another couple pics

Keep on it man. 

Are you running TRT right now or any other form of hormone optimization? 

i was running a small amount of test/ 300 test e a week. still gotta ways to go before i jump on my cut cycle. my weight is 286 and arms 20 inches. id like to shoot for 25 pounds fat loss.

Noticeable improvements man. What are you planning as far as your cut?

Throw up your diet, training and "supplements" plan. A few guys on this board and pro's at getting diced. 

Put a diet up brother let us know what foods you have access to , I know you were in a less than optimal living situation before but I don’t know if that’s still the case or not , So put something up and we will see what we can do on what you have access to, Will be a challenge but worth it and you have faced some challenges before. I don’t want you increasing that test dose just yet and please put any compounds down here before you use them as some can be detrimental to a cut. Drugs are only about 20 percent of the game brother rest is diet , training , rest and motivation. Even to us there is still a learning curve. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.

Sorry if I might add one more thing without sounding like a broken record, If I only had the money to buy one one thing either more food or more drugs the food would win for me every time, Just something to think about . CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.

9 am cup of raisin bran and 1 source blueberry yogurt.

12 ham sandwich

3 1 scoop whey

5 2 pieces fish, 1 cup white rice half cup mixed vegetables

8 1 scoop whey

heres what im gonna do in the gym this morning. 5x1 squat, 1 all out set of deadlift, 5x1 bench, 5x1 shoulder press, 5x1 curl, 3x8 hammer curl, 1x20 incline fly 3x8 fly. its my power day. 1xweek power, 1xweek size workout and the workouts are always changing. heres my max lifts so far this year. 365x1 bench, 435x1 deadlift 340x1 squat, 230x1 shoulderpres standing, 160x1 curl. thats a few of em anyway.

Still making solid progress man. Your actually looking thicker in muscle density and that will drive up your BMR. 

Keep on it man. 

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