another couple pics

When the time comes and I mean when it comes , your only going to be running one compound and it’s only going to be a moderate dose of test nothing more. And your not touching letrozol , you only use an AI when symptoms appear. And it won’t be letrozol , your doing great natty with creatine right now keep your diet on point keep your protein up. To be honest man I only use very minimal gear, most guys here actually try to keep their doses low , keeps your sides down , and remember it’s easier to come up a little then come down and make it work. I don’t think you will get our blessing until you shed a few more pounds and a little more bodyfat ,  we enjoy working with you , you take advice well , you work with the information you are receiving, and you can take criticism well , so when cycle times comes we are going to help you with what your goals are and pick the perfect cycle for you. We wish we had more of you here. You got this brother !

When the time comes and I mean when it comes , your only going to be running one compound and it’s only going to be a moderate dose of test nothing more. And your not touching letrozol , you only use an AI when symptoms appear. And it won’t be letrozol , your doing great natty with creatine right now keep your diet on point keep your protein up. To be honest man I only use very minimal gear, most guys here actually try to keep their doses low , keeps your sides down , and remember it’s easier to come up a little then come down and make it work. I don’t think you will get our blessing until you shed a few more pounds and a little more bodyfat ,  we enjoy working with you , you take advice well , you work with the information you are receiving, and you can take criticism well , so when cycle times comes we are going to help you with what your goals are and pick the perfect cycle for you. We wish we had more of you here. You got this brother !
friggin awesome!

 I'm going to be 33 come dec. All the more motivated because the time ticks fast even though its a marathon. Time to up the ante.



Listen brother I’m a lot older than you , trust me when I say this , the battle will never be over with this stuff mine still rages on. Just hold on and enjoy the ride , it’s a lifestyle.

today I did back and traps. couldn't find a pair of 135s so I shrugged the 140s for 4 and seen stars lol. Did more then that for traps but I don't want to talk about how much I lift. Just proud.


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just got back from a buffet, loaded up 3 plates worth of meat at a Chinese restaurant then ate 3 bowls of ice cream...why, because I'm hoping I can nail a few prs on chest tomorroww. Checked my weight a few minutes ago and scale says 247 on a full, full stomach. Looks like more cardio coming for me and I hate the fact that tomorrow is international chest day.

Man that’s why I like you , your honest with us but your just as honest with yourself , you broke diet and you know you did but you have a plan with what your going to do about it. Eventually you will get nuts like me , when my kids want pizza or Wendy’s I just do a heavy back day or something I know is going to expend a bunch of calories, not only do I get food that tastes great but I get a great workout . Win win ! 👍 just don’t make it a habit and you will be fine , in case you haven’t noticed everything we do with this stuff is about balance.

had my ego shattered today. Seen a head coach doing incline with 225 for 12 and thought hey I've done 265x13 on that...then he loads up 3 plates and does 10. I just dropped my head and went on with my workout lol.



biceps back traps tomorrow gonna play with the 70s on curl then cut the weight in half and do half curls at the top which is my sticking point. when I'm done with biceps I'm gonna grab the 150s for some shrugs and run the rack down to 105s. Back should be fun too.

Quite the progression!

Also as to the damage to your ego, it happens to us all at some point; very honestly sometimes we need it to remind ourselves to stay humble, haha.

I feel like this guy is another one of my kids haha , I’m so proud of what he’s accomplished he’s a poster boy of change , just shows with the support of a great board and great people what someone can accomplish with some hard work ! , brother your doing something right you have these guys taking notice too.