Talons 2020 log


Aug 15, 2018
Ok guys so here it is I have been MIA well I was finishing my contract with the army and am now free Yeaaaaaaaaa.  Okay so here is my 2020 stats.

I feb I was rapidly busy from feb to well a few weeks ago.  So I was not lifting or even really doing anything.  I was sitting almost what I would call skinny fat.  I was 195 pounds and 5 ft 9 maybe 15% bf

I started eating post deployment stupid lean and am now 184. I'm still not lifting other than at home I'm concentrating now on ripping a ton off cardio I'm running anywhere from min 5 k to max 15k per run I run 3x a week so on avg I log 25k a week or so.  I am week 2 of tren a at 300mg a week  broken down to ed injections.  I am using 200mg of test C we and proviron 50mg a day broken up into 2x. Day.  I'm going to start adding weights once the cut is done than I will transition to my bulk after a few week rest which will be NPP test and anabol to kick start.  Pics will be posted today and you will be able to see my work so far

Diet is pretty strict

Meats. Fillet I butcher into 1 inch 6 oz medallions for meals.

Chicken boneless skinless

Pork rib eyes bone out

Ground beef and turkey mix

Black beans and jasmine rice

I take 35 to 50g of soluable fiber a day

Fruit is very limited and all veggies now are mainly green carrots are out now at this point.

I take in only natural sugars and drink mainly stevia sweetened mio and other drinks with water

I do drink blue mountain pea berry coffee on saturdays and a cuban cigar but I use only africanized wild brown honey.

I have one cheat meal a week which I always add cherry cheesecake ice cream.  Calories I am now keeping at 2400 a day given all the running I am doing.  I'm having to add MCT oil because its impossible to get all the calories in also added more olive oil and taking a supplement for omega 3

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not a bad run in the heat I def pushed through the hills but I like to push myself now I get to finaly eat.  I'm going to have

1/3 cup bran buds with 1 cup skim milk

1 6 oz fillet grilled with

3/4 cup black beans 

1 cup jasmine rice

Screenshot_20200808-120655_Samsung Health.jpg

My core area has shed quite a bit of fat but still have more to go.  Veins are starting to really pop out especially in legs and biceps.  So I am going to bet my fat % now is in the low 12 maybe high 11s still have a way to go before I can bulk.  I am not going to be shooting for a dirty bulk as I have to watch the water retention so I'm sticking to tren ace and or NPP from now on out as my main bullet cutter compounds 

You look good brother , Nice V-Taper going on there .
Thanks brother I had a shit of a time getting the water and excess weight built up from eating crap for like 5 mos so now i am back never have to see a IMP a patrol ration or any kind of fast food unless I chose which I wont.    I love bulking but I hate getting all the water bloat and excess fat off.  From now on I'm staying as lean and clean as possible.    Plus the wife loves the flat stomach and the abs

I lost 25 lbs myself and I cut my dose way down and I honestly feel a lot better the water weight is terrible.

I lost 25 lbs myself and I cut my dose way down and I honestly feel a lot better the water weight is terrible.
Brother for sure.  I am on straight TRT now and watch the estrogen levels for sure.  Body weight has stayed amazing I have an amaz9ng dr.  So I'm scripted with dostinex and test e as for anti e I'm straight BT for everything yes I have a script for test and get it paid for but i still add half a ml of bt test to the mix to keep levels above 200mg ew for trt.  The biggest thing I never really paid attention to was dieting man it was so hard given my job I was never home to really get that dialed in.  Since I have it's like I've taken 20 years off my life.  I'm in better shape now than I was in my 30s

I’m playing with just a straight 125mg of bt test cyp and I’ll adjust accordingly and 50mg proviron feel great I don’t think I’ll go above 200 , Even when I cycle I don’t think I’ll pass 350mg test I’m really digging these low doses the negative sides make you feel like shit.

I’m playing with just a straight 125mg of bt test cyp and I’ll adjust accordingly and 50mg proviron feel great I don’t think I’ll go above 200 , Even when I cycle I don’t think I’ll pass 350mg test I’m really digging these low doses the negative sides make you feel like shit.
Bro I'm like you I tried to avoid big massive cycles.  My boy loin used to run grams of gear a month but literally was a walking tank massive and hella strong.  Me I've always been more reserved and believe less is more.   Seeing what I know now after all these years diet has to be number 1 food is a huge asset when timed right.  I love this hobby and sport its always a learning game

We truely do learn all the time in this game , Our age helps too , when we are young everything has to be big , weight numbers , cycle amounts , But I realize at this age family kids wife health is more important and being cautious with everything, and you are right low doses are where it’s at for men like us , diet is key ! A lot the the young generation use gear as a crutch and a substitute for shitty diet and training . There are young guys in the gym taking loads of gear and ask me what I’m taking and when I tell them they think I’m lying.

We truely do learn all the time in this game , Our age helps too , when we are young everything has to be big , weight numbers , cycle amounts , But I realize at this age family kids wife health is more important and being cautious with everything, and you are right low doses are where it’s at for men like us , diet is key ! A lot the the young generation use gear as a crutch and a substitute for shitty diet and training . There are young guys in the gym taking loads of gear and ask me what I’m taking and when I tell them they think I’m lying.
And what kills me is I was that kid man thought I knew it all.  Now that I actually took the advice I'm 10x in better shape Ryan I was in my 30s

And what kills me is I was that kid man thought I knew it all.  Now that I actually took the advice I'm 10x in better shape Ryan I was in my 30s
Looking really solid and lean man. And there are a few younger ones on this board that should note the above advice lol. 

Looking really solid and lean man. And there are a few younger ones on this board that should note the above advice lol. 
Thanks bro I honestly wish I had of listened to my dad man.  He told me go till you hit the wall than use that stuff.   Ya I wanted the miracle without putting in all the extra work thats needed to really justify the sacrifice 

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Had a lift session today arms. May seem off but I'm def feeling the tren now.  Than went for a 4.3 k run.  I ended up having to sprint home my inner derek lewis was calling and literally sprinted for my life home to hit the toilet lmao.  Worst feeling ever it was insane hot and humid felt like 40 degrees.  At the 3k mark I was getting dizzy was running 5m 40 sec per km which is amazing I think.   My gym is finally open so weights tomorrow for sure im pumped back to lifting.  Considering I'm on tren and running that fast while feeling like wet rag is over your face is impressive for me the tren though god I hate the issues with cardio and the trensomnia.  I am sure that will kick in this week too which is always a treat but its def my go to gear that and npp

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Oh yeah man at 2 weeks of tren a I was starting to sweat like crazy at night lol and could definitely feel it kick in, you're in for a good time. You look great brother btw, will you continue to run once you start bulking or you will stop it?

At 300mg btw I never got any trensomnia, even 400mg only night sweats, are you taking anything for prolactin?

Oh yeah man at 2 weeks of tren a I was starting to sweat like crazy at night lol and could definitely feel it kick in, you're in for a good time. You look great brother btw, will you continue to run once you start bulking or you will stop it?

At 300mg btw I never got any trensomnia, even 400mg only night sweats, are you taking anything for prolactin?
Yes brother I have a slick dr set me up with a script for caber and bennifits pay too hahah.   As for running for sure I will be running on the bulk ill just be using it to keep water retention at bay as well as to just keep good cholesterol up as well

I’m guessing your going to bulk with good clean foods but just increase the caloric load on the healthy nutrient dense foods ?