another couple pics

Diet brother diet ! Tighten it up , are you on any gear right now ? Any wet compounds ? Tell us what’s going on .

Nice progress. Whats your diet like? Do you record your macros? Whats your current training split and are you doing cardio? 

 I finished test e 6 weeks back. Trying to hold on to what I gained with some extra calories. Now I'm on creatine gonna go off it soon after being on 10 weeks. I do 3 20minute walks a day but its probably not tough enough cardio I will admit. If I receive more funds I'm going to try to look at designing a cut diet...which I will need help with.

chest/shoulders- monday




You do realize brother with a proper cut you will weigh less but look bigger , we all have bigorexia brother we all want to keep that size . Try a trt dose of test to hang on to gains might work for you.

Keep on it man. Dont let the little steps backwards bother you to much. Refocus and keep crushing it. 

From your first pic to the last batch, its unbelievable how far you have come. 

Bigorexia ... why have I never heard that term before wtf? I'm going to have to start using that now myself

Bigorexia ... why have I never heard that term before wtf? I'm going to have to start using that now myself
The simple solution for this issue is just to find a little buddy to train with who is 5'5, 115lbs...same principle as a girl who is a 7 hanging out with girls that are a 3-4.  Instant 10 by comparison lol. 

Keep on it brother. Your going to end up with one sick looking taper I think. Starting to see some separation in your upper chest. 

hopefully I catch up to you someday.
You’ll get it bro. Keep grinding towards your goals. Once you are able to have full control over your nutrition I think you’ll make huge strides towards being shredded.  You’ve already come a long way.

Well bro why don’t you chat more with @GainTrain he’s dialed in he maybe able to give you some tips to make things easier , he’s come a long way himself get him to show you his natty pics he’s came far like yourself .

I'm 259 pounds. Trying to go lower with the bodyfat. Holding on to muscle is hard when the gym is closed.


