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Everything posted by whatsup

  1. so far their trestolone has worked. tren e and test base hasnt worked for me. hope the halo and deca work for me. I'll keep you all posted when I run it. no idea if im a tren non responder or what but I thought for sure the test would work and it didnt. if the deca doesnt work with my next cycle and my joints get real sore i'll be disapointed. just preying the halo works as im going to cut. i ran the the tren e at 600 a week and it didnt work. ran 100mg test base pre workout and no luck. im gonna be running deca 300 at 400mg a week. I have my own test e. I'll let everyone know what i get for results from the halo and deca.
  2. anybody is welcome to help design the cycle. i'll have my measurements come new years.
  3. 270 bw. u see this shit happens with the kungflu. shoulder press standing I was at 225. 330 bench 415 deadlift. right in between lock dows. this years been fucked. I'll be back in the gym after this new year. hopefully it will be better then 2020. I'm going to run a cut. using test e, test base,arimidex, deca, winstrol halo. Sorta hardcore but ive been lifting since I was 13 turning 34 on dec 30. All thesze setbacks. anything after 45 starts going down the shitter that gives me 11 years. lot of labor jobs have slowed me down hard when it comes to bodybuilding. I have some ideas on doses and time of day.
  4. scale keeps bouncing up and down.
  5. The problem is I cheat sometimes due to the hunger cravings. Need something to supress appetite a bit. Unfortunate for me I'm a non responder to tren. I'm uncertain of what would be a good cut cycle.
  6. just diet. I get paid soon..I dunno maybe I need something to preserve muscle maybe something to speed up fat loss. any recomendations would be appreciated .
  7. 15 pounds if I do it right will bring me to 240 and hopefully get rid of whats left of the love handles.
  8. thankyou boss. heres the new waist. new arms..lost a bit of lat. missing the deadlifts.
  9. I eat about 3500 cals a day bro..lucky to get 100g protein...spread out over 5 meals, I don't get to pick my meals. Hopefully that will all change. If my lawyers wins a lawsuit I get 5 grand. In the morning I weigh 255, usually 260 by bedtime. 2 meals will be switched to protein shakes come summer. I think my rear delts and triceps have shrunk on me.
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