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Posts posted by rhynoplanet

  1. Just curious about how many of you blast and cruise or blast and trt and if you what kind of doses do you run for what lengths. I am 44 years old and on script test C 200 mg a week but I blast regularly for 16 weeks leading into a powerlifting competition. I like to blast test c around 750 mg, EQ around 600-900 mg, mast 400 mg a week. I like the results orals give but they usually make me feel like shit. Considering just using dbol as a preworkout 4 days a week at 20 mg each time. Lets hear what you guys do and are thinking about running. I want to get my numbers up as much as I can before I get too old. I have been competing in powerlifting for 20 years now.

  2. 1 hour ago, whatsup said:

    if you can judge bout how many pounds of fat do I have to lose to get down to about 15-16%bf

    That is hard to know. What do you weigh now? If I guess you are around 265 lbs now then I bet you need to drop to 200 lbs or so. I was for a long time a superheavy in powerlifting weighing 295 lbs and then about 6-7 years ago I decided to shed the fat. I cut hard and went all the way down to 209 lbs at my lightest and then slowly added quality muscle. I am so much happier now and my strength has caught back up and in fact stronger then I was at 295 lbs. People carry a lot more fat then they realize and most people think they have way less to lose to get ripped. Maybe set a goal of losing 10 lbs a month and take it from there. 

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  3. You are definitely losing fat. Don't start your cycle yet, no need. You can cut a lot more fat without having to use and AAS. Then once you get down to a decent BF level, like 15% to 18% (max) then start the AAS. You will see so much more from them by waiting until you get to this BF level first. Keep at it.

  4. I would bump the tbol to 40 mg a day for 6 weeks. Also, take as little AI as needed. At 500 mg test a week I would start at 0.5 mg arimidex once a week, yes once a week. Only increase it if you are having high estrogen sides. It is better to have a little high estrogen than low. Stan Efferding actually says not to take any AI at all because it hinders your gains in muscle and strength.

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  5. I am running these three compounds right now. Test Cyp 1200 mg, mast E 400 mg, and tren E 200 mg a week. Feeling good so far. It is the highest I have ever ran test and my first time with tren, trying to see how much strength gains I can get out of it before nationals and then have  a plan for worlds.

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  6. Yes they will order bloodwork for you. The catch is that you will have to pay for both the bloodwork and then the naturopath will charge you to review the results. If you can get your doctor to do it that is the cheapest way. Naturopath will do it but it will cost you money. I went down that route for a second and then I got my doctor to do it. You may have to call a few naturopaths as some will not want to do it. 

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  7. I have always wanted to enter a chicken wing eating contest, good stuff. How long do you run tren for? I haven't tried it yet but have some tren E. I was planning on trying it at 200 mg a week and see how I respond. I am most worried about anger flare ups and not sleeping. I heard the sides aren't as bad using E so that is why I plan on that.

  8. 21 hours ago, Goodman1900 said:

    Deadlift day is the best day!


    So, this week hasn't gone quite as planned and honestly its ok.  I was planning on pulling Tuesday.  I have had a ton of life stress as most of us do, been one thing after another.  I haven't been sleeping, started drinking.  Nothing too serious few beers after work or a couple rum/dr.peppers.  But, this is out of the norm for myself.  I went in tired as fuck Tuesday maybe 2 hours sleep and tried pulling.  I made it to 405 and couldn't even get the damn thing off the floor.  At this point I kinda just laughed and went home.  I rested for the day, took Wednesday off as well and came back today and just made deads my bitch!

    1. Deads: 80%, programmed for top set of 8 and hit 9 for a rep pr
    2. Pendelay row: top set 405x3, then dropped to 225 for AMRAP (death)
    3. Lat pulldown: 5x20
    4: Hammer Row: 3x12
    5: Barbell upright row: 5x15

    I am not going to bullshit anyone on here, lifes fucking hard sometimes.  Everything is not perfect.  Work, life, relationships, friends etc all can get stressful.  Sometimes I get depressed, don't feel like lifting, want to quit etc.  People need to realize that the vision people put out there on social media is their BEST vision of them.  Fuck that, I struggle daily with a lot of things.  I am no where near perfect.  I fuck up lots.  Thank fuck for my girlfriend.  She knows when to kick my ass into gear and when to settle me down.  That is key to anything I believe.  Having that partner you trust to have your best interests at heart even when you don't!


    Thanks for following me on this journey to nationals, sorry for the little rant here.  Might happen time to time.  Whatever it is you do, do it with passion and kick life right in the damn dick!!


    Happy easter everyone.


    I completely understand, we all struggle. I have a lot of shit I deal with but I keep it to myself and nobody would be able to tell. Anyway, what makes us all a champion is fighting through it and training on our bad days and pushing through the shit. You can do it, the mind it powerful if you just say fuck it and do it. Keep kicking ass man!

    So I think by my calculations you are taking sustanon at 1050 mg a week right? sus 350, 1.5 ml twice a week.

  9. 1 hour ago, maskedmisery said:

    Updated pic @ 5 weeks in.. 10 lbs up, I started at roughly 190-195 pounds and at the start of the 5 week I was 205lbs. This is the biggest Ive ever been,



    Looking solid man. Your delts and lats are making you look really wide.

    • Like 1
  10. On 3/28/2019 at 1:58 PM, NovaFreak said:

    I’ve been battling this bad flu for almost a month sore throat coughing sore ears can’t hear out of one ear nose stuffed, it’s gone through the house  all the kids , so should I try to push through workouts or rest awhile ? Workouts have been inconsistent and shitty, feels like I’m pinning for nothing , love to hear some input .

    If I can get out of bed and get moving then I train. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Goodman1900 said:

    After a busy week finally got in a training session.  Still messing around till Monday and the REAL programming starts.  Today broke down like this.


    1. Comp Bench: 5x2 @91%  (this felt amazing, no elbow pain, nothing lingering and excited to start prep)
    2. Bench with chains (close grip): 4x8 (really focusing on tut and building up my triceps and lockout strength here.
    3. Pendelay rows: worked up to a top set triple.  Hit 405x3
    4. Lat pulldowns: 4x20
    5. Machine row: 3x15

    6. Bodybuilding arms( yaaaaaaay 😞 ) lololol.

    Later this weekend I will post my training split ill use for most of this prep.  I have most of it all planned out with my overall goal bringing up weaknesses.

    Also, if interested, I will post my PED cycle as well.  I might get a little more aggressive this time around with bigger goals for this meet in mind.

    Looks like a good session. Not posting weights for competition bench? Is that to keep us not knowing what to expect? lol. I would be interested in your PED cycle.

  12. 6 hours ago, Physlifter said:

    @NorthernLifters @OLYMPIC @GameChanger i'm going to be making an order soon anyway in a couple of days, so will add in the proviron.  What dosage should I run it at? how long?  I'm going to be runnign this cycle until first week of july

    I love proviron, it just makes me feel good and balances out my libido nicely. I ran it for over 2 years straight at 25-75 mg a day. When I was on trt I ran it at 25 mg  a day, when I was blasting it was minimum 50 mg and most of the time 75 mg a day. My suggestion would be start at 50 mg a day and see how you feel. 

    • Like 1
  13. On 4/9/2019 at 6:38 PM, Goodman1900 said:

    Hey Everyone,


    First day on here so love to hear from anyone with meets coming up, goals etc.  I competed a few weeks ago for the first time in almost 2 years.  Busy rehabbing 2 torn pecs.  1st time tore it off the collar bone second time a year later tore my pec in half.  My girlfriend saw excited I get when watching clients compete and decided to sign me up for a meet then tells me I have 11 weeks to get ready lol.  

    Now, I am looking forward to doing the CPF Nationals in June this year.  Ill be posting training logs, diet, PED use etc.  Any feedback, questions etc is always welcome.  Prep starts this upcoming Monday.  I am aiming for a 2k+ total weighing in around 260-265lbs.

    A 2000 lbs total is no joke man. That's good stuff. Are you in the raw or equipped division? I will be at CPF Nationals as well. Always great to have more people competing. 


    • Thanks 1
  14. Not ideal but just take Test e or C 1500 mg the day you leave or the day before. It will slowly dissipate but should get you through until you are home. By the third week it will be like 150-200 mg of test in your system that week. 

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  15. Hey man keep up the hard work. You will the things you are mentioning once you cut a lot of fat, the biceps peak and the lats. They will come out and be much more obvious once you cut all that extra weight. They are just hidden right now. Not trying to be harsh but it is the truth, you have a lot of fat to lose before you can see and notice the muscle you have under there. Keep the course and you will get there. 

  16. I currently have a prescription for 200 mg os test cyp a week. When I was seeing a specialist at a clinic he had me at 320 mg a week and that put my test blood levels at 27, so still in the normal range. He explained to me that everyone uses test more or less efficiently. Don't get caught up on dose, get bloodwork done and see your levels and adjust there. True trt you should keep your test blood levels under 30, and as close to it as possible if you want to be in the top end. When he closed his shop he said family physicians can only prescribe up to 200 mg  a week no matter what so that was all he could suggest my family doc continue with. You should only take AIs if you absolutely have to and are experiencing sides, estrogen helps with your gains so to decrease it will slow your gains. Stan Efferding is a huge supporter of never taking any AI or Serms ever and just deal with the gyno if you get it, meaning get the surgery. He says it is part of the game and that it is better to let your estrogen get high because you will gain more that way.

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  17. I personally don't like IF because I feel it doesn't put any focus on the quality of calories you take in. There is no way you can just eat all candy in your feast period and do well. I guess you could lose weight if you eat under your maintenance calories but the calories you take in are shit so you wouldn't have any muscle. Just skinny fat. If you at least ate good quality food high in protein during your feast period then you would do well.

  18. 1 hour ago, TO_Lifter said:

    What's your diet like? It should be pretty easy to lose few lbs every week consistently.

    It would be super easy. I would bet if he just cut out drinks, pop, juice etc. he would lose 20+ lbs in 3 weeks. Then cut carbs in half and he will drop fat like crazy.

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  19. You aren’t losing muscle. You have a ton of fat on top of your muscle so yes when you cut fat your overall size will diminish. When you carry that much extra weight it is going to happen. Keep going and cutting man, you will be much happier if you lose it. People never believe how much fat they actually have and can lose before they are actually cut. Do it slowly and you won’t lose much muscle at all. If you are currently 290 lbs I would bet your decent scale weight would be around 205 lbs. 

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