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Posts posted by Frostislandking

  1. Personal experience here im finding anadrol makes me much more vascular, stronger, faster, better endurance than EQ.

    I see alot of athletes talk about the red blood cell count EQ gives you but personal experience i think A50s give you way more. 

    For an athlete maybe the weight gain might be the only problem but god damn you can feel the muscles filling up and you just feel primed ready to go all day. 


    Thanks to bodytech for great products

  2. On 1/8/2019 at 9:08 AM, Frank.Castle said:

    I’m aiming for 4 weeks minimum we’ll see how it goes.  I’ve heard great things so I’m hoping I respond well to it.

    Superdrol is amazing for body recomp, didnt find it great for strength tho. My calf pumps would keep me up at night though, i could barely walk


    @rhynoplanet have you tried anadrol by any chance to compare? 


    Havent done m1t since high school thats when it was sold at gnc and i knew nothing about anything. Old school shit, didnt even know what steroids or PH were back then. Dude just said id get jacked. I could feel my liver hurting though

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  3. 6 hours ago, Neverwas said:

    I have only run tren twice and it is definitely a love hate relationship haha. 

    The first time I was so miserable I pulled the plug after about 3 weeks. Ran it a second time at a lower dose to see if that would be better and it was tolerable but still not pleasant.

    Love the gains, hate the sides. I would struggle to sleep even on 200mg/w (keep waking up in a pool of sweat) but then every morning look visibly leaner and would get noticeably stronger in the gym...you have to be careful training on tren though. I have a few friends that injured themselves on it (myself included), For me it was heavy squats. I had a day where I was feeling really strong so I kept loading on the weight until my knee just gave out at the bottom. Why was I trying to set PRs? Ego I guess, I knew it was stupid. I think we forget sometimes when our strength is shooting through the roof that our ligaments don't keep pace. From then on I never trained in anything lower than about a 4 rep weight.

    So that was the end of Tren cycle number 2.

    Since then I pretty much just stick to a Test / Mast combo and throw in primo / EQ / Dbol / var / Tbol depending on what I am trying to acheive. I'll run T3 when trying to lean out and GH pretty much year round. 

    I haven't done IGF in a long time but maybe worth giving it another shot.


    You should try a fan in your face at night and keep the house really cool, my wife sleeps under a ton of blankets i just sleep naked with a fan when running tren


    Not to insult you here on my next point. As for the injury it wasnt the tren that was ego, tren can make you a little more aggressive but your own ego got in the way of your better judgement of the weight with your proper mechanics. Could of happened to anyone really, and injuries do happen especially when you push the limits. Mechanics and technique first though. If we get injured  during conditioning then the whole training program is counter productive to any and all goals we have.

    Sorry if i sound like a dick in that last paragraph 


    3 hours ago, Fizzyx said:

    Agreed but there are pros and cons. The pros to test only is that you can learn has your body responds (ie sides) to get a baseline for ancillaries like anti-E's. Introducing an oral adds another variable and can make that difficult. Anavar would be a reasonable choice since the sides are low... 

     You are 100% spot on! I did that my first cycle but it is annoying, since then always running a kick start. It is cool watching the levels build in your system though


    On 12/28/2018 at 6:00 PM, Fizzyx said:

    Novice as in this would be your first cycle? If so no, not a good cycle. First should be testosterone only.

    I would run an oral to kick start though so they get something right out of the gate too but just cause im not very patient.

    I remember my first waiting for the test to kick in, drove me nuts but i did learn from that too though

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  6. I run a stack cause i get it all in one tab 25 mg s4, 15 mg ostarine with 10 mg of cardarine.


    Cardarine is a PPAR and for me it melts fat off better than anything else.

    Also it increases cardio like something fierce.  

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