My before and after

Amazing girl, you have taken it to another level for sure. You are an inspiration to everyone on this board, can"t wait to see the end result, again absolutely amazing.

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Reactions: musclebeauty
Just took these updated pics today damn i cant believe the changes...feeling great too...i love you BT thankyou for your awesome products...



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So a sample of my workouts i thought i would put in since i dont think i ever have...

I do 2o mins warmup on the treadmill on a slight incline and this and all of my workouts are on the omad fasting diet... so all i take before is literally a green tea and bring my water with me to the gym...

Back workout

Front pulldowns

4 sets of 25 to 30 reps each

Seated rows

4 sets of 30 reps each

High and low cable pulls with the rope

4 sets of each of 50 reps

Bent over reverse fly

4 sets of 30 reps

Face pulls

4 sets of 50 reps

Always use light weight with high reps and of course i change up the exercises also to shock my back or any other bodypart i train....after done training i will do 45 mins of cardio on the upright bike or stairmaster...




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