another couple pics

I believe now is the time to stop looking at the scale and go by how your clothing is fitting and how you look in the mirror the scale can drive you crazy at times , You are killing it bro !

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I believe now is the time to stop looking at the scale and go by how your clothing is fitting and how you look in the mirror the scale can drive you crazy at times , You are killing it bro !
Second this. Keep on it man. The scale will stop from time to time as your muslce/fat ratio change rebalances, but the change is there. 

270 bw. u see this shit happens with the kungflu. shoulder press standing I was at 225. 330 bench 415 deadlift. right in between lock dows. this years been fucked. I'll be back in the gym after this new year. hopefully it will be better then 2020. I'm going to run a cut. using test e, test base,arimidex, deca, winstrol halo. Sorta hardcore but ive been lifting since I was 13 turning 34 on dec 30. All thesze setbacks. anything after 45 starts going down the shitter that gives me 11 years. lot of labor jobs have slowed me down hard when it comes to bodybuilding. I have some ideas on doses and time of day.

anybody is welcome to help design the cycle. i'll have my measurements come new years.

It’s been a minute brother ! Let’s get you back on track , You did it once you can do it again. Let’s work that diet before we start running a heavy cycle we went through this before , Let’s do this dial the diet in and then we will run a low dose of test we know a cycle isn’t ideal with high body fat and you will aromatize more. Let’s just run 300mg test-e only for now until we get the body fat down with a good diet and solid training you should see some good results with that and get the scale moving in the right direction then we can talk about adding compounds . I’m sure you will get others to chime in and offer assistance but I just like playing it safe in situations like this . CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.

CBDB is on point about getting diet and training dialed, but I would add to get some prelim bloodwork done just so we can see where you are sitting hormones' and basic health marker wise. 

I would be curious to see where you test/estrogen's are sitting as well as your T3 and T4 levels. 

If...and I do mean if, cycle advice advice was needed based on your current stats I would go with a low dose of test and maybe a low dose of a DHT derivative to help offset the E sides due to your BF. 

Maybe 150 test-e and 150 mast-e or primo (or 50mg of proviron) 

Then again, Im not the leanest guy out there so take my advice with a grain of salt...himalayan pink sea salt of course.