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Everything posted by Physlifter

  1. it's strong, and it's giving me the water bloat for sure. Why settle for one compound when I can take two right? lol
  2. All bodytech Test 600 mg with my 200 mg hg test 300 NPP 200 Tren e 600 eq Anabull 50 mg
  3. 238 lbs starting my 3rd rotation of DC training. Gotta say, I love this program. New PRs all the time, and I'm "only" training 3 times a week. New ways of finding strength. It's unfortunate I have no training partner or I feel I could even push harder. If I could critique myself it's that I am not eating enough. Still having a mental block but I'm coming out of it.
  4. it's really incredible how the androgens bind to your traps and grow them like weeds just pure density and thickness, pure strength
  5. Absolutely. The compression itself will be helpful, and it will provide proprioceptive feedback to you so you'll be more aware of your knee in space.
  6. Mcconnell taping method is fantastic at alleviating the patella tendon tension that has developed from this. Focused modalities like the ultrasound, acupuncture, interferential can work well on reducing local inflammation. Generally, there are 2 sources you have to look at as to why it's developed: locally in the knee itself due to trauma, or indirectly from weak muscle above and below the joint that may be loading the knee more into a valgus or buckling in position. So weak glutes, and poor dynamic balancing (unsteady surface, not a flat floor). The continued low intensity exercise flooding blood into the knee is the best method over long term, but you may have to rely on short term modality work and avoiding those big painful movements entirely in order to get that neuro sensitivity down. The video above is ok but a bit more complex to get the job done. This is the same group doing the method I prefer:
  7. where you've injected every 5 days do you notice a swing in emotional state or anything? I mean with the half life I'd assume you're basically back to baseline each and every shot instead of keeping stable bloods. But of course, i'd rather know how you feel instead of what the textbook says.
  8. Hey do you have any follow ups to this topic? My wife's libido has crashed and her OB doesn't want to seem to intervene, simply telling her she's depressed, try exercising (wtf lol), try not stressing, try everything but address a potential hormonal issue. I was contemplating having her try 8 mg test every other day to keep the hormone from huge fluctuations from every 3rd day. But seeing this has made things much more positive. How were sides? virilization?
  9. So i've gone through all training days, and restarted at A1 yesterday. I was able to get through the previous record easier and notice considerable increases in strength already, but that may account to the gear i'm on as well. I'm also more confident, less worried about injury and the painful soreness afterwards. Today is just cardio only, tomorrow is workout B1 again. Diet is going well, but not as plentiful as i'd like. There's still a mental block that's not allowing me to get the amount of carbs in I need for fear of getting fat. Granted, i'm still plugging away probably at minimum 3000 cals a day, with 250 g of protein, but I want 300 g of that plus around 300-400 g of carbs. I'll get over it eventually as this is long term, but there's still a strong mental game to this.
  10. Finished off workout B2 last night. The near puke fest continues. I switched up B1 and B2 hams accidentally so last night I did prone hamstring curls instead of stiff legged deads. The near vomit train continued though. Figuring out the first sets of weights are challenging, partly due to a fear of lifting so heavy and hurting myself, but also trying to figure out what's applicable for rep ranges and true failure in positive movement (not cheating movement). It's hard where I don't have a spotter to help me grind out probably a couple of other reps to really hit it, but as I progress onwards I should be able to get something. Now...front squats...blech Even though this was just a plate and a half it was near murder on these legs, but that wasn't even it! The next final set I dropped back down to "Just" a plate, and pumped out my widowmaker 20 rep set. The razor burning and cramping and pain and pressure from that set was so severe it was like being ripped apart inside...couldn't find a position of comfort and while I was doing my intense stretch it made it even worse. Someone tried to talk to me and I was gasping, moaning, couldn't get two words out until I was able to get the blood rush out. It's just remarkable that only one exercise per body part can completely obliterate your muscles that way. I'm really hoping to get some great growth from this!! Now it's just about eating eating eating but staying lean(ish). I got a couple of pairs of pants that if I can't fit them on I have to lean up some so it's motivating to do this without going out of control.
  11. Today was training B1 Jesus mother @#$*()@#$(*)#@ It seems dramatic but this program is absolutely rotten tough. One exercise per body part doesn't seem so damn bad but when you're doing 3 rest pause sets after a proper warm up your brain begins to degrade and it takes a lot of digging to do it again...and again. I got to the squats, did 3 warm up sets...and I thought no effing way am I going to be able to up the weight for my "widow maker" set Widowmaker - after a few warm up sets, you do a 20 rep set, full ass to grass. I got to 17..the pressure was so bad in my low back I thought I was going to snap in two, so I held racked it out of safety. THEN you do the 1 minute hard stretch..OMFG (wasn't so bad with biceps and forearms)..but it felt like my quads were going to rip off my femur. And that was it!! Then right to hamstrings. The workout itself still took a solid 45 mins to get done but the intensity is just that much more jacked up. So now I know for the next time I come around to exercise B1 I will have to increase my reps to the full 20 if i can. Always a progression, and logged in every detail, including how I felt, what was going through my mind, and ways to improve the next time. And now I wait for soreness..fml
  12. So today was my first workout A1 It takes a lot out of you!!! Holy shite! The first two exercises you are going all rawr on trying to lift like a mother@#$#@, but then when I got to dips I couldn't believe how fatigued my triceps were and completing a few sets really went to failure quick (and my definition of failure is when unable to complete a lift with correct form). By the time I got to doing barbell rows I was actually thankful they were just straight sets instead of the rest pause failure set. The stretching hurts...a lot...but it's a good feeling. Today was a success for day 1, and on wednesday I will start my B1 program. Onward and upward!
  13. Today is the first day of my offseason training. Since my show in June, i've been going at a pace where I can say it's just to maintain, just getting into the gym, trying different things out, but eventually burned out from never taking a break. I took a full 2 weeks off in August and started back up two weeks ago with renewed focus, getting the kinks out of my muscles for soreness, and now I started my approach over the next 12 weeks. I am doing Doggcrapp (DC) training. I have my three upper body, and lower body days labelled below as a start - and as I tinker with how my body feels I will adapt and replace exercises to become stronger and to stimulate more as needed. I expect to have failures, success, shitty training days, great training days, days where i'm in limbo. I will update the log as I do my days and thoughts and feelings and hope you guys go along for the ride. Currently sitting at 225 lbs; 20 lbs up from stage weight. Lost some mass, have fat on me, but look healthy anyway. Time to get large!! A1 CHEST – Smith Chest press SHOULDERS – Smith Shoulder press TRICEPS – Dips BACK WIDTH – Pulldowns BACK THICK – Barbell rows B1 BICEPS – Ez curl FOREARMS – Hammer curl CALVES – db single leg standing calf press HAMS – prone single leg hamstring curl QUADS - squat A2 CHEST – Hammer strength press SHOULDERS – Hammer strength shoulder press TRICEPS – Close grip bench BACK WIDTH – Pull ups BACK THICK - Deadlifts B2 BICEPS – Preacher curls FOREARMS – Reverse curls CALVES – Seated calf press HAMS – Stiff legged deads QUADS – Smith front squats A3 CHEST - Decline Smith flat press SHOULDERS – Arnold press TRICEPS – Skullcrushers BACK WIDTH – Hammer strength pulldown BACK THICK – TBar rows B3 BICEPS – Seated incline dumbbell curl FOREARMS – Cross over hammer curls (pinwheel) CALVES – Standing smith calf press HAMS – Seated hamstring curl QUADS – Leg press
  14. Looking to get some information on this peptide, and if there is any protocols in place and what to combine it with (CJC 1295?) Wife loves mk677 but I thought i'd try something different with this offseason. And maybe she would be on board too with the anti aging effects.
  15. Sorry I didn't get to this sooner: onterrible is right higher rep ranges, less weight, no huge pressing/compound movements - get the tissue used to pain free loading, and rep out external rotations on bands or cables
  16. Deca or HGH won't heal a ripped ACL. Whether it's partially torn or fully separated, steroids/hgh simply will not magically reconnect tissues or grow them back to initial strength. There's obvious supporting research on use for muscular degeneration diseases, and joint repair of existing damage, but never expect to go from a moderately/fully destroyed joint to a brand new or minimal one. Just doesn't work like that. So ACL tears come from a typical plant and twist style motion, where usually the femur (thigh bone) doesn't move and the tibia translates forward (anterior) and in a twisting motion it rips it from the bony insertion on what's called the tibial plateau. When this happens, imagine your knee will shift forward like a wooden drawer. It becomes unstable, and as it slides forward you lose ability to contract your quads and hamstrings and you fall...worse case usually breaking a bone. Typically, meniscus injuries happen as well as medial collateral ligament injuries in conjuction to a tear given the way the mechanism happens. Until you see a surgeon for a consult, simple low load quad exercises like leg press, split squats, leg extensions, curls, stiff legged and romanian deads are your best bet. Things where you can control the weight without lock outs and being able to control the time under tension. Balance board exercises from side to side, pool running, bosu ball balance, lateral band side step work, cutting exercises on a ladder all need to be done to increase the motor control and dynamic stability of your knee, as if the ligamentous control is no longer there you need to use your muscle control to stabilize. Ice if it's throbbing and hot, otherwise heat/hot tub/bath for blood flow. Use NSAID's only as necessary. The gear will help of course with muscle growth and prevent atrophy with a damaged knee but it won't do crap to build dynamic (movement) stability to keep the bone in place as you move.
  17. i prefer tapatalk and would use it yes, i like to keep my chrome tabs different than my board tabs (Which i kept in the app and was nice to use).
  18. So I created a new topic from the original as that's how they should be labelled. From what you've described it certainly seems like Tennis Elbow. If you do resisted wrist extension or finger extension does it hurt in the outside (lateral) part of your elbow? That's a confirmation test as well as specific tenderness on palpation. The cupping method you do is not, in my opinion, the most effective way, as you are doing nothing more than just pulling on the tissue at one spot. When I cup, we use lotion on the skin, attach a silcone cup to the muscle at a certain suction % (say 25-50%), and then drag it up and down the muscle belly while stretching the wrist down (flexion)..it's super not fun but works better as a soft tissue release. Acupuncture will work great, as well as interferential current and ultrasound to draw blood to the area. Use lots of heat on the outside of the elbow, not ice. As for exercise, pain free gripping with a wet sponge/towel, playdoh will work to stimulate the tissue. Grabbing a hammer, holding arm out straight, and doing your pronation/supination movements pain free are also effective at creating proper stress. Finally, using a rubber band wrapped around your fingers and working on opening and closing them with different tensions helps. ALL movements need to be pain free (or does not illicite more than what you have). No more heavy gripping, extended arm out gripping and rotation movements for 1-2 weeks, then slowly integrate movements again keeping as close your body as possible before doing further out loading.
  19. Hello all, I am your board Physical Therapist, and i've contributed over the many years to helping with best advice and principles given for injury prevention, rehabilitation, facilitation, and referrals onwards to anyone who is in need of help or direction. Should you have an injury (as most of us do at some point) or a question about a potential injury, I kindly ask you that you create a new topic with some information in mind, stated below, that would help me help you as best as I can! 1) Nature of injury How did it happen? Was there a mechanism of injury or was it progressive onset? How long has this been going on for? 2) Describe your symptoms Constant? Comes and goes? Sharp/dull/ache/burning? Does it refer down your arms/legs? 3) Past history? Any relevant history of previous injury to that area? Familial history? 4) What makes it worse? What makes it better? Moving arm up over head? twisting? Washing your hair? Or how about adding ice and heat/hot tub makes it better? 5) Scans already done/in progress? Have you had an xray/ultrasound/MRI already done? How long ago? Do you have a copy of the report you could upload a pic so it can be read and understood and properly educated on? 6) Goals? Back to same lifting? Specific sport or hobby? Maybe you want to play guitar again and can't or play with your kids? 7) Medications? Current medications taking for this, or general health (heart, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, etc). Knowing your cycle, if on, helps as well and for how long. Armed with this general information, it's much "easier" to help formulate a physical suggestive diagnosis and help guide you towards recovery. Kepe in mind, this does not replace visiting your local Physical Therapist and/or Medical Doctor, and if you need proper help with potential medication or other more extensive work done in a clinic you should ALWAYS do that. With that, let's all be happy and healthy and injury free!
  20. Looks nice in here :) I'll think i'll come and stay awhile!
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