another couple pics

Keep doing what you are doing brother. How has the diet and "at home workout" been going?

Gym's will reopen and then you can get back to smashing it, for now, I would be trying to maintain your levels after you dropped all that bodyfat and added all the muscle. Rebound sucks. 

 I eat about 3500 cals a day bro..lucky to get 100g protein...spread out over 5 meals, I don't get to pick my meals. Hopefully that will all change. If my lawyers wins a lawsuit I get 5 grand. In the morning I weigh 255, usually 260 by bedtime. 2 meals will be switched to protein shakes come summer.  I think my rear delts and triceps have shrunk on me.


thankyou boss. heres the new waist. new arms..lost a bit of lat. missing the deadlifts.


15 pounds if I do it right will bring me to 240 and hopefully get rid of whats left of the love handles.

just diet. I get paid soon..I dunno maybe I need something to preserve muscle maybe something to speed up fat loss.  any recomendations would be appreciated .

Do you binge eat ? Or can you stay on a diet , this information depends on what I can recommend with either one compound or a combination of compounds .

The problem is I cheat sometimes due to the hunger cravings. Need something to supress appetite a bit. Unfortunate for me I'm a non responder to tren. I'm uncertain of what would be a good cut cycle.


Try sibutramine it controls appetite and cravings it would be perfect for you paired with incenerate. 🙂

The above are good suggestions. I could also recommend Clenbuterol  and belviq. Good progress though man, use these tools and you could dial it in good. 

Prep everything ahead of time. Make some protein bars out of natty PB and protein powder (I add coconut too). Add just enough water to mix powder in. Use entire container of PB. Flatten out in a baking tray And put in fridge. Cravings solved. Also a good idea to boil up a pile of eggs.