another couple pics

That’s all depends on your diet my friend , this is where it becomes a slippery slope, you need to keep your protein high , fats low , carbs low and increase your cardio, but you also have to have enough calories to support your muscle because if you don’t you will be cutting into it for energy. Unfortunately this is the time it comes down to trial and error it’s your body, you can read the content available to you and make a good decision but realistically you just have to do it and see how your body reacts , there is really no solid answer to your question.

ah shit it was 12 years ago I ate very little food and had 100 pounds of protein. On cycle of course weighing 240 benchpress 285 3x8 a slew of strengths on excersizes  I. Coulda been the winstrol but I wouldn't advise eating just supplement shakes and skipping meals at all. may have to buy bulk again to do this right if they don't feed us the right shit. Each time I travel would have to be 20 pounds of it hidden here to drink...the thing is I was fairly cut too

Just went to the 1st page and compared your latest photos to the first one. Holy shit, you're making a GREAT transformation. The progress may seem slow because of frequent updates but that's not the truth. Amazing job, just keep doing what you're doing!

 an old back injury is keeping me from doing deadlifts and squats along with sprints

I agree with @ElectricRocker you are doing great and let’s face it everyone is higher in bodyfat than they think. Don’t concentrate on that just yet , look at how far you came.

thanks to-lifter. anybody know what bf% I could be at ?
If I had to guess, I'd figure that you'd be around 200-210 really lean at maybe 8% body fat. Hard to tell without knowing how tall you are. That would make your BF right now around 30%. Don't be discouraged by that number. The next 20 lbs will take you to around 20% mark and you will look TOTALLY different and muscles are going to start popping really nicely.

Crazy difference between the first pics and now! Your doing it man. Chipping away that body fat and sculpting a new body. It takes time, that even I know.. You’ve got this shit!

im curious as to what your running? Did you ever try ment? I’m curious about it.

keep it up!!

thanks to-lifter. anybody know what bf% I could be at ?
At a guess? Just over 30%

i wouldn’t worry about %’s. I test at 15-16is but always hear I look 10% 😂.

the mirror is where it’s at. Your looking good man

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Crazy difference between the first pics and now! Your doing it man. Chipping away that body fat and sculpting a new body. It takes time, that even I know.. You’ve got this shit!

im curious as to what your running? Did you ever try ment? I’m curious about it.

keep it up!!
not even cruising bro, just nature and creatine. Will try ment when I get your guys say its ok to run. sustanon and deca I just have to cook. Trestolone would definitely be a low dose. letrozole Ive got but my cycle hasn't been completely designed yet.

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nm..doesn't look like there is any improvement at all. Looks to me like my arms shoulders traps grew.