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Everything posted by whatsup

  1. had my ego shattered today. Seen a head coach doing incline with 225 for 12 and thought hey I've done 265x13 on that...then he loads up 3 plates and does 10. I just dropped my head and went on with my workout lol.
  2. somewhere around 25-30%bf now judging by some pics I just seen.
  3. just got back from a buffet, loaded up 3 plates worth of meat at a Chinese restaurant then ate 3 bowls of ice cream...why, because I'm hoping I can nail a few prs on chest tomorroww. Checked my weight a few minutes ago and scale says 247 on a full, full stomach. Looks like more cardio coming for me and I hate the fact that tomorrow is international chest day.
  4. today I did back and traps. couldn't find a pair of 135s so I shrugged the 140s for 4 and seen stars lol. Did more then that for traps but I don't want to talk about how much I lift. Just proud.
  5. this thread is almost a year old. still a bit of a battle to get through yet.
  6. I'm going to be 33 come dec. All the more motivated because the time ticks fast even though its a marathon. Time to up the ante.
  7. nm..doesn't look like there is any improvement at all. Looks to me like my arms shoulders traps grew.
  8. did back yesterday and jogged a bit. Here is the results.
  9. 125sx9 db shrug today. canr wait until I can do the same with 150s
  10. gain train you're a leap year ahead of me when it comes to physique.
  11. not even cruising bro, just nature and creatine. Will try ment when I get your guys say its ok to run. sustanon and deca I just have to cook. Trestolone would definitely be a low dose. letrozole Ive got but my cycle hasn't been completely designed yet.
  12. thanks to-lifter. anybody know what bf% I could be at ?
  13. an old back injury is keeping me from doing deadlifts and squats along with sprints
  14. ah shit it was 12 years ago I ate very little food and had 100 pounds of protein. On cycle of course weighing 240 benchpress 285 3x8 a slew of strengths on excersizes I. Coulda been the winstrol but I wouldn't advise eating just supplement shakes and skipping meals at all. may have to buy bulk again to do this right if they don't feed us the right shit. Each time I travel would have to be 20 pounds of it hidden here to drink...the thing is I was fairly cut too
  15. how many pounds of fat and water I can shed now without muscle loss..im unsure
  16. had a can of pop tonight i'll be paying for it, 255ml coke
  17. you're right suwarti. heres a back pic so you can guess how much muscle I'm holding underneath the fat and water. triceps need an overhaul.
  18. got the deca recipe cant find sustanon. Bump!
  19. I doing 10g conversion on both 40ml and 50ml. Having trouble finding things on google need some numbers of Ba and bb on both
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