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Posts posted by Frostislandking

  1. Everyyyyyyy one is on gear in the martial arts world. It’s like power lifting or bodybuilding but there’s a drug(iq) test sometimes.


    comp is in 2 days been running 20 halo and 20 madol the last few days 

    took 50 mg of halo once and was fine, felt amazing actually 

    ran a cycle of abombs at 100mg was also fine had crazy endurance and power on my double legs. 
    ran 50 mg Abomb with 20mg dbol once before 


    I tested the nectar of the gods stuff (injectable anadrol dbol superdrol mix) and it felt better than halo but had mad pip 


    what do you think I could get away with before I blow out my liver? It’s just one day then a long break 

  2. I have a fight coming up I need to make weight and then rehydrate. I’m also nursing a popped rib. 

    anyways best strength stack for cut week / after the cut 

    Here’s what I have on hand

    halo, madol, nectar of the gods, oral a-bombs, oral dbol. 

    what’s the max dose I can run day of without blowing my liver out? Or week leading in 

    I’m cutting 10 lbs the day of and then trying to rehydrate after with sodium, potassium, creatine, bcaa shakes. Along with carbs all the carbs I could ever dream of. 

    thanks guys


  3. There’s some really good deals here in the uk on a few products lgd 4033 / eq / proviron. I’m here for a few months, do you think at the end I could ship some gear to my home in canada to stock pile for my future self? Or will customs fuck my ass? 


  4. If anavar is very similar chemically to Anadrol does it still drastically increase red blood cell count? 

    Anadrol gives me insane cardio but I cannot gain water weight, it’s really weird but good. 

    wondering if anavar would do the same. 

    looking to do a test mast tren cycle but I do a few hours of grappling and boxing a day along with weight lifting so I need my gas tank. 

    I got carderine on hand here too

  5. 11 hours ago, Fullblown said:

    Tren absolutely destroys my cardio.

    However, with that being said I have run a Test/Tren/EQ cycle before and noticed my cardio wasn't as affected by the tren as it normally would be.

    EQ is pretty good for RBC but i still find anadrol better for that(which for whatever reason i dont bloat on anadrol)

    I think ill try NPP and if i loose that rock hard look then fuck it ill run tren next time. 


    Can anyone compare strength between npp n tren?


  6. Never used NPP before, anyone with experience?

    Whats it like for athletic work compared to tren? Tren is great for keeping that rock hard look but shitty for cardio. 

    My joints are dying are two a days sparring, bag work, grappling and weight training.


    Dont wanna get that bloated look tho and would prefer not to get too far out of my weight class.


    Anadrol was nice on my joints 

  7. Also my advice would be come off slowly long pct and add in the products i mentioned.

    Then wait a very long time for everything to clear your system before you start trying and get some bloodwork and sperm samples done.


    Im so paranoid i never did any gear for years before having my kids i would of been afraid of birth defects(ignorantly as i have zero information on that just me being paranoid)

  8. You could use some SARMS that are not technically SARMS. It would soften the blow. 

    Osterine is a sarm but only causes 5% suppression at a moderate dose

     Cardarine is a PPAR not actually a SARM so that shouldnt do anything to sperm

    Nutrobal is for GH not a traditional SARM ether and would help sleep, recovery and well being.


    I havent ever had to look into your problem but thats some info i know that could be helpful so you dont feel like complete garbage  

  9. Has the end part of the story ever happened to anyone else


    So i had some bad gyno flair up for the first time in my life i was very worried. Out of nowhere i had a pea sized lump under both nipples. 

    Couldnt get access to any ai or serms because i was travelling(i go around the world alot with work). It suddenly tripled under one nip

    I was shitting my pants! Got some arimidex and nolva. Ran 1 mg arimidex a day and 40mg a day of nolva for a week then dropped the nolva to 20 for 2 weeks. 


    Gyno got about half the size of a pea on the right side and gone on the left. 

    Was grappling the other night while finishing this protocol and felt a crunch in my right nipp it really hurt and felt wet. Gyno completely gone.


    Mind is blown has this happened to anyone else or is this all a coincidence 

  10. I would just use the sarms between cycles, they are great products with fantastic uses but you could use that extra money for a kick start oral.

    I dont think they work as good as aas for size or lean muscle gain. Cardarine is great for cardio and burning fat, osterine is good for joints and a nice boost during pct. 


    Aas will lead to better size and strength gains in the gym also more intensity


    Thats just my personal opinion  

  11. Anadrol for sure

    Off cycle for S&C i love mr hyde. For combat sports i like a bcaa with a coffee and a multi

    I keep the caffeine minimal on cycle cause i dont need it i just feel godly all day long and i want my nervous system to recover while i shut down my own hormones. Then when im off cycle ill let my hormones recover while i thrash my nervous system.

    Cant have it all by


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