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Posts posted by a_ahmed

  1. It's been years since I used peptides (broke ass), I got some MT2 10mg from BT, i added 2ml bac water.

    The insulin syringes I have, there are major lines and tiny lines. I think the major line is like to 100iu or something? I went to the 2nd or 3rd major thick, how much mcg does that indicate?

    I got nauseau side effect and random erections throughout the day at work LMAO horrible. Wondering how to mange the nauseau which is pretty bad, dont mind the erections haha

  2. So I got my second order in, wanted to leave a positive review after the last time the ordeal which was part my fault. The tren that was not included was included in this order and i was given a free bottle of madol.

    I'm stoked to try cardarine for the first time and to get back on tren. I've been using the sdrol and it works. Test is good, mast is good.

    I got some stanolone, it may not be that much of a difference with me already on masterone but i was addicted to stanodrol years ago (prohormone to stanolone). Lowest dose of that stuff was 500mg ed if i recall something like that, i used to run it up to 1500mg, so what that translates to stanolone doses no idea lol.. but at those super high doses i ran it at it was probably super high... whatever im happy to try some real stanolone lol.


    I also got a bottle of melanotan, time to get tanned again haha... became paper white

  3. I am guessing these  should be a nice combination together or nah?

    I run 50-100mcg clen never more

    Intending to run 1 pill per day of bt cardarine

    Will be back on tren too so hoping for nice recomp/cut than clen alone plus improved endurance from tren ruining it

  4. Salt tastes great, but it bloats the hell out of me.

    I usually try to do some kind of mix with sambal, chilli flakes, cayenne/red pepper, garlic, ginger.

    I like my chicken to be a bit burnt on outside but tender on inside. I either burn it entirely LOL or its too moist soft even on outside...

    Any BBQ tips for chicken breast (cut to smaller pieces).

  5. I disagree, I've run many boards in the past, you can't just give regular users mod like powers when mods are not around. Either you are a mod or you are not. Otherwise certain users who don't know how to manage or don't like someone or have personal beef would delete, ban or act unprofessionally.

    There is a reason to having a dedicated team...

  6. Never used it before, but i did use a prohormone which was in 250mg pill doses and converted to stanolone apparently.

    Anyways I loved it personally, craaaaazy preworkout, pre deadlift, would hype me up, make me in good mood, aggressive like BOOM instant rage, not good if im pissed off at someone, very energized, focused, strength up, vascularity super up, pumps up.

    However I took it as high as 1250mg. Now how much stanolone actually it became no idea...

    BT has stanolone 20mg pills... if im not mistaken, i considered trying it but im low on $$$ all the time... maybe next time ill try it out.

  7. I have a meal about an hour before gym more like 40 min pre. Then I have caffeine/eph. Then intra I have BCAAs, Carnitine, creatine mono, l-tyrosine, taurine a few other powders in one bottle with water i sip on. If I get low energy or low sugar in some weird case, I monch on banana or dates (quick sugar). Post work out, smash meat and rice.

    No longer use whey for years now

  8. Where and how much? Amazon and chinese sites are all i can find these days... frickin bs, two weeks to a month or more to get here.. plus i question the sizings.

    Gold's Gym and World's Gym stringers fit me fine... XL is a nice fit but that's american XL... Chinese is like XXXL or some bs...

    Where do you get yours? Where can I get mine... it's a bloody stringer... how hard can it be... local gyms no longer sell them...

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