prepare for North Americans.  But it would have been fun to do, just to step on that stage. 

    Might also do the Toronto Pro in June, but not set in stone.  Depends how I'm looking in the spring. 

  2. On 12/3/2019 at 5:09 PM, CapeBretonDadBod said:

    Shoulders and arms look amazing man !

    Thank you.  Shoulders is something I was told (and already knew) I have to bring up.  So it's a priority for me this year. 

    On 12/5/2019 at 8:54 AM, GameChanger said:

    Looking solid as ever brother. You're an inspiration and role model 

    Thanks GameChanger, couldn't do it without your help.  Much appreciated. 

  3. Congrats on the show and overcoming your injury. 

    I dealt with a very similar thing back in November 2017, but unlike you I knew right away it was a nerve issue due my left arm being pins and needles for a couple weeks.  Couldn't workout upper body for about 8 weeks, then when I started back, I could barely press a 20lb dumbbell with my left arm.  It's like I never lifted before. Left side chest, and tricep atrophied like crazy.   I continued with the 20s and slowly built my strength back up.... Took months and it's still not 100%.  After a few months, finally had an MRI and it confirmed herniated C4 and C7 disc.  

    I still don't fully feel my left tricep contract and left arm is about .5 inch smaller, but overall can't complain.  Just glad I'm still able to lift.   You are looking fantastic though and it doesn't look like it affected you too much. 

    • Like 1
  4. So been slacking on posting updates.  Just got busy getting back into swing of things, catching up on things at work that I ignored during prep etc. 

    Sitting now at around 255lbs, and have been for the last couple weeks (if not more).  Just started a cruise this week, which I will continue until at least the New Year.  Post show, ran a bunch of stuff, trying to take advantage of a rebound.  Did Test Prop daily at 50mg, MENT at 25mgs daily, then for about 4 weeks added 50mg NPP daily.  Also for about 3 weeks tried IGF-LR3 at 50mcg pre workout. Was also doing 3IU gh, split into 1.5iu morning and 1.5iu pre bed.   All BT supplements. 

    Diet has been 'ok'.  Stuck to a main clean off season diet, but added tons of extra sugary carbs.  I'm like a crack head when it comes to sugar.  But I have it under control now 🙂

    Overall not bad, condition could be better but pretty good considering I'm up 20lbs and was eating junk every night.   It was my first time doing MENT and noticed a lot fuller look.  Like it.  With the IGF, I got crazy pumps.  Not sure if it's just the extra food but at times they were ridiculous.  For example, did a light warm up on a bike for 15 minutes before doing legs.  Nothing crazy, like on level 5 to 7 out of 20.  Got off and went to do lying leg curls, and couldn't do them because my quads felt like they were going to rip off, like they were contracting so hard, with so much blood from the bike, I couldn't bend my leg.  Had to take an extra 15 to 20 minutes, to relax, and stretch them out before proceeding with my workout. 

    So now the plan is around 200mg Test E per week, and GH 2iu pre bed. Ride this out for a bit and try to hang on to everything (hopefully continue to grow).  Diet will be perfect now, since I can't rely on extra supps as a crutch.  

    Pic of current condition attached, taken a couple days ago. 



    Nov29 o4NoDJ1.jpg

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  5. On 10/21/2019 at 5:58 PM, CapeBretonDadBod said:

    Brother that placing is nothing to sneeze at you looked great trained hard , I’m saying congrats for a job well done , it takes dedication in most don’t have, be proud of yourself man.

    Thank you.  I'm definetly happy with the placing.  A huge improvement for me from last year, and looking at the video it was really close.  Also had a couple different IFBB pros that don't even know me that well, tell me that they watched my class and had me winning.  Made me feel great, because unlike coming from someone like my wife or mom lol, they actually know what they are looking at and have no reason to boost my ego.  So pumped to make some improvements now, and kill it next year. 

    On 10/21/2019 at 6:16 PM, Physlifter said:


    Damn man super impressive!!  But you have leggggggggggggggggs you could do classic as well!!  You looked frickin great!

    Thanks Physlifter.  Have wanted to do classic for a long time, but I was only 236lbs on stage and my weight limit for classic is 252lbs.  I know it's not all about the weight, but I'm quite a bit under the limit and I think especially at my height I need to maximize my weight in order to not look lanky on stage. 

    Hopefully the next few months will be productive and I will give it a shot next season. 

  6. So did the Canadian Nationals this weekend. Ended up placing 2nd. Obviously was hoping not only for 1st but best overall, but I'm very happy with the results. It was a close battle, right away the two of us were put in the middle, and not moved at all during comparisons.

    Prejudging went great. One thing looking at the pics, is that I could have posed better. Faced the judges a bit too square on, should have twisted more to give an illusion of a tighter waist. Oh well, lesson learned, and fired up to improve for the next one. 


    Also, didn't mess around with peak weak... No diuretics, no crazy carb loading, just a slight water taper.  Even drank almost a gallon of water on show day.  Felt great, and I think still looked pretty good, fairly dry.  Came in 10lbs heavier this year as opposed to last year, where I was flat, and looked like a string bean.  I've always messed around in the last week, and made myself look way worse then I had been looking the weak before.  So this year (thanks to my coach), I went with what was working.  If you look good a week out, why mess around? was the approach we took.  Happy the way it turned out. 

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, CapeBretonDadBod said:

    Good job brother ! Your more than ready my friend.

    Thank you friend!

    1 hour ago, GainTrain said:

    Incredible work bro! I admire your physique, genetics and dedication very much. Kill it man! 

    Thank you.  Not sure about the genetics part, but giving it my all 😄

  8. Just a quick update.  About 1 week out now.  Dropped test on Monday.  Starting to dry out.  Overall feeling pretty good, just getting really hungry now.  But one more week to go, I can last, no problem.  

    Had a chance to try out BT Tren Base.  Did 75mg preworkout... Felt great, great pumps, and focus.  Just a boost I needed 🙂

    Pic taken this morning post chest workout. 



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  9. 20 hours ago, Francis "Frank" Castle said:

    Looking great Brother. I'm sure I don't need to tell you but still, make sure you are looking after your liver while you are on Halo.

    You are looking awesome, you should be damned proud of the results you've gotten as it's obvious the hard work you have put in.

    Thanks Frank.  Yeah, taking a bunch of supplements, plus just pyramiding it up and down for about 2.5 weeks.  Not a huge run. I don't drink at all, so it's really PEDs are the only negative thing I do in regards to liver.  Being cautious but not too worried. 


    • Like 1
  10. Did a back session this morning.  Always loved training back, just feel a great mind muscle connection and feel pretty strong.   However, after being on Halo for a couple days, and bumping it this morning to 40mg about 1.5 hour pre-workout, my strength went through the roof.  Just felt like a machine.  Could be psychological, but really at this point I should be feeling beat down but it wasn't the case today. 

    Last week, I did dumbbell rows with 140 lbs  for 6 sets of 6.  This week did only 4 sets, but did the 140s for sets of 15!  Was in a zone. 

    About another week and a half of some hardcore training and then ease up the last week leading into the show.  Can't wait. 



    • Like 1
  11. 17 hours ago, GainTrain said:

    That’s incredible man. So lean, so dry. Those muscles are F’n popping. If those cuts get any deeper you’ll bleed. Great work man, you look phenomenal!

    Thanks man, much appreciated.

    13 hours ago, CapeBretonDadBod said:

    Can’t say if enough you look fucking great brother , your hard work is paying off !

    Thank you.  It's all coming together.  Very happy this year. 

  12. A little update. Prep is going great so far. Getting hungry now.  My calories didn't change too much, but I think my metabolism is just in overdrive now.  Ended up cheating a few times with some extra carbs before bed.  Not good, but not doing too much damage.  Just under 3 weeks out now.  So no more cheats lol....  Want to come in as peeled as possible, hopefully without looking lanky. 

    The injectable Stanolone is doing it's job.  Been on it for just about 2 weeks now, and getting dryer daily.  Seems my skin is thinning out and noticing new veins everyday.  Doing 50mg (1ml) everyday.  Think will just stay at that dose. 

    Also started halotestin on the weekend. First day just tried 10mg to test the waters, then bumped to 20mg now at 30mg.  Will bring it up to 40mg for a week or so, and then pyramid back down before the contest.   Taking it all preworkout, getting great pumps and feeling strong.  A bit too strong sometimes, so have to control myself.  Just at times, I feel so damn dry that it feels like something is going to rip...  So just trying to be aware of it, and scale back when needed. 

    Picture is from the weekend.  Will post a back shot tomorrow.  

    I'm really happy I found BodyTech.  Everything is working like it's supposed to (or even better) and I don't probably don't even have to mention, how great the service is.  These guys go way beyond of what I'd ever expect from anyone.  Making my prep stress free. 

    If anyone has any questions, let me know. 




    • Like 2
  13. 18 hours ago, Dogtown2017 said:

    @airman you are looking deadly bro!! Good luck on your show not that u need it🥇

    Thanks appreciate the support. 

    1 hour ago, NorthernLifters said:

    how is your prep coming along airman?

    So far so good.  No complaints.   Everything is going pretty smooth.  Went to see my coach this weekend for a couple workouts and posing lessons.  My posing (should be) much improved now, it really killed me last year. 

    Coach is extremely happy with my condition and look.  Says I'm ready to hit the stage now.  Changed up my diet this week, and we will try to fill me out a bit more.  

    As far as supps, I introduced Inj. Stanolone at 50mg per day.  Been only on it a couple days, so can't really make a 100% call on its effects, but I am noticing much more veins through my arms, and chest. Might up it as I get closer to the show, but for now I will let 50mg do its job. 

    Will also be running halo for the last three weeks.  Will be pyramiding it up and then back down towards the show.  Excited to see what it will do. 

    Attached are a couple back shots from last week.  Lol always, posting backshots simply because it's my best body part (and I don't have to edit face ha ha)...

    Got some good lighting in the shots, but it shows my condition fairly well.


    • Like 4
  14. Had a great shoulder session today.  Weight is climbing, sitting at 237lbs this morning. Probably water but hoping it's some muscle ha ha...

    Will be seeing my coach this weekend so he will figure it all out in person. 

    One thing I forgot to mention, is the Clen.  I've used Clen before, and I assumed that it worked, but I never experience shakes or any sort of sides from clen.  I thought that I was just not very sensitive. In the past I've used T3 where I split a bottle with a buddy, and he couldn't stop sweating on 25mcg while I didn't feel anything on 100mcg.  So maybe I abused stimulants too much in the past. 

    However, when I hit 150mcg of BT clen, I feel it within minutes (first thing in the am). Almost get a nauseous feeling.  And I definitely get the shakes.  Dropping things all the time.  So I guess maybe in the past the clen I was using was just shit. 

  15. 20 hours ago, Francis "Frank" Castle said:

    Looks great...You need some more sun though man, all that time in the gym has you looking a little pale around the face :{)=

    Seriously though, very impressive, that's a lot of hard work and dedication showing!

    A great review for the BT gear as well. Keep us up to date please...

    Thanks, definetly time to start tanning 😄

    20 hours ago, CapeBretonDadBod said:

    You look great man best of luck !

    Thank you

    4 hours ago, Corey5150 said:

    Looking great man, how tall are you? What division will you be competing in?



    3 hours ago, MuscleDummy said:

    Looks awesome man! Looking lean AF!

    Same question as @Corey5150 what’s your division? 

    Thanks @Corey5150 and @MuscleDummy   I'm 6'5" and will be doing Masters Men's Physique (old man)

    1 hour ago, ElectricRocker said:

    Looking ready man good work!

    Thank You

  16. So I'm currently sitting at 5 weeks out from Nationals.  Thought I'd throw up a log for those interested. Did this whole prep using only BT gear.  So far this has been my best prep to date.  

    Weight has been holding steady at between 230lbs to 235lbs for the last 6 weeks or so, depending on how filled out I am.  I do believe for the first time, I'm actually growing into the show.  Only reason, I say that with confidence, is that while the weight is not moving, I'm getting leaner every week. Loving it. 

    I attached pics of me at 16 weeks out wieghing 242lbs, to now at 5 weeks out at 235lbs this morning.  Only a 7lb difference.

    In the leg pic (I know, needs lots of work), there is no upper body pump, was taking first thing this morning after a leg session. 

    Diet has been steady at around 3000 calories a day.  Previously was eating around 350g Protein, 180g Carbs on Lifting Days, 130g Non-Lifting, fats around 50 to 75g 
    Carbs just got increased this week to 210 on Lifting Days, and 155 Non Lifting Days ( not counting veggies for carbs, these are just pure carb numbers)

    No cardio, except daily dog walks (about  half hour, 3km).   And just in the last couple weeks started doing 30 minutes stepmill two times a week on non-lifting days.   

    For the last four weeks I've been doing a higher volume, 5 day bro split.  Previous to that I was doing a push pull legs routine.  I'm liking the bro split at the moment.  A lot more volume, less rest time, more intensity (the way I've been training).  I don't think (neither does my coach) that I was getting enough volume (per bodypart) in the push pull legs routine. 

    Now to the good stuff. 

    Started off with long esters.  Ran Test E (250 per week to 375 per week ), Tren E ( 400 per week) and Mast E (400 per week), ran some superdrol in here also

    At about 6.5 weeks out switched to fast esters.  Right now running:

    50mg Test Prop per day
    75mg Tren Ace per day
    50mg Mat Prop per day
    50mg Inj Winnie per day

    50mg Proviron per day
    75mg Anavar per day

    Switching from Inj Winstrol to Oral at 50mg per day (only because I hate extra injections, and want to try Inj. Stanol that I have on order)

    Also for the first time ever I've been running HGH.  Just about to finish my first kit.  Started off at 3iu per day split 1.5iu first thing in the morning pre-wrokout and 1.5iu pre-bed.  Just last week I bumped it up to 4iu per day. 

    So what can I say.  The gear is awesome.  I know everyone probably already knows it, but injecting with a 25g and it flowing like butter is no nice.  I came from using a 23g and pushing so hard I thought that I was going to break the syringe. 

    The gear is spot on.  Doing what it's supposed to.  The long esters were awesome.  If it was up to me, I'd probably stay on them right till the end, but I'm following what coach tells me to and switched to fast esters.  Everything still smooth and painless. 

    HGH is fantastic.  Never got tested, but what I noticed so far is that some tendinitis I had for weeks, went away after a few days, even on Tren Ace, I'm sleeping like a baby, and feel refreshed full of energy in the morning. Could be that I'm just getting old man skin, but I swear I'm getting leaner and leaner, and my skin has never appeared this thin before.  No regrets here in making an investment in the gh.  Can't wait to run it off season with some real food and see what happens. 

    If anyone is interested, I will continue to log.  Let me know if you have any questions or if you'd like to see something specific. 




    legs 16vs5weeks.jpg

    back 16v5weeks.jpg

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  17. Hi, 

      Never used HGH before.  Was thinking of throwing in 2iu or 3iu a day (if I can afford it).  A friend has showed me a source that he heard was legit but he has never actually used it himself.  So wondering if anyone ever heard of these or had experience.

    JEOTROP 191AA SOMATROPIN  $250 10iu (looks like it comes with bacteriostatic water





    They also have:

    "Power Labs Medical Group" JINTROPIN AA 191 SOMATROPIN  for $360

    CITADEL 10x10IU SOMATROPIN for $350

    PROTROPIN 10×10 IU SOMATROPIN for $400



    Hoping someone has some input on these.



  18. 9 minutes ago, a_ahmed said:

    i was debating ordering some melanotan too i wish i did urgh...

    I've used melanotan in the past, and got an amazing tan.  However what I didn't like is that my cheekbones looked burned, almost dirty.  Not sure why, when using a tanning bed,  I even started covering my face, but still my cheekbones got way, way darker then the rest of me.  

    Will probably try again, but at a much lower dose (I know it doesn't look like it under the gym's fluorescent) I have a fairly dark, so maybe I just went overboard on it the last time. 


  19. So I’ve been using Bodytech for 7 weeks now.  So far it has been a great experience, I did 3 small orders to try various things out and all went super smooth.  Was already on Test and Tren when I started, but Bodytech gear put things into overdrive.

    For the last 7 weeks I’ve been running the following  as my “base” (all Bodytech stuff):

    250mg Test E per week
    400mg Tren E per week
    400mg Mast E per week

    Very happy with that.  In addition I tried a few other things.
    -Ran two, 2 week cycles of Clen.  Worked up to 150mcg per day and actually had the shakes.  This has never happened to me before with clen.  I know it’s best not to judge something by side effects, but it was working as it should and maybe even better.

    -Injectibale SuperDrol 15mg daily.  Good stuff. Painless.  Maybe placebo but puts me in the mood to lift.  Got stronger on lower calories.  Felt great.  Also started to get a more thick/dense look.  Almost like I was filling out, while dropping weight.

    -Injectable Winstrol (in water), about 35mg daily (half CC).  No complaints, easy injection, usually very paranoid of shooting water based gear due to more likelihood of infection but not even a scare here.  Never redness or swelling at injection site.

    -Proviron 50mg a day.  Libido picked up on it, think with the combination of Winstrol, started to get the ‘harder look’ much quicker then usual. 

    -Anavar, started at 50mg a day, bumped it to 75mg a day.  Great pumps.  Also, I swear after a few days of taking it, the fat loss in my stomach went turbo mode.  Went from having abs, to really getting them to pop.  Could be a combination of things, or just timing of my diet coincided with me starting anavar, but I’m not complaining.
    -Prami, 250mcg per day.  Now this was the biggest shock for me.  Never tried Prami before, as in the past I’ve only used Caber.  Although Caber I got was always pharma grade, this liquid Prami blew it away.  I didn’t get blood work so don’t know what my prolactin was at but I guess it was high because Prami changed my whole mood/libido/attitude real quick.  Maybe I was a bit depressed, not sure but after taking Prami, I was happier, more talkative and just felt great.  Like no stress at all.  Only thing I did have to modify is stop taking it before bed as I think it gave me a bit of insomnia.  So now I take it around lunch and feel fantastic.

    -Aromasin, works like it’s supposed to.  Feel like estrogen is getting high, no morning wood, pop 12.5mg and a day or two and my morning wood is back.  Can’t ask for much more .

    -Cialis, have on hand but haven’t tried yet, since I still have some 5mg tabs left to use.


    So overall, I’m more than satisfied with BT and the results I’m getting.  I’ve attached a pic of my progress.  Very happy with it, what was going to be a cut, has turned into a great recomp.  Feel (and getting comments) that I’m actually growing while leaning out.  Most likely an optical illusion, but I’m happy I don’t look like a tall stick yet (usually happens when I diet hard ha ha ). 


    I’m going to continue for the next few weeks with the following:

    250mg Test E per week (contemplating bumping to 500mg, but I’m one of those who’s libido gets worse, the higher the test.  Maybe need more AI, not sure.  But at the same time, I’m thinking why change things, when the current is working?), 400mg Tren E per week, 400mg Mast E per week.  That’s it for injectables.   As far as orals, will continue on Anavar and will probably bump it to 100mg to see how like it.  Proviron will stay at 50mg.   Will add 50mg Winstrol and proably work up to 100mg. (switching to orals, because I’m old and tired of injections. Hence why I stick to long esters).

    Will update in a few weeks on the progress.  Thanks for reading (sorry for the essay, but hopefully will help someone), and thanks BT for the great gear and amazing service (which is seriously fast).

    Edit:  To be fully transparent, also doing 10iu Humalog pre workout.  


    • Like 2
  20. On 6/9/2019 at 9:50 AM, OLYMPIC said:

    walk down memory lane,its been a while bro. how are you?good to see you again. ill pm you,lets catch up

    Definitely a long time.  Glad you are still around man, and still standing up for what's right.  

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